Wednesday, May 4, 2011

How Long Until Anorexia Shows

For the dead travel fast

May 4

I learned that the owner of the hotel had received a letter from the Count with instructions that you reserve the best seat in the diligence but when asked certain details, was somewhat reticent, and pretended not to understand my German. Could not be true, because until that point I had understood to perfection, at least he answered my questions as if I understood well. He and his wife. the elderly woman who had received me, looked scared. He murmured that he had received the money along with a letter, and that was all he knew. Asked if he knew Count Dracula, and if he could tell me about his castle, both crossed themselves, and after telling me that they knew nothing at all, refused to continue talking. So little was missing for a start, he had no time to ask anyone else, but it was all very mysterious and very little tranqulizador.

Shortly before leaving, the lady came to my room and cried, almost on the verge of hysteria:

- Do you have to go? Oh young Herr , does that go?

was so excited I seemed to have lost command of German he knew and was jumbled with another language completely unknown to me. I was only able to continue his speech on the basis of him many questions. When I said I was leaving soon, and that was on an important issue, I asked

- Do you know what day is today?

I replied that it was May 4. She shook her head, and exclaimed:

- Oh, yeah! I know, I know!, But you know what day it is? "And the answer I did not understand, he continued:" It is the eve of St. George. Did you know that tonight, when the clock strikes twelve, all evil beings walk freely around the world? Do you know where you are going and what goes? He showed

so evident distress that I tried to reassure her, but to no avail. Finally, he fell to his knees and implored me not away, to wait at least a day or two before you go. It was a ridiculous scene, but it made me feel uncomfortable. However, it was a matter to be resolved and could not consent to nothing obstructed. So I tried to lift it, and I said, as gravely as I could, which was grateful, but my duty did not admit delay, and had no choice but to go. Then he got up and wiped his eyes and taking off the neck a crucifix, he offered me. I did not know what to do because as a member of the Anglican Church have taught me idolatrous consider these things, and at the same time I felt a lack of courtesy to make a slight to an old lady so well intentioned and in such a mood. I guess he saw the doubt in my face, because I wore the rosary around her neck and said:

- for his mother.

and left the room. This part of the day I'm writing while I wait for the diligence, which of course has already late, and still carry the crucifix long around the neck. I do not know if they will be the fears of this lady, but I have no mood calm as before. If this book came to Mina before I do, take you my last goodbye. Here comes the coach!

May 5. The castle

The gray of the morning has dissipated, and the sun is very high compared to the distant horizon, which seems jagged, because I do not know if the trees or the hills, are so far things big merge with smaller ones. I'm awake, so as I get to bed until the time you want, I write to entertain a sleepy feeling. I have many strange things to score, and for that read them do not think I ate too much before leaving Bistritz consignaré here was exactly what the menu. I took what they call "robber steak" pieces bacon, onion and beef, all seasoned with pepper, and strung on sticks and roasted in a fire, the simple style of horse meat is sold on the streets of London! The wine was a Mediasch gold, and produces a strange itch in the language, however, is not unpleasant. Only took a couple of glasses and nothing else.

when I got on the coach, the coachman hbía not yet taken his seat, I saw him chatting with the lady of the inn. Obviously, talking about me, because when he glanced in my direction, and some people sitting on a bench near the door, which they call with a name that means "tavern" - had come to listen and turned to face me, almost all with a look of pity. I heard frequently repeated certain words, strange words, as there were people of all nationalities from the meeting, so I took my bag quietly multilingual dictionary and looked it up. I confess that I was filled with animation, since among other found Ordog, Satan Pokol, hell stregoica , witch and Vrolok vlkoslak, also mean (a Slav and one in Serbian ) something like a werewolf or vampire ( Mem, ask Count about these superstitions.)

When we started, the crowd congregations in the door of the inn, which at that time had increased significantly, made the señla of the cross and pointed two fingers towards me. With some difficulty, I managed to ask another passenger to explain to me what it meant, at first refused to answer, but knowing that I was English, he said it was a spell or protection from the evil eye. This did not seem very nice about me, who was leaving for an unknown region to meet a man she had never seen, but all were so ebnévolos and so afflicted, and amnifestaron such compassion that I could not but feel moved. I will never forget the last image of the inn, with that many people in picturesque attire, all crossing themselves, under the arch, cut out against a background of abundant planting oleanders and orange trees in green tubs clustered in the center of the courtyard. Then, our driver, whose wide linen drawers, which they call here Gotz - covered almost entirely on the box, blew his huge whip over the four horses, they went to a time and set off.

Soon they left behind the fears spectral forgotten the beauty of the scenery through which we traveled, though, had I known the language-or While the language-speaking my colleagues, I would perhaps not so easily dispelled. Before us lay an undulating land, full of planted forests and steep hills crowned by groups of trees or houses, with white nastiales glued to the road. Everywhere were staggering amounts of blossoming fruit: apple, plum, pear and cherry trees, to be closer, we see that the grass growing underneath was dotted with fallen petals. In amongst these green hills of what they call the Mittel Land ran the road, losing to describe a curve, or to hide the vague boundary of a pine forest, which when then down the slopes like a tongue of fire. The road was uneven, peroparecía we flew by it to feverish speed. I did not understand why such a hurry, but the driver was evidently determined not to lose time to reach the Borgo Pound. I was told that this road was excellent in the spring, but had not yet settled after the winter snows. In Eset sense, is different from the roads in the Carpathians in general, as there is an old tradition that should not keep them in too good condition. Since time immemorial, the hospodars (Slavic word meaning "love" or "lord") do not want to fix them for fear that the Turks believe that the foreign troops prepare to move and move quickly to provoke war, in fact, is always about to explode.

