Saturday, May 21, 2011

Lewis Electron Dot Structure Clf2


. Although social networks such mega-cool, I want, I try, I intend to keep this blog. Although in Facebook (I do not clarify with the mentioned Twitter and I do not think I ever will clarify : P ) there is an interaction almost immediately and I preferred it over MSN to communicate with my friends, there are many issues I consider more "propitious" for the blog. So, if time permits, lol, I will continue to war in these parts. The next July 1 will mark the sixth anniversary

xD. A couple of weeks ago I published the beginning of the novel Dracula Stoker commemorating the dates chosen to give comienzo a su historia :) Sólo por el gusto de hacerlo. No hubo ningún otro motivo. Aunque en el camino redescubrí que un 26 de mayo de 1897 se puso a la venta la primera edición de Drácula. También me enteré que hace poco tiempo se subastó uno de estos ejemplares con el plus de que estaba firmado por el mismísimo Bram Stoker. Pinchar aquí y morir de envidia, hahahaha.

. La próxima semana se emitirá el penúltimo capítulo de la adaptación a tele de La Reina del Sur , la novela de Arturo Pérez-Reverte, en Antena 3. En este lado del mundo condensaron la telenovela (con todas sus letras) a formato serie moderna y de 70 capítulos rose to 13 original: P had not said anything in hopes of trying to digest the adaptation. Moreover, just a boat soon, and much convinced me the choice of casting and how well they had it on Telemundo currado no expense spared to film on both sides of the Atlantic. Kate del Castillo had psyched pretty well and was the hit of Teresa Mendoza. But he painted so well at first, it was becoming an almost unspeakable adaptation. Not good, nor bad. Rather ... rare : /

And while Perez-Reverte had been agreed and all had made it clear that no sequels, that history would not allow he himself, the "elements" that were added here and there the writers, left a strange aftertaste. And it's not "my" Teresa, I figured reading the novel, was almost untouchable or as perfect, but in the TV adaptation is not noticeable progress not only within the world of drug trafficking, but the staff, the most important I think. No notice is the guts to move forward alone. In the adaptation always seem to "support" someone to either move forward to stay in the destination that you chose.

Vale, in the novel there is a narrator onmisciente and perhaps to reflect what goes on Teresa's head would have to resort to monologues. But, example, I "block" to forge unity with the girls in the brothel where one of them becomes its virtual soul sister. Nor that have created almost shoehorn, the kind of crush the bastard lawyer uses only. The change is so fundamental that at every point and every point of the novel, both inside and outside, in the TV adaptation is only shown with a change in makeup and costume : / insist, is note that for once in his career, Kate del Castillo has worked to make it believable performance, but "his" Teresa Mendoza is static. Not evolve.

Patty Bravo Bravissimo by O'Farrell (Cristina Urgel) for Pot Galvez (Dagoberto Gama) and Santiago Finisterre (Iván Sánchez), best of all the casting, because even Humberto Zurita is saved as the boss of bosses : P "Skip" a lot of that left northern imposed to Epigmenio Vargas and only reminds us of any comic. I find it pathetic how he plays or plays the mobster Oleg ruski Yasikov (Alberto Jiménez). Does not fit anywhere in the description in the novel. Me on the alleged special agent Guadalupe Romero (Sara Maldonado) ending to the hilt in love with Lieutenant O'Farrell. And I miss those details so curious (and most suitable for readers geeks, hehehehe) the principle of adaptation which transfers the dialogues and expressions of the novel.

It was a good effort, may mark a precedent in the world of soap operas, but it is not to throw rockets happiness: P At first I just thought it was a curious detail, but at this stage of the issue, I do not understand adaptation which was cut to thirteen episodes for broadcast in Spain. Not that filmed two versions: simple and easy to edit almost clean machete: P tried to be faithful to the novel, including the vocabulary, which at the side of the world has given them confidence to be meat, all Otherwise this problem which is issued without whatsoever. And yet in Spain decided to broadcast it in serial format. I do not know how bad feeling as I was announcing telenovela.

. I've seen all three seasons of Sons of Anarchy xD premiere in September quarter and die for her. Much convinced me the story and how to present the stories. There are plenty of things that only mean those who have known or living within the biker world and that is very attractive to newcomers but also possible, that is little identification with the average viewer. Codes in the locker room, in the form of action, in relationships. Some well displayed and other exaggerated : P Maybe that does the series have the same amount of fans than detractors. Curious that the same show with full, try to avoid it as the attempt to mount a Hamlet in the biker scene :)

I was surprised by the performance of Katey Sagal as the matriarch of this large family biker. It will only remember her as the tacky Married With Children : P But now, with more than fifty years, has finally found a role that has given up her first Emmy and revealed a beautiful voice. Big Ron Pearlman, like all the roles she has played throughout his career. Charlie Hunnam, with the air that sometimes gives the deceased Heath Ledger, making the "Prince" Jax, is also compelling and almost surprising. In itself, I find more successes than failures, than any, Hayles, lol. There is also an excellent choice of both songs on the soundtrack of each chapter and in the header.

