Monday, June 4, 2007

Jolene Bleaching Directions

a month old ...

Question is : who the hell might be interested in the course of this page in just a fucking month? The answer is clear: anyone .

You might be a surfer who was lost looking for something different and you have your mouse pointer on the green arrow pointing left. You may be someone who is interested in entheogenic drugs and you came here thinking you'd find something interesting. Maybe you're a friend who has clicked again, another fuck up, the damn link every week. Even you may be a rare organism that likes to style and philosophy of this crappy blog and pass from time to time ...

In any event this entry shit does not interest you, are pathetic one-page book largely unknown, so get out of here! : D

During its first month of life, Miasal has received 327 visits (10.9 visits / day) and 605 page views, which means that every visitor is 1.85 pages, which is logical given that is a blog and, until recently, had only one page where you could read all the entries (so why open more?). Using estimates taking into account the IP, browsing time and some other more data we can say that this site has been popular of about 70 people .

On most visits occurred on May 27th (the day of the publication of "The external world changed ") with nothing more and nothing less than 24 visits! (7.34%) xD.

For readers outside Spain has been enough, but considering only those who have been more than a minute on the page, we had a visitor from Massachusetts (United States), one of Limerick (Ireland), one Cambridge (England) and one of Hamburg (Germany). From here a greeting to everyone: D Some

found us on Google looking "tryptamines " " Lsa "and" miasal . The vast majority of readers have visited the page more than 25 times (47.1%), which means that a large proportion of visitors return often. This is a rare phenomenon that I can not explain, "collective madness?," local fascinated by everything that has to do with drugs?, no idea ...

Regarding other statistics about visitors :

· literally eats Firefox Internet Explorer with 64.44% of Windows users
· destroys any other operating system with a 96.94%. In their struggle Internal XP is king (96.21%).
• The most used resolution is 1280x1024 (59.63%) followed by 1024x768 (23.85%)
• The ADSL is far more used to the cable (~ 90%)

most viewed entries (this counts clickeos only on the post title or the direct links to it, so it is not objective), the first, obviously, is the Index (78.02%), then go to:

* LSA 2: "I've lost respect " (3.31%)
* " The outside world has changed " (3.14%)
* LSA: The nature LSD (2.31%)
* LSA, my experience ... and the new "I" (2.15%)
* LSA: Color Shower (1.82%)

Conclusion: what seems most fun are the experiences in first person, but also like pretty interesting stories on the subject of drugs. Of course not far behind the necessary analysis to study drugs (especially drugs largely unknown as the LSA). Miasal is hearing, who was going to tell me just 20 days ago, this attests to the limited means speaking openly and in first person about the real effects of drugs, a fact that makes some poor resort to any such lost bad as mine: D. Experiences become the , but the respect we give to these drugs (which makes us very interested in the provenance, quality, preparation, place, date, any personal problems ...) leads ranging to be a content that will put every so often (every month?. "Two months?), while the blog will be about issues or stories about drugs, law, society, etc.. Always with special reference to the enteĆ³ginas.

Greetings one and lonely pathetic reader of this blog; D.


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