Tuesday, March 29, 2011

List Of Symptoms For Black Death

The wave

This curious title reflects the film Denis Gansel, whose actor Jorgen Vogel, Jennifer Ulrich, and Frederick Lau. In it, an enthusiastic college professor, tries to motivate his students to understand what the Autocracy. To do this, and from a question that arises within the class, by the hand to form a group. The question apparently resolved, becomes effective in responses from several students. The premise of many of them is, Germany will not return to live anything like it to Nazism.
safety course with the students making these claims are of concern to the teacher. Well they say that too many certainties are a problem in education.
Thus, the draft a week, turns college cartoons in The Wave, a group wearing white shirts, which has a logo, you have my space account, and gradually begins to function as any another group.
And like any group, we try to belong to it, for it to do what others say, dressing the same way and agree with the decisions they make some people who advocate the authority only to them.
wave project is interesting and encourages students not only Herr Werner, and now says the teacher should call him. In three days, the class is full. The teacher's colleagues speak of him. At some moment of tension a dialogue between the teacher's girlfriend, also a teacher and he lets other axes glimpse of what will end in tragedy. Herr Werner has been studied in public universities, unlike many of his colleagues.
subjective initiatives of some of their students take the project to the disaster. Vandalism in public buildings show a wave graffiti, some members begin to disagree and the whole community of The wave turns to them. In the groups is quite complicated dissent. Other students begin to select members. Not everyone can belong to the wave. Logically, once the power is hardly feels longer fall into situations of abuse from him.
The result apparently is that the wave leaves the classroom to become a very real group, repressive, which welcomes members of the school community, which in some cases, require this engine and this force apparently delivered group actions.
the end, because the film must be closed at some point, tragedy invades the images, that throughout the band has been accompanied by a soundtrack spectacular. The experiment must end, like everything else in life, but always just that there are voices that say it's never too late for some things it is. Finally
all responsibility for the facts rests with the teacher in a final scene takes her students to a cathartic moment and collective, as well, or it could be the famous but little-known Aristotelian anagnorisis recognition. Who are driven to create the wave, he revealed in less than five minutes that have been specifically engineered that the project should end up you hear a gunshot.
Die Welle is a well made film, the performances of young people are great in the sense of credibility, of course, because the script allows the development of acting. Obviously the premise that part of the original question will have new answers, only at high cost.
After the Wave, I'm glad retirerarme on the idea that we must flee from the groups, no matter what your goals, but also, and once again, I wonder about the role of the teacher or facilitator, and just measures.

Monday, March 28, 2011

What Is Steep Tech Supposed To Do

Throwing bread to ducks Put a touch

I wonder what they're waiting in Spain, with fans who are to run in front of the locomotive, and whoever does not want to run, force by decree. More than a political amateur psychology laboratory and spoken and written language controlled by law should gotearle Fang: more smoke that beating around the bush. More likely that the rock python prone to drift when you shake a cloak from the sidelines, do not think he ought to think, which is falling and will fall. Good times throwing bread to the ducks.

a couple of months ago, an editorial published gringa politically correct issues of Huckleberry Finn Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain in which, in addition to tweak crudities of the speech of the day, eliminating the word nigger, which means black. The students were offended, argued the responsible: a teacher in Alabama who, instead of explaining to their students scandalizing Twain's characters use language appropriate to their age and character, "Joseph Conrad novel titled The nigger of the Narcissus- prefers to distort the original text, infiltrating anachronisms that fit in today's prudish ways. Converting natural acid, typical of those times, cloying plum jam for fools and plum.

matches the thing with the French Culture Ministry, mistaking the word commemorate with the holding, excludes Louis-Ferdinand Céline of commemoration of this year, when met fifty of the death of the writer. That was terrible person, anti-Semite and collaborator with the Gestapo-like, on the other hand, thousands of his compatriots, "and author of a filthy anti-Semitic pamphlet titled Bagatelle pour un massacre, but also one of the great novelists of the twentieth century the most important in France, with Proust, whose Journey to the End of the night transforms narrative with immense talent, a very muddy squalor in stunning literary beauty. It shows, among other things, that a writer can be twisted special miserable, and that an artist is not required to be socially correct, but can, and should, go into the dark views. In the black hole of the human condition and its many atrocities.

