Thursday, July 26, 2007

How To Make A Model Of A Church

psychonaut Guide Novato

As promised yesterday, here's the Hitchhiker's Guide galactose ... I mean .... The Rookie's Guide Miasal psychonaut. For a change, this will not post a single image. Plaintext life gentlemen unfriendly, but functional. is a small letter for those who want to start in our world and looking for first hand information under the stones, is a very personal and incomplete summary, you know that as always, corrections, additional information, greetings or memories the family, are the comments, which will erase the criticize me / I will correct and that I worship and idolize me as a god almighty. Nah! Just kidding! ... Here we go: I want to try

entheogens, by what I start?

I think the best drug to start is, without doubt, the psilocybin . Because it is easy to get (besides price), and have no negative effect we can consider. When I say I mean psilocybin commonly called magic mushrooms . Why them? Well, part of what I have said, is the fact that its effects will last medium-low and are very easy to eat, just eating them without any previous preparation (although we can dry them, not at all essential, although desirable xD), but normally this would involve stomach pain, nausea or any type of discomfort.

is a clear advantage over nausea (or vomiting) of mescaline, the ultra strong sedative and sometimes the damn durable LSA seeds (and the emetic alkaloids), preparations "difficult" as Ayahuasca, or drugs too strong as the sage. It should also be noted that, for example, an average dose of LSA lets you KO an entire day and can be very frustrating if we do not like the experience. But a mean dose of psilocybin is not usually exceed 5 hours, being the "peak" of the session two hours.

synthetic because I reject the far more difficult to get natural.

How is using these drugs?

The most effective method is the oral consumption. Most people can (and indeed should) be so, although some, like sage, are more effective smoked, others change, smoked lose most of their effects, such as mushrooms (yes, there are people who smoke) THC or himself if we put in the bag. Anyway obviously depends on what you're going to take, as with any other drug. How

take the first time? LITTLE

. I know you think a tough guy, I know you hold very While alcohol and offices will not despeinarte five whiskeys, but please start with a dose of rookie . Although there is no physical risk beyond a simple indigestion if you eat like a taciturn (there is no overdose of mushrooms, either physical or mental), some people are afraid to experience how are you, sometimes not is prepared to feel things you did not expect to feel (such as a severe cold on a sunny day) or with sudden vision changes and dizziness. Fear is your worst enemy in this type of travel, is the difference between you having fun or having a horrible day. When the drug passes into your blood and reaches the brain no return, after enough time you can eat, vomiting induce you, mourn, kick or throw you a bucket of ice water over the effects will not go away completely. It is therefore highly recommended to start with mild doses where changes come slowly and in small highs. Get used to the light before looking up neophyte.

Where did you buy?

Haha, NO , here you will not see any information on where to get illegal substances. At least until I get paid for advertising them or something xD

What will I feel?

That is something very personal, there are many types of travel and types of people . What is clear is that you will not see anything that is not there , if someone told you that a gnome said he had died Espinete , I lied, there are many ghosts out there loose exaggerated to levels unimagined possibilities giving our beloved drug, by the way, a bad name.

estimating a bit : going to distort the existing reality , ie you may see bright colors or soft, or you may see things in a different color real or directory you see all of same color. Is likely to experience the kaleidoscopic effect in your own eye. Warp real-time features (vias if you look in a mirror, plants that seem more threatening or friendly animals, etc.) More philosophically speaking, you are very happy and let your ego aside, abandon the ego and become the ALL not want to be anywhere else in the world will understand (or believe it) the flow and the influence of life on earth, the symbiosis of all that exists, from the tides and the moon to the Earth's rotation and orbit around the sun, through the importance of simple ant in their environment. You may do more environmental and pacifist.) And you can not experience anything that I said, because they do not actually feel or because you have not known him when he arrived, you might just laugh louder and louder than you had never laughed and supplemented with small Slight changes in perception can not say for sure if it was effect of the drug or a simple oversight, in any event, there will also be worthwhile;)

Ah! You may also have a bad trip!

