Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Distance From Shelf To Clothes Rod

The Apple I and Apple sources

After two weeks of hard work that prevented me from devoting time to this blog I would, at last I have a free moment to talk about an issue that comes to snack on a story I read recently, is that Steve Wozniak has said that eBay will auction an original Apple I, 1976.

If in addition, this will unite with the comment VCF at the entrance Will Microsoft buy Apple? in which he said he thought the Apple II was actually the first Apple computer and never was the Apple I. .. for that, we already have item for my next pill, the very first steps of Apple.

To understand where it comes from Apple Computer have to go back to the seventies and follow very closely by those two kids who then had no idea of \u200b\u200bhow bright it would be his future: Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs.

Steve Wozniak was the son of an engineer from an early HP and showed a knack for the sciences, especially mathematics and physics. Have an engineer father influenced him a lot as a child he was surrounded in the house of capacitors, resistors and everything related to electronic circuits. Not surprisingly, the youngster Wozniak confessed in his book iWoz fun in class used to design all kinds of electronic circuits and then applying your own knowledge to get better used to achieve the same result by using the fewest components. Not surprisingly, therefore, that without having received higher education get a job at HP designing electronic calculators.

Steve Jobs, also liked electronics, but had neither the knowledge nor the skills to Woz for science in general and electronics in particular. But it was through this taste for electronics as his friend Bill Fernandez introduced him to a young guru Cupertino local electronics topics: Steve Wozniak. Woz was in many ways a mentor to many children, usually younger than him, who cared about the world of electronics. Always open character with a great sense teaching, Woz never refused their help and knowledge to the kids who asked.

Although the two Steves had to be radically different forms soon became very good friends, so that even both got into the business (illegal, by the way) so-called blue-box , "pots" that were used to make free long distance calls and received this name because it was packaged circuitry in a blue box, as shown in the accompanying photo where it is testing Woz one of these blue boxes. However, that's another story that just will be counted later.

The fact is that what really Wozniak liked were the jokes and the design of electronic circuits. Since video games were clones of fashion as the legendary Pong , whether a community video system for a hotel or scientific calculators to work at HP, Woz actually felt like solving engineering problems and designing electronic circuits, although real dream was to design their own computer.

The first steps of Wozniak in this area came to fruition on a computer called Cream Soda Computer. Completed in 1970 (yes, five years before the Altair and six before the foundation of Apple), a computer was very different from what we now call computer, because in fact did not even have a microprocessor, mainly because they were not invented until following year.

However, the years went by and little by little personal computers began to be technically feasible, thanks to the invention of the microprocessor. Today the overwhelming majority, if not all computers have one or more microprocessors, but until the early 70's the technology of miniaturization and integration of circuits are not allowed to create all the functionality of a central processing unit on a single chip and also affordable. Until then, every time someone would design a computer had to design all the logic that was in a microprocessor, only without a microprocessor. It was the invention of the Intel 4004 and the popularization of its next model, the Intel 8008, when the design of a home computer was simplified and cheapened enough to allow creating an industry out of it.

In any case, as it became more popular the very concept of microprocessor began to appear the first mounting kits for personal computers, the most known being the Altair 8800 appeared in People magazine Electronic and is considered the kick-off of the microcomputer industry. Also was this the computer you were born, of course, Microsoft Corporation , but that too is another story to tell later.

Following publication of the Altair 8800, in California we had a group of enthusiasts in these early personal computers called Homebrew Computer Club, which eventually became a veritable nursery of related companies with the new world of microcomputers. We already talked about 1975 and 1976, but back again to the two Steves. Tracking

diets based solely on fruit, refusal to shower for weeks or even months, visits to Tibet, flirtation with the Hare Krhisna, study of Zen Buddhism, experimentation with hallucinogenic drugs, communes seasons ... Jobs young looking for his path in life and trying to stumble here and there. It was an incredibly charismatic but also very difficult to wear, with great personality who used to hit around the world, especially when he turned to work.

