" A substitute for the missing" evil empire "has been the threat of Latin American drug traffickers. In early September 1989 the president launched a joint campaign of mass media and the government. In that month the Associated tickers P ress served more news about drugs on Latin America, Asia, Middle East and Africa together. If you looked at television, every news brought a considerable MINUTES section dedicated to how drugs were destroying our society, and becoming the greatest threat to our existence.
The effect on public opinion was immediate. When Bush won the election in 1988, people felt that the budget deficit was the biggest problem the country had to face. Only about 3% named drugs. Campña After the media, the deficit had fallen in the ranks, and the problem of drugs had risen to 40% or 45% , which is frankly unusual for an open question, which does not suggest a specific response.
Now when some of the states we have as customers complain that the United States is sending them enough money, instead of saying "not enough to deter the Soviet threat," argues that "is not enough to stop drug trafficking. " As the Soviet threat, this new enemy provides a good excuse for a U.S. military presence where there is rebel activity or other.
So that the "war on drugs" provides coverage to intervene. At the local level is not too into account the issue of drugs, but makes distraction of the population, encourages and supports citizen enforcement of the restrictions of civil liberties . This does not mean that "substance abuse" is not a serious problem .

- Noam Chomsky , " intentions of Uncle Sam , 1995 -
Too bad it's been so long and we've changed so little (In the United States or even change of president, as like father, like son. Although other policy, now the evil empire is terrorism and its news opened with an attack. But not to forget those drugs). 6% of all deaths that occur in Spain have a close relationship with the consumption of alcohol , these are many deaths. casi1 / 3 of all traffic accidents are a main ingredient bastard (or just an asshole) drunk ( the highest percentage across the EU ).
But where are these deaths? "why not leave these more than 13,000 deaths on the news of antenna 3 ?. Why single out a coma when the item is "cool" when approaching an action against the alcohol or the bottle?. But instead
some poor bastard die of those hundreds who die illegal drugs devoid of any sanitary control by law illogical and very consistent, and all the news of the day mention the very serious incident ... Echense hands to his head! More than 800 deaths year from illegal drugs! Wow! ... what a shame that if we add up the deaths of those that are legal (with its succulent directíto 16% VAT to the state coffers, D) that figure is little more than anecdotal . Moreover, it is likely that the regularized illegal and those hundreds purity tests would not be more than a few dozen.

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