Sunday, March 27, 2011

100 Pipers Scotch By Seagram

of color to your death

egg-shaped, to be buried in a fetal position Crazy Coffins

our funeral will probably
gray air, cold and depressing, except that before the fateful day we decided to buy a coffin 'fashion' to have to go to another neighborhood.

two years ago, Alice Hofer opened his extravagant funeral in the Alpine town of Thun , a boutique-like store where one does not dress for life but for death. Coffins are sold here individual at the request of future deaths. Besides patriotic coffins, with the Swiss flag or the German one, has created a black coffin with stars "because the universe will continue to shine but we're not," another with artificial turf "for golf enthusiasts," and another with sunflowers, " for those who enjoy the summer. "

palm, no doubt, brings an electric blue coffin with mussel shells glued together, "for those who love the sea." Alice's husband, the famous rock singer Polo Hofer, has suggested that his has two mirrors "to look back on his life." Hofer

wanted to give the Swiss another way to say goodbye to this world. "In most cases the loss of a loved one is a tragedy, so why not add a touch of humor? Sure helps to overcome the loss more easily," says Hofer. With these coffins, in fact, it is logical that the result is closer to a Greek tragicomedy. Your home looks awake, at least, smile.

However, since it opened its doors to the public, has sold only 10 pieces, at a price of around two thousand. Has had more luck with ash urns and caskets for animals that also manufactures a consumer taste. The figures do not concern him, because for Hofer this is a "hobby."

An African tradition
The idea is not new. The tradition of creating eccentric coffins was born in Ghana for over five decades as a carpenter built a sumptuous chair in the form of cocoa beans for a local representative. He died before so enjoy it became his coffin. Soon after, another woman asked him build an airplane as he had never been able to fulfill his dream of flying. And so the eccentricity went on to become fashionable. In Ghana it is common now buried in a coffin in the shape of an object representing the profession of each. For Therefore, the hammers are shaped, mobile phones, pens and snails (gastropods for the seller, of course).

For once, globalization made the journey in reverse and the bizarre coffins arrived in the Western world where they have become works of art that come to be exhibited in museums. Hofer caskets are not the first and much less sophisticated. Crazy Coffins The company has spent a decade creating unusual box-like scooter, cork, yacht, Viking ship or ballet slipper. All pieces are unique and are made using traditional methods and their cost can range from 500 to 6,000 euros. At Natural Endings specialize in funerals and coffins inspired football.

Many people are interested in these coffins but very few people end up deciding for a burial with humor.

Meritxell Mir
March 27, 2011


;-) I love

Although I do not want to be buried. Needless to deposit my ashes in a niche. I want that part to stay in Mexico and one in Spain. And the ashes you take my land, I want them in a nice urn, almost decorative, jejeje.



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