And when he did, always aiming high. Steve Jobs got a job at Atari, the fashion company at that time and the fastest growing in the U.S. as a game designer. However, technically he was not too good, so that his friend Steve Wozniak helped him when he was a difficult job because this was always invited to spend the night by Atari offices to try before anyone else new games that were developed in the company.

In Atari was developing a game, Breakout , which was designed as a version of Pong for one player, where the ball rather than give it back a racket controlled by the CPU bricks bounced off you were destroying as they were beaten to the ball. The problem is that the original design required a large number of components and chips for the game was not only more complex but also was in color, so its production was too expensive (remember that we are talking about the mid-70). Jobs took the job of reducing the game design to lower its cost, so that would be paid if successful $ 750 plus $ 100 for each chip that could reduce the original design.

Of course, this was the specialty of Woz and it was he who did all the work of the redesign. Jobs offered him the deal that if it would help give him half the money they paid him, and accepted Wozniak more thinking about the challenge before him that the money promised by Jobs. Finally, after a couple of days without sleep, working at HP for the day and evening Atari, Woz got to eliminate the not inconsiderable sum of 50 chips. However, Jobs shared with him only $ 750, $ 375 for each one, concealing that he had received $ 5,000 more on the abolition of fifty chips. Years later, Wozniak Woz discover the deception, deceit blew tears in his eyes. But that too is another story that should be told at the time.

Woz decided to invest the $ 375 earned in Atari decided to pay the parts of the design of a new computer that could compete with the saw in the Homebrew . Due to the tight budget, had to stick at all times their design costs could afford, so that, for example, instead of using a powerful microprocessor Intel 8008 had to opt for a less powerful but much more economic, MOS 6502 about 1 MHz. Maybe if Woz at that time had had more money Apple computers have been from the beginning of Intel processors, who knows ...

Woz When he finally finished his first design was already autumn of 1975, and by the end of that year had already designed a second plate, both capable of displaying color on screen, something completely new on the computers of the time but Woz dominated by knowledge and techniques learned in the sleepless nights helping her friend Jobs at Atari.

Finally, when Jobs saw a computer that Woz had designed his friend, finally found his way in life, and convinced Woz to found a company to manufacture your computer. A Woz not very interested in the business world, was pleased and happy with his work at HP and everything was done for fun, but finally agreed on condition that he could keep his job at HP, and Apple Computer was born on April 1 1976. That first

computer designed by Steve Wozniak was named Apple I, leaving the clear with that name that Apple does not want to stay at all in only a product and eventually come new models.

But despite what seems, were no founders of Apple Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs, but the two Steves joined as founder an almost unknown to the ex-partner history of time Jobs Atari, Ron Wayne, who had at baseline 10% of the company and sold to the two Steves in early 1977 in the amount of $ 800, thus leaving the company and therefore this story. However, as a contribution to Apple, Wayne designed the first logo on it and wrote the first manual of the Apple I and its collaboration agreement. The idea that Ron Wayne was one of the three founders of Apple but with only 10% of the shares was to make the referee between the two Steves, and when one is always decanted had 60% of votes. But Ron never believed in the possibilities of the company and therefore decided to sell his part of it to the two Steves and keep working at Atari, where he was employed.

In any case, start a company is fine, but clients can not survive long. And the customers came, or rather said, arrived. One day, after an exhibition at the Homebrew, a man came up to Steve Jobs and he made his first big order. That man was Paul Terrer, which had recently opened a store selling computers and consumer electronics, and the initial order was for 50 computers complete a $ 500 computer, ie, $ 25,000 in total. But to mount

50 computers are needed to have parts for 50 computers, and Apple was founded with a very limited amount of money, what Jobs had to find a wholesaler of electronic components that were willing to give him credit. Finally found it on Kierulff Electronic, which called Paul Terrer to confirm that there was universal agreement that the hippy insistent and personal hygiene problems in front of them telling the truth and had no way of paying them. Finally, Jobs Apple got for a credit line for parts and components $ 20,000 for a month.

