Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Internet Speed Calculator

"I'ma prostitute and proud of it"

knew I was crazy, but not as much ... I knew I hated it, but to what extent ...

- Gertrude: very good dog, I care about you a week anything, your parents have not sent the money this time, down to the basement now!
- No. .. I beg you, please ... be sure something bad happened to call soon and explain
- Gertrude: Do not worry dear ... do not do damage, only to learn the lesson, so you learn that a woman is not easy
- Please ... I have hunger, I have not eaten in days
- Gertrude: guilt your parents fucking prostitute, I think you free feed? Walk Now

knew that this basement was dark, but this new aspect what was even more ... the old dirty mattress to which the springs came out was still in the corner, but now the center was occupied by a species of Colt ... one of her six children, one of the 2 largest, Richard, I tied each hand with a rope and placed three books under my feet ... bandaged my eyes, then undressed me ... I could not stand the idea that 6 teens between 10 and 16 years were watching me naked ... watching every inch of me ... or stand the way I played, I cried and cried, Gertrude ordered the child to remove the books that helped me hold me, then just the tip of my feet rosaban the floor ... it was excruciating pain in my arms hanging on the ropes, was when I started throwing up "nothing" of fear, when I felt the hand of small ... between my legs, I heard they were all laughing, do not stop yelling, do not stop vomiting just saliva, my stomach was empty ... I begged, pleaded ...

- Gertrude: and let heaven do not know that illness brings, I will not let that thou shouldst thus
- John: You'll see tomorrow bitch - I whispered ...

there all night Spend the morning ... in a hurry Gertrude and her children behind her, this time not only had a cigarette in hand as all the time, but also a bottle ... a small, glass.

- Gertrude: Richard let go - this was due - stick it - turned to me just fell to the ground
- Lady ...
- Gertrude: I'm your aunt's baby, now stick it you think I'm playing? Obey useless
- Zahir : perhaps you are thirsty or hungry mom ...
- Gertrude: Do not think I do not know how you feel about it, but get yourself a question: does she feel the same about you?
- Zahir : Mom ... I just
- Gertrude: So I thought, do not waste time on a prostitute
- John: Do you think she is a prostitute?
- Gertrude ... a prostitute is ... when a woman opens her legs and let any man do with it what you want ... do you think she is a virgin? Children should know ... that girls like her, just born to be used, not loved ...

could not understand why he hated me So ... her look was just contempt, I threw the bottle and forced me to put it ... inside my vagina. I could barely move, I felt disgusted with myself, shame, wanted to die right there in that moment just think they all enjoyed my pain, I was the star of that film, was the center of attention, but ... was not that kind of attention to the dreams of a girl of 16 years, preferring a bullet through my head to be there ... doing that for no ... did not know because he did it at the time, but now I realize that she would be able to burn a hand or a leg, anything to feel pain ... Richard hit my head with a bat and kicked me between my legs ... the bottle broke inside of me, I started bleeding and felt like tearing me inside the glass ... just had the strength to yell all he could, cried as he could, trying to at least feel pity and help me ... that's when Zahir approached and tried to help but did not know how he knew that he too was ashamed to look like that and more touch me ... I fainted. Achievement did not know how to help me when I woke up after two days, I had no strength to move, I could barely hear the Zahir ...

- Zahir : I'm saving money, you soon get out of here ... Sylvia, I promise, I swear you out of here, we will both
- Angry ... your mom should not get in trouble by my
- Zahir : everything will be fine, trust me - a view endorsed knew enough ... that succeed me out of there, but I was not sure if I could hold one more day
- Gertrude: it was time to make you stop dead Who do you think is going to clean all this mess of yours?
- Sorry ... I'll take care of it, but please ...
- Gertrude: Come dear, you must be hungry ... slept enough, it'll be with more forces if you eat this toast to prepare for you
- Oh no ... sorry, I did not ... I can not eat
- Gertrude: damn useless in this house does not waste food! Tie them again, so to turn on unless ungrateful

Another day ... I felt more pain in the eyes of Zahir while everyone enjoyed spit, throw including hitting with a bat, every night my wrists tied with ropes and left me holding me just hanging with the tips of my feet ... I was passed out almost all day, could not know what I did most of the time but one morning I felt someone move behind me naked ... could not ...

- Please ... no, no - whispering to myself ... too weak to make a sound
- John, and Richard ends! It's my turn this time, Mom why only he can and not me?
- Gertrude, darling ... you are very small, well that would be incest, are brothers, you can not go where I go now ... would be incest! Understand? Get yourself another prostitute
I realized that was not the first time I started to mourn that ... out of control with all my might "have seen his brother Zahir abusing me? Had he tried to stop him? Try looking around but could not find it ... I made a great effort and scream your name ... Now that I think ... I should never call

- Gertrude: thought you would not discover what the two of you planned? I heard! Look next to you! It is because of you fucking whore, put him ideas to the head, John brings a needle and a lighter
hair I crawl over to a table and handed me his back, he wrote with the hot needle on my stomach "I'ma prostitute and proud of it" she got tired so fast Richard finished their work, but the needle stopped burning the skin, then started asking me instead of just cutting my skin ROSAR, while John and his brothers put out their cigarettes into my arms and face ...
- Gertrude: What will you do now, Sylvia? Now you can not show you naked before any man without being seen by the mark, you can not ever marry, you will be alone, what will you do now Sylvia Likens?
- John: Zahir not love you now ... lol
- Gertrude: not an idiot like the poor want to marry you ... live alone forever, this hard is being a woman! ________________________________________________________________

- Zahir : Sylvia ... forgive me, please, should not this happen, we soon reached the police, Sylvia answer me please ...
- Hello ... thanks for all
- Zahir : Wait a little, not later, they kick us out of here, go to a hospital to cure you and we'll go away then, just ...
- I love you ...

I could not see, I had no strength to open my eyes, but I could hear the tears of despair ... I felt like stroking my face emaciated, could rapid breathing, feel her so close to mine, I knew that if help would arrive soon I had promised that it would be too late ... and had trouble breathing ... in the end he had stayed with me, beside me, as promised ...


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