What's that bad trips (get mad)?

psychological experiences are very overwhelming and intense, can trigger many negative effects, deep sadness, guilt, intense fear, cold, etc. I usually get physical and psychological pains begin belly, headaches, nausea and malaise. Keep in mind that the bad trip is a psychological state, with all that that entails. That is, we should always realize that everything is the result of unusual chemical reactions in our brain poorly assimilated into our psyche, nothing more and nothing less. Come on, do not run away from any danger of spending a few hours that will never forget.

sure now you are wondering how to stop a bad trip, the truth is that there is no scientific method to it. Vitamin C, sugars, etc., often help, but I think it is mostly a placebo effect rather than an actual physical effect. It is advisable to try to calm down and get away from bad thoughts, having someone to hand always helps.

Note: Although eye if you are psychologically intact and belly pain is very strong and very intense vomiting might be the mushrooms were in poor condition in which case buy toilet paper and put together a lot of patience, or simply were not mushrooms that I said were, in this case the nearest health center will make you a nasty and painful stomach wash for free. No seriously, take care, Be sure that you are taking what you really what you believe it is and it smells bad but not fishy xD, no trust in wild mushrooms, there are some very similar to those that are highly poisonous hallucinogenic .


Let the mess. I think there are 4 basic types preparation, the mental (or spirit if you like the roll shaman), the physical (fasting), that of environment (place, date and time slot) and the company (friends and music). Mental

This paragraph could summarize it in one question: are you sure? If not, better forget it.

We have to forget the prejudices with our subconscious could surprise in full trip. For example, we believe that what we are doing is wrong, because people say it's dangerous, it is to finish, or because in our view and we have drugged too late, for whatever reason ... if in the middle of a group trip surprise hikers or even a friend we never expected, we feel very bad ... simply because they do not want anyone to see us and we will begin to feel self-conscious (to the point of being afraid of people), sad and suffer a pounding remorse. To avoid this we should report this type of drug, serious studies, books, websites and knowledgeable people, we ended up admitting that mankind was wrong when he decided to choose the snuff, alcohol and caffeine as social drugs, D . But above all we must do things the way we think they should be (if it must be a lonely place because we do not go on a Sunday!), Follow our moral code, whatever, forever!, we never deceive ourselves ("is the latest volume" and then took two more), in a state of altered consciousness, without a defined ego to protect us from our own actions , is useless.

is essential away the fear of the unknown, a bad trip or adverse effects. We must confront the explorers on a journey as unknown forest, respectful but eager, ready to enjoy a new experience and discover new things. It is important to a whole day for you No obligations, no schedule (watch out!), Nothing to do even the day next. Nothing

hurry, relax . Do not expect anything too soon, do not force yourself psychologically to experience strange things, when the trip comes there you'll need to find colors and reflections, simply really. Wait sitting chatting or taking a walk, stay distracted until the change. and quiet, come.


The easiest

. It is clear that we should not be Conan to get high .

If we choose the path we must take into account oral that should facilitate the work our digestive system, the fasting is the best technique, an empty stomach faster and better absorbed substances. also chew thoroughly dose (mushrooms, seeds, cactus, etc.) Tend to be quite bitter and unpleasant but must be done, chew, chew and chew and believe that it is enough to chew a little more ground ...

is also important to know the drug they are taking, if we know that often cause nausea try not to drink soft drinks and remain seated or lying, if we ultraweak stomach as some that I know, it is worth having on hand any medication (for those without a prescription) to take them at the right time and help us pass the wrong drink to our stomach. Note: above types of drugs not I can help because I have a strong stomach (xD), but in any case sed careful and ask before using them. Anyway, do not you agobiéis, nausea and even vomiting often give way to a successful journey.

And last, do not forget to drink water frequently , may we seem to have spent five minutes and actually carry 2 hours without tasting drink in the sun, and incidentally, to experience that indescribable feeling of flowing water inside your body; D


The third most important, a good mental preparation or an exceptional company can make us forget a bit of room around us. But this does not mean it is not important or that we can make it anywhere. In my opinion the best place is a natural place , free and lonely , where only your group and ye nature. She is an inexhaustible source of beauty (most of which in a normal state would go unnoticed) and phenomena that help us into the world of light during precious moments: the wind, rain and waves splashing can make our entire system nervous vibrate and enjoy.