After mounting and assembly of 12 plates of the Apple I, Jobs ran to see Terrer to offer the first delivery of the requested 50 computers and receive the first payment with which to start paying bills. However, there was a problem of understanding, because although both Jobs Woz to a plate with all necessary chips mounted, ie with their memory, processor and everything else was a complete computer for Terrer was not because there is no screen, keyboard, power supply or the housing, essential components of what he wanted to sell as a fully functional personal computer. Despite the differences in concepts, Terrer kept his word to pay $ 500 for every Apple computer I assembled, and as yet it was selling well, was getting more orders, getting Apple to sell an amount of between 150 and 200 computers Apple I, of which one is in possession of Steve Wozniak and will be auctioned soon.

Finally, in late 1976 the sales of the Apple I Terrer were reduced and began to consider removing it from its shop. However, Apple already working on the successor to the Apple I. The Apple II was just around the corner, and along with the Commodore PET and the Radio Shack TRS-80, form the second generation of personal computers that changed the computing world forever. But that again is another story to be told another time ...

Monday, September 14, 2009

2010,prosumer Camcorders

advertising Alan Turing

Last week I did not post anything because I had a fairly high peak work, and I was preparing my next I pill when I read Microserfs the British Prime Minister Gordon Brown , formally apologized on behalf of his government all the way to treat this was one of the fathers of modern computing, Alan Turing the brilliant . That is why, building on the circumstances, I will do the same, because I believe that indeed the world of computing has always been very unfair to the vast legacy he left us this great English mathematician.

Since documented more than a job that is just a tribute, I will not write his biography because the work is done in entry in wikipedia, but I'll highlight some of its main contributions and I'll post the letter of apology from Gordon Brown.

Unlike most characters that have appeared in this blog, in times of Alan Turing electronic computers were not programmable. Consider that the ENIAC, considered by many as the first electronic computer was completed in 1947 while the first studies on Alan Turing computation date from the late 30's. Therefore, their initial contributions to the world of computing are only theoretical concepts such as the Turing machine, which basically defines what is a computer.

However, if something should Britain (and one might say almost everyone) to Alan Turing is not only for advances made in computational theory Turing the young but for his work in cryptography, which allowed him to break the code of the Enigma machine . This device was the official cipher of Nazi Germany, was once considered unbreakable, Alan Turing and his team designed a kind of computer called electromechanical bombe that finally got the break, which was a great advantage for the troops allied at all times knew what was cooking in the headquarters of Nazi Germany.

And last but not least, also had some cameos in the field of artificial intelligence. Have you ever heard of the Turing Test? Guess why it's called well ...

In any case, all these achievements were very good, but Alan Turing committed an unforgivable sin for the time when he lived: he was gay. After a mess of skirts (to call them that), Alan Turing authorities acknowledged his homosexuality, so indecendia accused of serious sexual perversion. Turing did not consider he had committed no crime and therefore did not defend himself, and he was sentenced to a choice between going to prison or undergoing hormonal treatment. Turing chose the latter, but as a result his life became a hell. Finally, two years later, Alan Turing was poisoned cyanide while eating an apple. The official version is that he committed suicide by injecting cyanide in the same style of Snow White in the Disney movie, but there is also the version that the poison came from the lack of precautions in the storage of toxic substances in his laboratory.

In any case, although the damage is done, I am delighted that Gordon Brown has at least apologized on behalf of his government's persecution of Turing by their homosexuality. The letter of apology is this:

2009 was a year of deep reflection - an opportunity for Britain as a nation, commemorating the profound debt we have with those who came before. A unique combination of anniversaries and events that have renewed in us a sense of pride and gratitude that characterizes the British experience. Earlier this year I honored along with Presidents Sarkozy and Obama the service and sacrifice of the heroes who took the beaches of Normandy 65 years ago. And just last week, we commemorate the 70 years since the British government declared its intention to take up arms against fascism and declare the outbreak of World War II. So I'm delighted and proud that, thanks to a coalition of computer scientists, historians and LGBT activists, we have an opportunity this year to celebrate another contribution of Britain's struggle against the darkness of dictatorship, that of Alan Turing code breaks.