So, all English, heard the patch. Assuming-perhaps a very big "those who are monitoring a bill blow our physical and moral know who they are Twain and Céline, imagine the possibilities this offers to touch us a little more balls ... What are trifles such as banning snuff or to criminalize the correct use of English, compared to rewriting, forced by decree, three thousand years of literature, history and philosophy ethically dubious? ... What to expect in English schools review or prohibiting as it does not fit into the forest in Bambi? ... What about those translations of Moby Dick fascists where they kill whales despite international conventions now ...? And with Phileas Fogg, Passepartout and treated his servant as if from Jules Verne would not have been here class struggle? ... Are we going to let him go scot-the Marquis de Sade with underage deflowered and sodomized before the existence of the newscast? ... And what about English history and literature? ... How much longer in the bookstores disgusting life of a murderer of men and animals called Pascual Duarte? ... How is it possible that the genocide of Indians Bernal Díaz Castle study it in schools? ... And now that everyone is equal before the law and order, why can not be a gentleman as Sancho Panza, Don Quixote, or, better yet, the commoner and Sancho? ... What are we waiting for to convert the Fernán González Covarrubias and the battle of the tribute of the hundred maidens and maidens? ... How does a macho homophobic and anti-Semitic Quevedo, who cops the humpback and wrote a rude call Thanks and misfortunes of the eye of the ass, has not yet been felled textbooks? ... As for the infamous Long live Spain, which as everyone knows was invented by Franco in 1936, why is not removed in mouth many characters Galdós national Episodes where affront to the many different nations, they do, we make up and enrich? ... And how has not been expunged yet Cid The singing of the 118 times that used the word moro, replacing it with English-North African Islam, and seeking the way, not to spoil the verse, rhyme, right? Fortunately

not read, or think they do in the future. Relax. The danger is minimal. Thankfully, those pretentious illiterate Gazette owners have not opened a book in his fucking life.

Arturo Perez-Reverte
XL Semanal
March 27, 2011


Sunday, March 27, 2011

100 Pipers Scotch By Seagram

of color to your death

egg-shaped, to be buried in a fetal position Crazy Coffins

our funeral will probably
gray air, cold and depressing, except that before the fateful day we decided to buy a coffin 'fashion' to have to go to another neighborhood.

two years ago, Alice Hofer opened his extravagant funeral in the Alpine town of Thun , a boutique-like store where one does not dress for life but for death. Coffins are sold here individual at the request of future deaths. Besides patriotic coffins, with the Swiss flag or the German one, has created a black coffin with stars "because the universe will continue to shine but we're not," another with artificial turf "for golf enthusiasts," and another with sunflowers, " for those who enjoy the summer. "

palm, no doubt, brings an electric blue coffin with mussel shells glued together, "for those who love the sea." Alice's husband, the famous rock singer Polo Hofer, has suggested that his has two mirrors "to look back on his life." Hofer

wanted to give the Swiss another way to say goodbye to this world. "In most cases the loss of a loved one is a tragedy, so why not add a touch of humor? Sure helps to overcome the loss more easily," says Hofer. With these coffins, in fact, it is logical that the result is closer to a Greek tragicomedy. Your home looks awake, at least, smile.

However, since it opened its doors to the public, has sold only 10 pieces, at a price of around two thousand. Has had more luck with ash urns and caskets for animals that also manufactures a consumer taste. The figures do not concern him, because for Hofer this is a "hobby."

An African tradition
The idea is not new. The tradition of creating eccentric coffins was born in Ghana for over five decades as a carpenter built a sumptuous chair in the form of cocoa beans for a local representative. He died before so enjoy it became his coffin. Soon after, another woman asked him build an airplane as he had never been able to fulfill his dream of flying. And so the eccentricity went on to become fashionable. In Ghana it is common now buried in a coffin in the shape of an object representing the profession of each. For Therefore, the hammers are shaped, mobile phones, pens and snails (gastropods for the seller, of course).

For once, globalization made the journey in reverse and the bizarre coffins arrived in the Western world where they have become works of art that come to be exhibited in museums. Hofer caskets are not the first and much less sophisticated. Crazy Coffins The company has spent a decade creating unusual box-like scooter, cork, yacht, Viking ship or ballet slipper. All pieces are unique and are made using traditional methods and their cost can range from 500 to 6,000 euros. At Natural Endings specialize in funerals and coffins inspired football.