. I have fond Castle, The Mentalist and Bones . Series that are not flower of a day and marked its particular character. Achieve a balance between drama and comedy and strive to bring cases "studied." Charismatic characters with lives outside the police stations. And there's chemistry between the three main characters. Me surprised and very, David Boreanaz that after passing through his role in Buffy and Angel, I thought it would make life difficult for another character so radically different. It has also been a success the casting of the voices that bend the three series. Do not sound like "old acquaintances" as if there were only a handful of actors to bend all TV series and all movies. Moreover, who doubled to Patrick Jane, The Mentalist series of the same name, gives a special touch to your tone of voice. I know not what :)


Thursday, May 19, 2011

Win And Win Archery Catalog

Eyes open!

"eyes" - Oomph

Cornerstone, cornerstone - Everything must be hidden

Again, I lie in wait
Because we play our game
Again I wait at the wall
again, I am just before the target

And I hear your breath And I smell your fear

I no longer can wait
because I know what you want

Cornerstone, cornerstone - Everything must be hidden

1,2,3,4,5,6 , 7,8,9,10
eyes open - I'm coming!
not show yourself!

I constantly call your name I'm always looking for your face

When I finally have you
Play truth or dare we

Cornerstone, cornerstone - Everything must be hidden 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10

eyes open - I'm coming!
not show yourself!
hiding up

eyes on me .... come!
eyes open - I'm coming!
eyes open - I'm coming!
eyes open - I'm coming!
Look out - here I come!
not show yourself!


Cornerstone, cornerstone, everything has to be hidden

Again, I couch
For we are playing our game
Again, I wait at the wall
Again, I'm just in front of the goal

And I hear your breath And I smell your fear

I can not wait anylonger
For I know what you claim

Cornerstone, cornerstone - everything has to be hidden

Eyes open - I'm coming!
Don't show yourself!
Hide yourself

All along, I'm calling your name
All along, I'm looking for your face
When I finally get you
We play truth or dare

Cornerstone, cornerstone - everything has to be hidden

Eyes open - I'm coming!
Don't show yourself!
Hide yourself

Eyes open, I'm... coming!
Eyes open - I'm coming!
Eyes open - I'm coming!
Eyes open - I'm coming!
Look out - I'm coming!
Do not show yourself!

the album "Wahrheit oder Pflicht" (2004) *******

Because the evil spirit does not belong to adults ;-)


Sunday, May 15, 2011

How To Shrink Too Big Wool Sweater

200 years ago, the Albuera

story I have not one of those stories of voyages and war stories that I like to remember from time to time. He also spent years without mentioning the mother of perfidious Albion, which as you know the veterans of this page, it was always my favorite historical enemy. If as a reader I enjoy books that have episodes sea or land, I enjoy much more when those palms are British. As English-born everyone he can, not where you want, I am sick of all historians and British novelists, sweeping back home, describing the sailors and soldiers here as incompetent and cowardly mob that smelled of garlic. So when I have occasion to remember a set where the subjects of Her Gracious broke their horns, I enjoy such as suckling pig in carrot patch. Others like football.

This week, of Albuera makes it easy for me. On Monday, May 16 marks the bicentennial exactly when, during the war of Independence, 34,000 English, English and Portuguese fought there for five hours with 23,000 French who were to relieve Badajoz, rejecting. Two British brigades were nearly annihilated the English troops, registering even the cartridge from the dead, held the line against French raids, and in the field was killed or wounded one in five soldiers. The Albuera was one of the bloodiest battles of the war in Spain. And of course from British historians of the period, Napier, Londonderry, Oman, until now, all agree in attributing to his troops the weight of the battle, leaving the English, as did the Battle of Chiclana, aseadito a modest background. These spaniards poor boys, you know. Simple employees and such.

However, the reality was different. Letters and eyewitness accounts, English included, can now establish what really happened in the Albuera. And was that the right flank corresponding to the English troops, situated on a hill in front of only 600 meters wide, there walked into the main French attack. Maintaining their position under fire recruits horrific-4 Guards Battalion fell in the same place where they were, without breaking the formation, "the English attacks rejected two gringos. To already be out of ammo when starting the third, the British brigade Colborne was a step to get in front line and support the third assault. But instead of staying on the hill, the British, eager to prove that for them, and really chulito always fought very well in the war of Spain advanced toward the enemy troops without realizing that imperial cavalry was stationed nearby. The British brigade was destroyed, as well as another that was about. Taking a tactical error that caliber, two brigades of His Majesty passed through the meat grinder blade, it was hard to swallow for Wellington. And when he read the part where the general Beresford told what happened, he demanded another where you omitted the disastrous maneuver, and the fact that resisted English alone the first two rounds. I wanted something that sounded more English tenacious and heroic resistance. And that second version, adapted to British national pride, was published by the press and officially adopted in the history books.

One of the most detailed current English military historians, José Manuel Guerrero Acosta, has taken in recent years the work of dusting all those parts of war, proving what I have just told. With great irritation, by the way, as the distinguished British colleagues Charles Esdaile, that during a recent conference in Warsaw rose, angry, to say that this review of what happened in the Albuera "offends the memory of British troops who fought in Spain. " Curious statement, indeed, a historian who does not seem to offend the memory of hundreds of English women raped when British troops entered Badajoz, Ciudad Rodrigo and San Sebastian, and his fellow historians and novelists who have two hundred years making sure that, in Peninsular War, Napoleon's troops were defeated only by Wellington, sometimes, yes, with the grudging cooperation, of course, English for the miserable mob, in the glorious and heroic battles always English, merely take the jug.

Arturo Perez-Reverte
XL Semanal
15 de mayo de 2011