Turing was a brilliant mathematician, famous for his work to break the Enigma codes. It is no exaggeration to say that without his extraordinary contribution, the history of the Second World War could have been very different. He was certainly one of those people whom we can say that their personal contributions helped change the course of the war. For this debt of gratitude that we owe him even more horrible that he was treated so inhumanely. In 1952 he was convicted of "gross indecency" - in fact, was judged to be gay. His conviction, and had to face the choice between this or infamous prison, was chemical castration by a series of injections of female hormones. He committed suicide two years later.

Thousands of people have gathered to demand justice for Alan Turing and recognition of the horrible way he was treated. Although Turing was prosecuted under the laws in force at the time and we can not rewind time, the treatment she received was of course totally unfair and I welcome the opportunity to say how deeply sorry I am and we all are for what happened. Alan and the other thousands of gay men who were sentenced as he was under homophobic laws were treated terrible. Over the years millions more lived in fear of being condemned.

I am proud that those days are gone and that in the past 12 years this government has done so much to make life fair and equal remuneration for our LGBT community. This recognition of Alan as one of the most famous British victims of homophobia is another long overdue step toward equality.

But more than that, Alan deserves recognition for his contributions to humanity. For those born after 1945 in a Europe united, democratic and at peace, it is difficult to imagine that our continent was once the stage the darkest hour of humanity. It's hard to believe that there are still people alive who can remember that people could be so consumed by hatred, by anti-Semitism, for homophobia, and xenophobia and other prejudices, which many gas chambers and crematoria became part of the European landscape as well as galleries and universities and concert halls that had marked our European civilization for centuries. It is because men and women who were totally dedicated to fighting fascism, people like Alan Turing, that the horrors of the Holocaust and the war are part of Europe's past and not present in Europe.

So on behalf of the British government and of all who live in freedom thanks to Alan I am proud to say: Sorry, you deserved so much better.

Gordon Brown.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Old Knightsbridge Collection Doll

up before remembering

She smiled up before ...
She smiled ... She could get along with her aunt or cousin ... She used to hand pick the best friend of class, as an innocent game of children, she was excited get to see her favorite uncle and immediately went to hug him, she used to wait for the mom got home from work to go to bed together, she liked what her mama liked but did not like to admit it, she enjoyed eating desserts mom, she loved to go out late at night with mom and move a block over the previous weekend ... for the little girl was a new place to meet, she liked to dance, but was ashamed to the party of the little dancing partner and she slept well ... enjoyed the night ... liked it and if it were not for ever but I would not wake up either the mother or aunt did, everyone has at least one requirement ... the girl had to go to school. Yes, she definitely slept well, well ... dawned like every child or teenager would and should, she took the breakfast, she was careful and responsible, at least I could.
She trusted herself, she dreamed of becoming a great writer, she believes in dreams ... she smiled to remember before ... She grew up, the little rose and pointed out that nothing would have disturbed his innocence, that nothing has scared , become so insecure about everything and of itself, become so sullen and shy at once. The grown child, the adolescent attempt circumvent the memory that was eating up all the time but the memory was already an indelible mark and then failed, she turned and twisted mind ... dark, lonely masked over the years that stick in your skin and now I know how to remove without being hurt, when she looks back attempts to recover the face, one that conveyed a naivete and innocence happy to return to be accepted and not feel excluded, to speak as he did before, to play, to love each other, she wants to become child for not being afraid to go after the mother everywhere, getting used to be more emotional and say what you feel, and so then had managed to say I love you Zahir. She ... not intended to be so hard, but can not change the person he has become, which have made it because she remembers that she cried and beg for help, but nobody could hear the music ...