Many people are interested in these coffins but very few people end up deciding for a burial with humor.

Meritxell Mir
March 27, 2011


;-) I love

Although I do not want to be buried. Needless to deposit my ashes in a niche. I want that part to stay in Mexico and one in Spain. And the ashes you take my land, I want them in a nice urn, almost decorative, jejeje.


Friday, March 25, 2011

Ati Radeon 9600 Pro 128mb Free Downald

Tale of the tongue


"Tale of the Tongue" - Peter Murphy

The time is coming ripe
We are running fast
I see you coming closer
Closer to the mask
Come closer treat me softly
Where can the dreamer be?
How far we've come to know
How much we've come to see
And when I ask you softly
Oh what the real men saw
As I hit the roof again
Oh what the dreamer saw

The street still screams

The street still screams of garbage thoughts
The stain of anxious guys
Still we glimpse the faintest note
Of some battered somnambulant men
Of the desire to know the whys

The street still screams

Fixed notions fashion them
Their rules police the street
No chance of Latin way
Hold down to crude belief
Lassoed in the charges' web
Locked inside the nation's pride
To boast the red of freedom's move
They take the purple side
I'm told from day to day
Gaol slip from behind
We are the guards of our mistakes
Off and running blind
So the dreamer speaks in time drunk wine
Take the coming day
If I seem to lag behind
Whisper me the way


street still screams

the album "Should the World Fail to Fall Apart" (1986) *******

TeMazo that emerges from the frontman's first solo album from the legendary band known as Bauhaus. Yesterday I tuned

mode Facebook Murphy hanging on in some videos and as I was recalling themes struck me realize the amount of years that have passed since I first heard : P

someday tell the story I have with Peter Murphy in his first visit to Mexico City and a press conference at the Tower Records store xD


Thursday, March 24, 2011

Airsoft Tournaments 2010

Deepening the Lovecraft cult horror

The Seventh Conference on Castellón Comic Comics-11, starts next April. Organized by the University Jaume I from Film and Creativity Hall Youth and groups Fanzone and Freaks in Black, will be held from 6 to 9 April 2011. This edition

deepens this year's cult horror writer HP Lovecraft with an exhibition entitled 'An exhibition about the unspeakable' in which about a hundred authors around the world make visual interpretations based on annotations Lovecraft.

The exhibition aims to recreate the atmosphere of gothic horror novels of the American writer who was, without doubt, one of the most influential horror writers of the twentieth century (1890 -1937). Cult author and creator of a brilliant and terrible cosmology, one of his more obscure books is precisely his notebook, "Commonplace Book." It's more than a notebook, a well of ideas, concepts fragmentary writer noted and revisited every time you wanted to develop new work.

Recorded between 1919 and 1934, the 222 entries are based on dreams, readings or chance events. As Lovecraft wrote at the beginning of the book, these ideas are not actually arguments put forward, but "mere suggestions made to put the memory or imagination to work."

The exhibition brings together up to 90 images in various formats. The illustrations reproduced in glasofonado paper, are distributed irregularly alternating sizes to cover all the walls of the room getting busy and surround effect in line with the literary style of Lovecraft.

The show opens with an introductory lecture by Marta Peirano, author of 'La Petite Claudine', one of the most read English blogs, and one of the largest English expert on Lovecraft and its various adaptations and all kinds of media.

During the exhibition, audiovisual documents made projections about Lovecraft and excerpts from films based on his work. The room also installed a reading area, which shall make available to visitors both Lovecraft's own stories and books of his followers, as well as comic adaptations and text about the author.

work, in fact, designed by Maison d'Ailleurs , the museum of science fiction largest in Europe, located in Switzerland, and curated by Patrick J. directot Gyger. It brings together work done for about a hundred authors around the world. Complete programming

In its seventh year, the days of Comics broaden their program by adding shows and theater. This year include the presence of Azpiri Alfonso and Albert Monteys. Alfonso Mejia Azpiri is the author of such characters as Mot, one of the most famous in Spain during the 80s among the young audience, and Lorna.