We can also "enhance the trip " putting the time and in the right place . If we know where we will be the sunset is spectacular, we can plan the trip for our peak coincides with the sunset. For me the slots that contain large changes in light are the best, the sunrise or the sun setting and all the changes that occur in the light that is reflected in all things, makes us feel more mixed up in our own universe of colors particular, and of course the stunning view of such events. If I had to choose between night and day, I would choose the day to enhance the positive visual effects, the night is given to draw unfriendly dark shapes that can frighten us, but well, matter of taste! The week also can be fascinating. "Do not fear the shadows, as they are only an indication that somewhere nearby ... there is light ..."

speaking in this section and enhance the journey we get some tricks to enjoy the trip more . Examples:

· Paper and pencil, draw a little to see what comes, enjoy it with your own lines.
· Soap Bubbles: perfect spheres of psychedelic colors
fifth book of paintings or fine art: Picasso, Joan Miro, Salvador Dali, need we say more? xD
· Mirror: Care, has a double edge, you might be amazed to see someone unknown to you, it might be an experience for veterans.
· Object bright or curious ways: You can spend hours fascinated by a simple marble:)


There are two types of company of your friends and the music, let's start with the music: For me it

FUNDAMENTAL , Although the music of nature can enforce (the sea, wind, birds ...) and actually have to reserve some time during our trip (turn off the radio one time man!), The music of a lifetime will be presented to our ears as clear notes of happiness stand up straight every beautiful of our skin. I would choose very melodic music and more or less quiet , the big ones are always good choice , Bob Marley, Rolling Stones, Jefferson Airplane, Nirvana, Lou Reed, Pink Floyd, Dire Straits and many others with milder issues and psychedelics. not dismiss types of music that normally would not listen , por ejemplo la música clásica es una fiel aliada, posiblemente la mejor desatadora de emociones. ¡No olvidéis las pilas para la radio, ni el CD!

Los amigos: para mi hace falta un nivel de confianza que traspase lo personal , no creo que nadie tenga más de un par de amigos así. Alguien con el que te puedas expresar en la más completa y absoluta libertad , que tenga un código moral similar al tuyo, con el que no tengas secretos y que te acepte tal y como eres. Ese “mejor amigo” que todos tenemos es el acompañante perfecto para nuestro viaje . Grupos grandes de gente donde haya tanto buenos amigos como amigos a secas e incluso known, restrict our freedom of expression, our ego stands strong and proud to guard against potential threats to our social and schizophrenic brain may sometimes make us wary of the least known and show each other dry and distant, cutting them and us on our journey yours.

With your best friends and the best music! not need anything else in the world.

Nothing more, I hope you enjoyed entertaining and worth some novatillo him for his first viajje and even some veteran who has given valuable insights for los suyos. Hasta otra cachos de carne a los que siempre he odiado, ¡no toqueis mis cosas! ... he puesto trampas... ;D



ABC de la Experiencia Psiquedélica

F.A.Q de los Hongos Psilocibe

FAQ de Crisis por psicodélicos


Preparación para una Sesión con Enteógenos

(Gracias DDAA)

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Vba Pokemon Playing Way Too Fast

Set & Setting

Algunos dicen que el consumidor de drogas psychedelic is more serious and dedicated (taken with more responsibility, are more informed of dose / effects, etc.) than other consumers. The truth is that I do not like to differentiate between different drug users, I like things simple assumption that all looking for something . But what is undeniable is that entheogens are very special. Consumed without preparation is a waste.

I would say that a large majority has never experienced a journey of truth, though they have consumed. They were in a bad place, or at the wrong time, or with bad company, or have failed to give him life, or see changes in perception lighter (sounds cleaner textures and new colors) or the release of mind and philosophy stream that triggers uncontrolled. Many look to see dragons and goblins, others - more realistic - looking for everything to change color or things dance before your eyes ... all forget the most important.

