today I received flowers, not my birthday or any other day special, we had our first argument
yesterday and said many cruel things that really offended me
, but I know that this sorry and did not really
said that has sent me flowers today ...
not our anniversary or other special day, yesterday
threw me against the wall and began to drown, seemed
a nightmare but you know you wake up from nightmares are not real ...
I woke up this morning sore and bruised x whole body but I know he is sorry ...
sent me flowers today ..!

today is not "Valentine" or any other special days, yesterday he hit me and threatened me with death
or makeup or long sleeves
could hide the cuts and bruises he gave me last night , I could not go to school today ... I did not want to give
account but I know this time if sorry because he sent me flowers today
! ..

today is a day like any other ... Saturday night hit me back ...
but this was much worse ... but if I leave .. What would ? How could succeed alone?
what would happen if I was missing money? I have him so scared!
but I depend so much of it really scared me to leave .. but I know he is sorry .. because
sent me a flower ...
today is a day special ... is the day of my funeral, tonight finally managed to kill
beat me to death, had had the courage to leave earlier, if only I had accepted
professional help .. not have received flowers today!

follows chain ... copy and paste to your blog if you really take importance to the issue ...
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