Sunday, December 16, 2007

Yogurt Market Share 2010

Wait a moment .... Go back

Saco few minutes to make a story as old-fashioned, I know, I have no time lately. In any serious web and came out 3 days, but what the hell!, "Since when this is a serious web!? : D

Zapatero's team undertook to answer the 3 questions most voted by visitors to the page of your new campaign . A question by Sawr and voted and supported by 1259 people (thanks to a consumer movement between communities quite effective, since it seems that Porretas are more politically active than they believed politicians, surely must have thought: "must be begin to take seriously those offenders hippies without training and higher education whose sole aim in life is to escape it, because to see if they get one day ruin the election. "To give you an idea, the second question more voted not reached even half of those votes and has not been answered.) and he said like this:

Legalization of cannabis:
I would explain to me how is it possible to maintain this hypocrisy that leads to prohibit the use of a drug which in practice is allowed to consume. We are only encouraging the illegal trade of it. The

undoubtedly formadísimo, Zapatero's campaign team says,

Dear friend in answer to your question should be first in Spain clarificarte that cannabis consumption is not penalized, at least since 1984. The only traffic and are penalized for administrative penalties, ie fines, by the public consumption. One of the first obligations of any government is to safeguard the health of citizens and protect minors. It is this requirement that leads us also in our policy towards cannabis.

course, kids! "Because no one thinks of the children!? But let's answer parts

• In first start of manners, or like those potheads say "good vibes": "Dear friend in response to your question should first clarificarte that in Spain the consumption of cannabis is not penalized, at least since 1984 "

which translated into a language that free minds can understand it well: "Sure colleague, do not worry! We have been long been cool trunk Fumat petas you want brother!" or something, I do not know. The question is, of course, you can smoke in your house, but you can not buy, you can not take it from one place to another and to top it off you can not grow it in a 100% legal, then: how the hell the guy use? .

• Second part, the "ponecondiciones" but does so gently, as if it was not much: "The only penalty traffic and there are administrative sanctions, ie fines, for public consumption "

" are only administrative sanctions uncle, what else gives you pay 300 € from time to time? we're not rat. "For public consumption every one understands what you want ... if it is rolling is consumption? not yet tried it ... and if you only have it in your pocket? And darling because he "traffic" is very relative, if I grow in my house, how I can prove that amount is for personal use? for even much less than a plant, which they know and it depends on the judge being struck or Multon not have a single plant (which has decided to admit the familiar argument that it is for annual consumption). So yes, you can smoke but do not have way to acquire it, or moving it to another legally, so you'll always be in the line of legality ambiguous where at the time it takes money to launch a campaign of searches / registration and the coffers are filled at your expense.

· Third part: "somosguenos and take care of you fucking brainless" One of the first obligations of any government is to safeguard the health of citizens and protect minors. "

Sure, sure , children, the children forgot ... those damn kids that drugs associated with rebellion and therefore something very attractive to them. As for snuff and alcohol need ID and After is so dull that even their daddies do (and which make them from 15 to feel like they have 18 !!!), cannabis they can always buy it at Choni (quiet, safe passing controls Choni quality, purity, concentration, source, etc.) to feel smug and fuck the life spent without any accountability. Good thing is the government that, if drugs were legal and were socially accepted what would be left to those fucking dad wally to feel rebellious?

And of course we were we, the adults, the government has to tell us what we can and can not take, if not this world would be a mess, imagine people smoking can snuff out of control, the world would be full of terminally ill with cancer ... ! Eh! ... wait a minute .... Well, better let us go to another type of case, look at Holland, where cannabis is more accepted, you can only enter it with the protection of an army battalion ground, unless you want a cult of memory junkies rob you all you bring up.

· Ultima part: "The art of not answering anything" That obligation is to guide us also in our policy towards cannabis.

Well, the boy wondered why the substance was prohibited if the practice "allowed" their consumption, as this encouraged trafficking greatly with all that this entails (poor quality, organized crime, etc), and this "people" we jump with all that MIERRRRRRDA response, the only thing it does is give you all the reason the kid with the odd Hue (tint MIERRRRDA, by the way).

"Lords" Zapatero political team, and I recommended indirectly Miss Ana Belén Vázquez to learn to talk before getting into politics and I do it again with you (presumably the opposite side of this infamous PP-duality PSOE) to say that the policy is to ask good questions, and knowing how to respond. As has been shown that it is a skill that do not, I recommend you leave politics and devote themselves to humor, certainly given better and are happier.

Link (Humor):

PD: I left and, contrary to what may seem, do not smoke pot, which does not remove the hypocrisy that can irritate The prohibition and bullshit in general.


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