In any case, although obviously the important thing and just want a fun time (which is also respectable, although in my opinion would be like throwing a wine cola at 100 years), the preparation is KEY , basic, necessary, vital, essential, and any other synonym that you occur. By comparing worldly blind can distinguish between alcohol put yourself in your house, or do it with your best friends in the best of the holidays, the two situations protagonists are the same drug, in both cases would have the same symptoms, but one of them what you would spend so much better, is not it?
Then forget what I just said is stupid, the difference between a spontaneous consumption of psilocybin and other prepared is much larger and may lose most of the effects of the drug in an unprepared, and even may reach go badly, and I do not mean that you aburráis, I mean really embarrassed (Junction several bad factors, site, date, time, company, music, dose, etc).

Soon I'll have a small and brief trip preparation guide, what the English call "Set & Setting" (always super cool terms for all x)), based on my personal experience and in my view things certainly have gone to have your own style and seek places or times different from what I need or things like that in any case what matters is not how to prepare, if not the preparation itself.

Rookie Guide psychonaut of miasal coming soon:)

Win And Win Winact Riser

'll talk about this man.)

Forgive the lack of updates but the heat has been off the urge to write, D, in a while new entry!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Cuboid Avulsion Fracture Walking Cast Treatment

Sentence "war" against drugs

" A substitute for the missing" evil empire "has been the threat of Latin American drug traffickers. In early September 1989 the president launched a joint campaign of mass media and the government. In that month the Associated tickers P ress served more news about drugs on Latin America, Asia, Middle East and Africa together. If you looked at television, every news brought a considerable MINUTES section dedicated to how drugs were destroying our society, and becoming the greatest threat to our existence.
The effect on public opinion was immediate. When Bush won the election in 1988, people felt that the budget deficit was the biggest problem the country had to face. Only about 3% named drugs. Campña After the media, the deficit had fallen in the ranks, and the problem of drugs had risen to 40% or 45% , which is frankly unusual for an open question, which does not suggest a specific response.

Now when some of the states we have as customers complain that the United States is sending them enough money, instead of saying "not enough to deter the Soviet threat," argues that "is not enough to stop drug trafficking. " As the Soviet threat, this new enemy provides a good excuse for a U.S. military presence where there is rebel activity or other.

So that the "war on drugs" provides coverage to intervene. At the local level is not too into account the issue of drugs, but makes distraction of the population, encourages and supports citizen enforcement of the restrictions of civil liberties . This does not mean that "substance abuse" is not a serious problem .

At the same time it sparked the "war on drugs", the snuff deaths were estimated at 300,000 a year, and due to alcohol in some 100,000 . But these are not targeted by the Bush administration . They chased illegal drugs, which caused far fewer deaths, official figures show about 3,500 a year. "

- Noam Chomsky , " intentions of Uncle Sam , 1995 -

Too bad it's been so long and we've changed so little
(In the United States or even change of president, as like father, like son. Although other policy, now the evil empire is terrorism and its news opened with an attack. But not to forget those drugs). 6% of all deaths that occur in Spain have a close relationship with the consumption of alcohol , these are many deaths. casi1 / 3 of all traffic accidents are a main ingredient bastard (or just an asshole) drunk ( the highest percentage across the EU ).

But where are these deaths? "why not leave these more than 13,000 deaths on the news of antenna 3 ?. Why single out a coma when the item is "cool" when approaching an action against the alcohol or the bottle?. But instead

some poor bastard die of those hundreds who die illegal drugs devoid of any sanitary control by law illogical and very consistent, and all the news of the day mention the very serious incident ... Echense hands to his head! More than 800 deaths year from illegal drugs! Wow! ... what a shame that if we add up the deaths of those that are legal (with its succulent directíto 16% VAT to the state coffers, D) that figure is little more than anecdotal . Moreover, it is likely that the regularized illegal and those hundreds purity tests would not be more than a few dozen.

crappy thing is when governments realize that their income due to soaring legal drugs do not outweigh the very great losses in health that cause (or the great economic engines such as insurance in case the U.S.). "Oh go! Are we wrong drug?, Maybe we should advertising campaigns and hinder the use in public areas. The truth is that drug laws to be created with authority to stop criticizing and give moral lessons to drug users almost always more logical and secure their future is quite uncertain , conformity with the prohibition eventually just turn against you.