She will continue trying to single have something that can look like small several years ago ... maybe a look, from time to time until it succeeds, or at least smile, one that was even before
remember ...

Someone stole my innocence ...

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Pokemon Roms Ipod Sources


Today I would like to be a little more irreverent and highlight in this story a few advertisements for some reason I have drawn attention. Since this selection is very personal, I apologize in advance for those who feel they should have included this or that video and not some of which I added.

The approach I followed was, therefore, as subjective as to say "go, it's funny" or "This has been brilliant. See what's bad." Not intend to give a selection of the best products and their ads or on how to advertise a software product, just something I wanted to do and in some videos, a little fun with it, as some certainly deserve it.

However, after hundreds of videos, these are the ones who dare to rescue me for you. I followed a chronological order, but the only common link they have. Hope you like:

1977 I decided to start with an announcement of the Apple II in 1977. It is the oldest I could find, and gives us an idea of \u200b\u200bhow important it was becoming the computer industry personal if even a company with a year old could afford to put ads on TV.

As can be seen in the ad, one of the possibilities that are more ad exploits the graphics capabilities of the Apple II, because thanks to the many tricks and techniques used by Woz at the time the Apple II was not graphic at rival . It is also before the release of Visicalc , so just emphasizes that serve for more than gaming.


computer companies could afford not only post an ad on TV but, even stars could hire the same to them. Kirk was the commander Commodore your ads and Texas Instruments had a Bill Cosby.

This ad I love it, because as you can see all the same the only thing that is clear of the TI-99 is ... price, $ 100, not for the good of Bill of repeating it to the seller, that he himself believes it. In these years, and for some more, consumers were less concerned about the number of kilobytes of RAM or processor speed, but how things could be done with the computer and at what price. It is for this reason that such was the Commodore 64 in many ways more slowly than the previous model Commodore Vic-20 and no one seemed to mind, as with the C64 could do more than with the Vic-20.
EDIT: As it says 1cualquiera really the price is not $ 100 but what is announced is a $ 100 discount. My apologies for the confusion.


In this ad we Atari computers. In these years the world of video games was something ... how to say ... cool, and I apologize for the foreignness. As an example, when the villain of the James Bond film Never Say Never Again mounted a party, is what gives your guests as entertainment? "Art Shows? Will any big eaters? Erotic Dance "? No, basically they had assembled for an arcade, with all sorts of arcade games.

Similarly, at the end of this announcement, whom we see? A "guys in suits", co-workers who are dedicated to playing games to prove they are the best. Let's say that video games were something new that had not yet been assigned to a child audience (perhaps because of Nintendo? This is just my speculation), as seen in the video and many others of the time, just look most ads 8-bit computers where children not only play but also adults, as the grandmother of the family Amstrad.


The Apple announcement focused on the business world (the leading position it had taken its IBM PC IBM) could also be seen in the keynote where Apple introduced the Macintosh in January 1984. Personally I find it funny because the music of the ad, although it sounds very bad and has some defects, has some ... how to say ... smack to the song What a fealing the soundtrack to Flash Dance . Think of this announcement and the 1984 , a milestone in the advertising world, are of the same era, and what difference in approach between a video and other ...


And here is the first announcement of Microsoft, which will see any more because they do not have waste. Windows

The project was led by Steve Ballmer, who was threatening his job upon receiving an ultimatum from Bill Gates or Windows whereby released in 1985 or Ballmer went to the street in the same year. Finally, Windows 1.0, a product quite a bit half-finished, rough and ugly as himself, was released in 1985, Steve Ballmer kept his job and now sits on the throne of Microsoft and CEO of it.

Anyway, sure you've seen this ad before but I can not stand it down here. It is shabby as himself, and not how many people could persuade them to buy Windows to announce that Mr. Ballmer, but it certainly is and always will be a jewel.