Monteys Albert is one of the comic highlights of contemporary humor, work in Thursday and from 2006 to 2011 is also director of the magazine. Their number for you that you are young!, Together with Manel Fontdevila, and Tato plunge the reader into a universe of jokes so hilarious as an individual. Comics

-11 will also be the presence of Antonio Altarriba and Kim, winners of the last National Comic Award, with his work 'The Art of Flying', have been very successful with a very intimate and personal story that has as a backdrop fragments of the history of our country.

New to the conference will have two performances: one by artist Miguel Noguera, that will delight the audience with his Ultrashow in which absurdity has its limits and is enshrined as one of the figures of the avant-garde comedy in our country. Moreover, on April 17 in the auditorium of the UJI is scheduled to play 'Cutler, Anatomy of a Gunman' based on the work of famous artist Calpurnius.

same publication was submitted Comics Workshop held during the past year that will feature the work of participants during the year. You can project the movie "Mary and I 'in the Espai d'Art Contemporani de Castelló, film adaptation of novel by Miguel Gallardo.

addition, the organization will conduct a campaign called "Adopt a comic 'during the days of the conference, to encourage reading comics in the population of Castellón.

Susana Morales
March 23 , 2011


Sunday, March 20, 2011

How To Get The Most Horsepower Out Of 2.9 V6

Emperor Montezuma Aztec calendar included in the failure of Admiral Cadarso-Conde Altea

returns to Valencia
The Cavalcade of Fire, which has come during the afternoon of Saturday, the downtown streets of Valencia, has served as an appetizer to the bath of flame that has given the city of Valencia at midnight on the day of San Jose to dismiss your big party .

Las Fallas in 2011 have been dismissed, as is traditional, with the cream. The work of a year of artists falleros succumbed to the flames. Gone are the rivalries between committees that again next year facing the faller, to plant problems monuments due to severe weather has improved for Valencia burst of people in the last days of his failures.

A moon of Valencia, Saturday brighter than ever, the purifying fire which consumed announces spring ephemeral art and sarcastic Fallas, a festival mass, and this year even more ubiquitous tourist where forced to contain crisis plus expenses.

From midnight, Valencia became a transcript of the Neronian Rome and the flames lit the city, in the eyes of thousands of Valencia and tourists. At one o'clock in the morning and before the tears Fallera Chapter of the Mayor, Laura Caballero, municipal failure, dedicated to the sport through the work of Pere Baena, turned into a monumental pile of twenty-four meters high, watched the president of the Generalitat , Francisco Camps, suffering from a herniated disk, "and the mayor, Rita Barberá, before numerous guests from politics, culture, sports and the economy.

What did not burn with the catafalque of the 386 committees spread across the city are the controversies in recent years are now feeding faller. Offering Should also held in the morning to lighten the parade and the Mayor Fallera could attend the 'Nit del Foc'? Will establishing a cap on the price of the monuments of Special section? The answer to these questions is part of the Fallas 2012. 760

grass fire monuments

The 'cream' of the 760 large monuments and children of the city of Valencia and the towns located in the metropolitan area of \u200b\u200bthe capital and incorporated into the Central Board Fallera (JCF) culminated starting at 22.00 hours on Saturday in San Jose.

At this time began to consume the children's fault. Half hour later, the monument child first prize winner of the Special Branch, planted by the pediatrician Failure Comín-Serra Jorge Calderon (Nou Campanar)-titled 'The Wedding of my parents ... in fotos'. At 23.00 hours it was the turn of the child fails the Plaza del Ayuntamiento de Valencia.

At midnight, the fire reduced to ashes the great monuments of the city and its metropolitan area. The big flaw of Mathematical Marzal Convent Jerusalem, which has won this year's top award Special Section , burned at 00.30 hours and at one o'clock came the 'crème' of the big flaw in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento , which traditionally is the last one that catches fire.

However, Valencia has been on fire throughout the night from Saturday to Sunday, as the number of monuments to burn, the risk at some intersections in the proximity of dwellings and the limit on the number of firefighters ago the 'cream' is developed in stages throughout the night. Agencies

March 20, 2011 *******

little after seven o'clock on Sunday afternoon hangover faller, jejejeje, and is when we realize that the days flew by. From February 27 is kicked out of the faults with Crid last night with Cremà all faults. Music, color, flavor, but several days rain and wind gave bad news about the party with a capital of Valencia. Several monuments fell due to wind, including a ninot of failure in my neighborhood. The rain damaged many more. But finally, last Thursday, the weather provided a respite. Happy

Demon and I went to see one of the nineteen mascletaes Achaeans held in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento that while TV can see or delayed by the network, there's nothing like being there feeling the pure powder cannon rumbling on the ground and deafening with its power. Click here if you want to know what a mascletà and here if you want to see one of the best of these failures.