While running for the endless road, the sun fell increasingly behind us and the afternoon shadows began to grow around us. This effect is further accentuated as the setting sun was illuminating the snowy peaks that seemed to cast a rosy glow and cold sensitive. From time to time we passed with some Czechs and Slovaks, all in costume. Along the road there were many crosses, and when we went fast with them, my traveling companions crossed themselves. sometimes saw to any farmer or peasant kneeling in front of a chapel and even turned the pass Nostro, but seemed devoted to a devotion that had no eyes and ears for the outside world. By late afternoon began to cool and dusk haze seemed to plunge into a dark gloom of the trees, oak, beech and pine trees, "though in the valleys ran deep between the spurs of the mountains, when we climbed into the gorge, black firs stood against a backdrop of freshly fallen snow. Sometimes when the road passed through the pine forests in the darkness seemed to close upon us, the masses of gray, which spilled here and there trees spectral effect produced singularly solemn and favoring the gloomy thoughts and imaginings that suggested the sunset when the evening sun highlighted the strange ghostly clouds slid steadily between the valleys of the Carpathians. Sometimes the hills are so steep that, despite the driver's haste, the horses were forced to keep up. I wanted to get out and walk with them, as we do in my country, but the driver would not consent.

- No, no, "he said, you can not walk down here, the dogs are too fierce" and added, so obviously wanted to be a sinister joke, then turned to make a smile approvingly of others-and you have enough before bedtime tonight.

The only time he stopped was to light the lanterns.

When darkness fell, the passengers were nervous and, one after another, began to say things to the coachman, and urging him to be quicker. He mercilessly harassed horses with his great whip, and encouraged them to take more with angry shouts of encouragement. Then, amid the darkness, I made a kind of gray clearly before us, as if it were a crack between the hills. The nervousness of passengers increased, the local swayed diligence on the main spring leather and heeling like a ship buffeted by a stormy sea. I had to grab me. The road became more level and it seemed we were flying. Then, the mountains were close to one to the other side, ciñiéndose threatening to us: we were entering the Borgo Pass. Several passengers offered me gifts, insisting that a veheencia accept that brooked no negative, were more varied and strange, but each gave it to me in simple good faith with a kind word and a blessing, and that strange mix fearful gestures had already observed Bistritz front of the hotel, the sign of the cross and protection against the evil eye. Then, as we ran, the driver leaned hacia delante y los pasajeros, asomándose a uno y a otro lado dle coche, escrutaron ansiosamente la oscuridad. Era evidente que esperaban o temían que sucediera algo muy emocionante, pero aunque pregunté a cada uno de los pasajeros, ninguno quiso darme la más ligera explicación. en ese estado de nerviosismo se prolongó durante un rato; por fin, vimos abrirse el desfiladero hacia oriente. El cielo estaba poblado de nubes oscuras e inquietas, y en el aire flotaba una sensación densa y opresiva de tormenta. Parecía como si la cordillera hubiese dividido la atmósfera en dos y entráramos ahora en la parte tormentosa. Yo mismo me asomé, tratando de divisar el vehículo que debía llevarme hasta el conde. Esperaba, pero everything was dark. The only light we perceived were the flickering rays of our lantern, which made visible the vapor given off by our exhausted horses, in the form of white cloud. Now we could distinguish the sandy road in front of us, but there was no sign of another vehicle. The passengers were sprawled with a sigh of relief that seemed a mockery of my disappointment. I had been thinking about what to do now, when the driver, looking at his watch, told others what I heard with difficulty, and he said it quietly, I think was: "One hour ahead." Then, turning to me, "he added in German worse than mine:

- No carriage. Do not expect Herr. So you will have to come to Bucovina and return rmañana last year, better past.

As he spoke, the horses began to whinny and plunge wildly, so that the driver had to hold them. Then, while the peasants he did exclaim in chorus and crossed themselves, we reached a carriage with four horses and stood next to the coach. In the glow of our lanterns noticed that the horses were a splendid animal, black as coal. The guiding a tall man with long brown beard and a large black hat that hid his face. I only saw the flash of a pair very bright-eyed and red in time to turn towards us. He told the driver: "Come

before the time tonight, friend.

The man stammered

"The English Herr hurry.

To which the stranger replied:

"Therefore, I suppose, is what led you to Bucovina. You can not fool me, man, I know too much and my horses are very fast.

smiled when talking, and our lanterns illuminated a hard mouth, very red lips and sharp teeth white as ivory. One of my companions whispered to another verse Lenore, Burger:

Denn die Toten
Reiten schnell (For the dead travel fast)

The unknown driver evidently heard the comment, because he raised his eyes glowing smile. The passenger looked away while crossing herself with two fingers.

"Give me the Herr's luggage said that of the carriage.

I tended my travel bag with amazing and he quickly settled into his carriage. Then I descended from the diligence, the gig was located very near the door and the stranger helped me, holding my arm with an iron hand, should you have a prodigious force. Without saying a word, shook the reins, the horses were turn and we plunged into the darkness of the gorge. Looking back I saw the steam of the horses of the coach in the light of lanterns and cut on it, the figures of my former companions crossing themselves. Then the driver cracked his whip over his horses and reconvene its quick trip to Bucovina.




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