Thursday, September 3, 2009

Pokemon Roms Ipod Sources


Today I would like to be a little more irreverent and highlight in this story a few advertisements for some reason I have drawn attention. Since this selection is very personal, I apologize in advance for those who feel they should have included this or that video and not some of which I added.

The approach I followed was, therefore, as subjective as to say "go, it's funny" or "This has been brilliant. See what's bad." Not intend to give a selection of the best products and their ads or on how to advertise a software product, just something I wanted to do and in some videos, a little fun with it, as some certainly deserve it.

However, after hundreds of videos, these are the ones who dare to rescue me for you. I followed a chronological order, but the only common link they have. Hope you like:

1977 I decided to start with an announcement of the Apple II in 1977. It is the oldest I could find, and gives us an idea of \u200b\u200bhow important it was becoming the computer industry personal if even a company with a year old could afford to put ads on TV.

As can be seen in the ad, one of the possibilities that are more ad exploits the graphics capabilities of the Apple II, because thanks to the many tricks and techniques used by Woz at the time the Apple II was not graphic at rival . It is also before the release of Visicalc , so just emphasizes that serve for more than gaming.


computer companies could afford not only post an ad on TV but, even stars could hire the same to them. Kirk was the commander Commodore your ads and Texas Instruments had a Bill Cosby.

This ad I love it, because as you can see all the same the only thing that is clear of the TI-99 is ... price, $ 100, not for the good of Bill of repeating it to the seller, that he himself believes it. In these years, and for some more, consumers were less concerned about the number of kilobytes of RAM or processor speed, but how things could be done with the computer and at what price. It is for this reason that such was the Commodore 64 in many ways more slowly than the previous model Commodore Vic-20 and no one seemed to mind, as with the C64 could do more than with the Vic-20.
EDIT: As it says 1cualquiera really the price is not $ 100 but what is announced is a $ 100 discount. My apologies for the confusion.


In this ad we Atari computers. In these years the world of video games was something ... how to say ... cool, and I apologize for the foreignness. As an example, when the villain of the James Bond film Never Say Never Again mounted a party, is what gives your guests as entertainment? "Art Shows? Will any big eaters? Erotic Dance "? No, basically they had assembled for an arcade, with all sorts of arcade games.

Similarly, at the end of this announcement, whom we see? A "guys in suits", co-workers who are dedicated to playing games to prove they are the best. Let's say that video games were something new that had not yet been assigned to a child audience (perhaps because of Nintendo? This is just my speculation), as seen in the video and many others of the time, just look most ads 8-bit computers where children not only play but also adults, as the grandmother of the family Amstrad.


The Apple announcement focused on the business world (the leading position it had taken its IBM PC IBM) could also be seen in the keynote where Apple introduced the Macintosh in January 1984. Personally I find it funny because the music of the ad, although it sounds very bad and has some defects, has some ... how to say ... smack to the song What a fealing the soundtrack to Flash Dance . Think of this announcement and the 1984 , a milestone in the advertising world, are of the same era, and what difference in approach between a video and other ...


And here is the first announcement of Microsoft, which will see any more because they do not have waste. Windows

The project was led by Steve Ballmer, who was threatening his job upon receiving an ultimatum from Bill Gates or Windows whereby released in 1985 or Ballmer went to the street in the same year. Finally, Windows 1.0, a product quite a bit half-finished, rough and ugly as himself, was released in 1985, Steve Ballmer kept his job and now sits on the throne of Microsoft and CEO of it.

Anyway, sure you've seen this ad before but I can not stand it down here. It is shabby as himself, and not how many people could persuade them to buy Windows to announce that Mr. Ballmer, but it certainly is and always will be a jewel.


This year is very neat. We started with a video that does not stand for anything, if anything so bland it is. But the case is the first I've found a English company Investronica, selling computers patriotic. One of the first PCs I could play in the computer lab at my school, IBM had 10 computers and 10 of Investronica, so let me as fond memories here put it

And after the computer as compatible Inves, we turn to discuss the announcement of the Compaq Deskpro 386 , the computer you mentioned when we talked about the OS / 2 . This was the first PC compatible computer to carry the new Intel 386 processor. This is the message I've found it, just awesome. The actor was well known out in the UK to appear in several comedy series.

And now I would again give way to some nostalgia with the announcement of the Sinclair ZX Spectrum +2 , which was my first computer. As can be seen in the ad, the computer is clearly targeted as computer games (and especially for children). My father bought it the following year, with a pack of 12 games made my delight for months. The announcement also will emphasize the most striking developments over previous models, such as the built-cassette is increased to 128 kbytes RAM, though some details like professional keyboard, the new editor BASIC or much improved sound system are ignored and I were as important or more. But anyway, is like a megapixel camera, the more the merrier.

And now an ad for IBM, which is the first that we put here. As the protagonist (ahem) special to Charles Chaplin. Es .. I do not know ... "Dear?


of this year I will highlight just a video. Although households 8-bit computers are still selling very well in the field of business the thing changed. The leader was, of course, IBM. Apple was doing very well among the people of the creative arts, and then we had two companies, Commodore and Atari, with computers a little economic halfway between the 8-bit computers and more professional. In this announcement, Atari compares himself with Apple and IBM and reduces everything to a simple "They'll sell you chips and cables like us, except that they more expensive." What Spain can be made as direct references to competing products as advertised?


We are one of those wonderful gems of Microsoft. This is ... I do not know what to call it. "Ad? "Promotional video? Awesome anyway. It's about the new Windows 386 (ie Windows 2.0.3 compiled for processors 386) y. .. See him better, because I have no words.

We release with this announcement, Microsoft again. Just great the way it has to explain the new features of MS-DOS 5.0. And best of all, the music until it becomes catchy, plus at least another announcement recently about Windows Vista. No PC Should Be Without it ... . Among the advantages that passed, one that will never understand. It says "MS-DOS 5.0 is a money machine for you." Uhm ... And how MS-DOS will make me rich? The fact is that the same idea appears in several ads from Microsoft. Finally, I leave with it.


This announcement does not know if it's because it's Microsoft or because it is Japanese, but nor does it waste. The announcement is Windows 3.1 y. .. I do not know, is simply awesome.


Again, Microsoft's announcement, this time Windows 95. Yes, I used a song by the Rolling Stones. Finally a further announcement "normal." Microsoft threw the rest with Windows 95, and no wonder it was one of the most important products in the past 20 years since he only got to pull the entire industry. Software vendors, hardware manufacturers ... everyone rushed to get new stuff Windows compatible 95. In terms of marketing, Microsoft tried to be more professional than previous products, as seen in the ad. Of course had their promotional videos stupid, but we do not reach previous levels.

And in return, with delays of Windows 95 IBM had successfully increased its market share for OS / 2. However, he was aware that something had to do before the storm that was brewing with the release of Windows 95 and IBM also decided to get a little battery and promote your platform. Unfortunately, I have found ads in English that I saw on TV for those then, where were basically the same as this but where in the end the excited new users of IBM's operating system and be a confessed warper.

Of course, there are many more ads curious, such as replicas of Apple to Windows 95 or Pentium II, some ads for Microsoft and in this decade ... but at some point you have to stop and think that the professionalization of the sector is reached after Windows 95 was that the ads may be humorous or funny, but ... were no longer the same.

Well, this just this little pill. I sincerely hope you enjoyed and that you at least have caused some smiles. Thank you very much for following me.


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