Saturday, April 30, 2011

Why Do Only Some Spots Burst v = H43204V0p04

"Beltaine" - Beltaine

Beltane, May 1, ancient Celtic ritual to say goodbye to the dark days of winter and welcome the season warm and bright. Fertility rites to promote good harvests and fires to attract the heat of the fire. All flowers, there is life in the environment.

Beltane is an anglicized derived from the Irish Gaelic Bealtaine or Scottish Gaelic means Bealtuinn Bel-fire, the fire of the Celtic god of light: Bel, Beli or Belinus. Other names for this festival which is also known as Mayday : Cetsamhain , the opposite of Samhain and Walpurgisnacht or Walpurgis in Germany. ***


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