Saturday, February 6, 2010

On Sims 2 Can You Get A Pram

can wait on the other side ...

really got me ... but now it's time to go, now do not make me false promises, we both know you will not go for me, but you can wait ... there where you are. Do not want to ruin your life is hurting me away from you, I die inside you gently but do not ask me that will not leave I have to, I should not have let you kiss me now I'm sad to see us apart ... perhaps because we waste a lot time and I know that there is no more to use it at your side, but you can wait and when you get enough strength Zahir, when both stop being weak and indecisive, immature, and as long as we love you go for me ... catch me on the other side, I'll be waiting day and night, you arrive ... because they gave us this life to be born and then die, I spend time thinking about how much I want to be with you, and
Kzhael Insist that what I want now change once it matures, I will change my views, the way you view life Zahir but love will not change, may grow but will not end if he is not going for me ... again myself to make sure you are well, I will make sure that form a family with the woman he loves, of which this hopelessly in love, which carry until the other side of the world if it goes away ... if you do that then I've never been that woman is the most probably ... but when you love to have him fight at his side, but when love is not mutual only thing you can do is make sure that person will be happier still. Never give it to end, I have no idea how he managed to steal my heart.

Kzhael ... another character in my life, it is characterized by stronger than Zahir ... lying if I deny that I'm in love with him but in my heart there is something stronger than opaque feelings towards this new being in my life, Kzhael represents the dark ... the sage who has the answers of the occult, and I ... Hence the hidden love the appeal of that being. It can sometimes be a bit harsh but I say it's for my sake, your life will change and you're not prepared to do, once I told you that your trip is not going to do what expected and it will be! So I tell you you have to fight for you and nobody else, nobody will be there to sobreprotegerte and you know ... I do not want anything from you, do not deserve anything! You have to find your happiness in any way for you and nobody else! You hold on to what you want ... you usually hurt yourself now have to be strong yourself ... more than ever.

If fighting for myself and anyone else means putting aside my Zahir ... I refuse to do so, but I do not think I have 14 years ... have grown at least 20% and that small percentage that tells me I shouted cling to what I want for myself, I scream that soon I'll go across the world where you learn to grow the force, I'll be alone ... no one beside me who can go, I will commit many mistakes and learn from them I will rise because there will be no one around me ... my tears dry up because there will not be a shoulder to mourn ... I'll be waiting for him while I'm getting crazy and running around ... you should also prepare for what might happen, I can not afford to get hurt again ... a soul like Zahir need much affection from now, I must be ready to face what is coming like it or not ... but Susan must be sure the decision you are going to take the time necessary ... because even though love and follow you is difficult you say to yourself "It's time to close the curtains ..." Julio Cardenas

once wrote me:
"I can only say that distill a lot of love and affection towards another person in your blog ... I hope it is reciprocated


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