I ate an obscene amount of pumpkin fritters (I hope, I long ago can still eat a little more, hahahaha). Happy Demon threw some bomblets to calm their anxieties of gunpowder, hahaha, it seems that it is carried in the blood ;-) The Valencian average, from tiny, and much enjoy throwing firecrackers and lighting firecrackers. You had to watch most of Happy Children to School Demon after the cream of the fault that we all did, all wanting to soak up the smell of gunpowder, to be as close as possible to the last remnants of the flames.

But is that something has all the party that reaches your soul and your heart turns :)


Snark Sailboat Ontario

The past of personal computing: HISTORY OF THE MICRO

I know that for months for not publishing anything, so I'm not making excuses or anything. However, I wanted to publicize an exhibition which I think is quite interesting, is titled as the title of this post, The past of personal computing: HISTORY OF THE MICRO , and is open from March 16 until April 26

Exposición Historia de la Microinformática

The exhibition takes place at the University of Jaén, Spain, is led by Francisco Charte and has a good amount of microcomputer material from old computers like the ZX-81 or the Commodore PET systems Removable Storage as an eight-inch disks (I never got to use those), punched tapes, etc.

Similarly, Francisco Charte has also written a book to complement the exhibition with Creative Commons license that can be downloaded for free (below are the links for information and downloads).

My idea is to try to go to the show before it ends in April, but for those who do not have that possibility, Francis told me that the idea is to make a video that fully recovered and put on-line.

Anyway, I love this kind of initiatives and the truth is more than an exhibition (hey, I'm not complaining that we do) what I like is that there a museum of computing in general or of microcomputers in particular here in Spain, but while that is not possible to enjoy initiatives like this.

More information:

exposure Wiki: http://museopc.ujaen.es/mediawiki/index.php/Portada


Francisco Charte: http://fcharte.com/

Paper History of the Microcomputer: http://fcharte.com/HistoriaMicroinformatica.pdf


Friday, March 11, 2011

How Far In Advance To Order Cake

The debt to the lost paradise

While playing the cold hand of my grandmother dying I could see on film all the scenes that have stuck in my heart. Now I'm sure that was not in memory but in the heart.
My grandmother and strawberry shakes with cinnamon, my grandmother and my brother shouting at me that and get out of the pool, chasing my grandmother not to throw at us again in the big pool of Tennis, the site allowed us to we ran a way to play. Making her swim, she arrived at the bus of the thirteen to the north Urdesa house. I looked out the window, waiting to arrive. Always waiting for your stories and when you put salt instead of detergent to the soup and left so much foam soap pumps and became the kitchen, for a few minutes in a vast fantasy image.
Roquitas Bathrooms in Miramar. The pocitos that we were and where she had me and my brother and we could stay home to literally hours. I remember we lost track of time. I also remember when he could not lead us to that place because it did not interest us more, and I also remember when she was old and not as proposed.
never never fight with my grandmother. No one challenged her. And it says a potentially quarrelsome.
When I took her cold hand and a bit bruised, I apologized for not having been more careful by not having as he wanted, and thanked him by the immense happiness that had been my grandmother, a grandmother of deep water. I thanked him for my childhood was enriched by his love and his love for his Italian grandparents stories, and certainly no father to her, made her more careful with the love to others.
For those rare things in life, for a few seconds, I realized that my other grandmother was sitting waiting for her. Sometimes they discussed, but they loved too. I could swear that when I touched her hand, swore he knew who I was. Mary Paulinilla and always told me, and I find it intolerable esuchar no voice anymore and their stories, and their stories on visits to wakes wrong, crazy. Because it was loquísima.
And though time goes by I feel like I owe her. Debt is not measurable, debt is a sensation, a certainty that I can never pay it off. And I know that is a debt that she never ask you to pay off, but still, maybe, just maybe, at some time feel that is fully paid. Surely not at this time.