This year is very neat. We started with a video that does not stand for anything, if anything so bland it is. But the case is the first I've found a English company Investronica, selling computers patriotic. One of the first PCs I could play in the computer lab at my school, IBM had 10 computers and 10 of Investronica, so let me as fond memories here put it

And after the computer as compatible Inves, we turn to discuss the announcement of the Compaq Deskpro 386 , the computer you mentioned when we talked about the OS / 2 . This was the first PC compatible computer to carry the new Intel 386 processor. This is the message I've found it, just awesome. The actor was well known out in the UK to appear in several comedy series.

And now I would again give way to some nostalgia with the announcement of the Sinclair ZX Spectrum +2 , which was my first computer. As can be seen in the ad, the computer is clearly targeted as computer games (and especially for children). My father bought it the following year, with a pack of 12 games made my delight for months. The announcement also will emphasize the most striking developments over previous models, such as the built-cassette is increased to 128 kbytes RAM, though some details like professional keyboard, the new editor BASIC or much improved sound system are ignored and I were as important or more. But anyway, is like a megapixel camera, the more the merrier.

And now an ad for IBM, which is the first that we put here. As the protagonist (ahem) special to Charles Chaplin. Es .. I do not know ... "Dear?


of this year I will highlight just a video. Although households 8-bit computers are still selling very well in the field of business the thing changed. The leader was, of course, IBM. Apple was doing very well among the people of the creative arts, and then we had two companies, Commodore and Atari, with computers a little economic halfway between the 8-bit computers and more professional. In this announcement, Atari compares himself with Apple and IBM and reduces everything to a simple "They'll sell you chips and cables like us, except that they more expensive." What Spain can be made as direct references to competing products as advertised?


We are one of those wonderful gems of Microsoft. This is ... I do not know what to call it. "Ad? "Promotional video? Awesome anyway. It's about the new Windows 386 (ie Windows 2.0.3 compiled for processors 386) y. .. See him better, because I have no words.

We release with this announcement, Microsoft again. Just great the way it has to explain the new features of MS-DOS 5.0. And best of all, the music until it becomes catchy, plus at least another announcement recently about Windows Vista. No PC Should Be Without it ... . Among the advantages that passed, one that will never understand. It says "MS-DOS 5.0 is a money machine for you." Uhm ... And how MS-DOS will make me rich? The fact is that the same idea appears in several ads from Microsoft. Finally, I leave with it.


This announcement does not know if it's because it's Microsoft or because it is Japanese, but nor does it waste. The announcement is Windows 3.1 y. .. I do not know, is simply awesome.


Again, Microsoft's announcement, this time Windows 95. Yes, I used a song by the Rolling Stones. Finally a further announcement "normal." Microsoft threw the rest with Windows 95, and no wonder it was one of the most important products in the past 20 years since he only got to pull the entire industry. Software vendors, hardware manufacturers ... everyone rushed to get new stuff Windows compatible 95. In terms of marketing, Microsoft tried to be more professional than previous products, as seen in the ad. Of course had their promotional videos stupid, but we do not reach previous levels.

And in return, with delays of Windows 95 IBM had successfully increased its market share for OS / 2. However, he was aware that something had to do before the storm that was brewing with the release of Windows 95 and IBM also decided to get a little battery and promote your platform. Unfortunately, I have found ads in English that I saw on TV for those then, where were basically the same as this but where in the end the excited new users of IBM's operating system and be a confessed warper.

Of course, there are many more ads curious, such as replicas of Apple to Windows 95 or Pentium II, some ads for Microsoft and in this decade ... but at some point you have to stop and think that the professionalization of the sector is reached after Windows 95 was that the ads may be humorous or funny, but ... were no longer the same.

Well, this just this little pill. I sincerely hope you enjoyed and that you at least have caused some smiles. Thank you very much for following me.