Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Stouffer's Store Ohio

Hello world!

I do not think at this point no one expected an update, but there is! During this time and I must confess that to my surprise, I received many emails from people complaining about the lack of updates, requesting the return of the blog or shitting in my teeth ... And users - that might not have seen the date of the last post I sent congratulations on the blog or me asking for advice. Well, here I am. We have moved, well, we on the same site, but we changed the name and we will make a selection of articles, reviewing, updating and, if necessary, discarded. Wanting to do well and I would not delete content from here, I decided to open another blog, where I will put the content I like this, extended and revised, attempting a more serious tone, but without losing touch something and colloquial unpresentable have. I'm in the process of convincing some friends to get me a helping hand from time to time, if not working directly, at least send stories, articles, borrow books or other things ... :)

Let's go quietly but surely, the recycling of content will last a while and then I put them with new content, this has yet is a succulent drafts.

No claims will be a weekly blog update, without discarding any dead short week, we will focus on providing a more dynamic through the new twitter, where if there will be more frequent updating (140 characters greatly help the lazy like me) and it may continue practically everyday of the page, even without bothering to visit it as a new item when we go up to Twitter as a feed.

new 'addresses? Sure!

New name - I hope you like -: If I loose float http://simesueltanfloto.blogspot.com/

In twitter: http://twitter.com/Simesuflo

hope I have not lost too much readers with the crisis, as I recall it was 7 if you count my dog \u200b\u200bxD

Tickets now revised and uploads:



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