Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Microsoft Lifecam Will Not Recognize The Camera

Psilocybin Through reflection

Plato said "The Republic " that man was in a very early age of knowledge, giving clubs blind. That certainly give everything our senses give us , and it costs us to accept whatever they have not experienced before (or may not get to do it). He explained this through a myth that after other geniuses throughout history were taken as an example or basis for their thoughts. We could say that in terms of knowledge - that which Plato spoke to us - we've come very little.

He used a story, men neck and feet chained in a cave since the day they were born. the bottom of that cave, the prisoners back was a large fire that cast the shadows of passers-by behind them. They could only look to the area of \u200b\u200bthe cave where the shadows were cast, so the prisoners with the accepted not as a projection of the real, if not the actual forms themselves. SU was actually , his world reduced to what his senses were offered on that side of the cave, all that existed in the world were zigzagging shadows playing to catch the warm light.

The real question was: What if one of these prisoners were freed of their chains and come out into the real world? Plato assumed that it would be clearly outweighed by the number of stimuli that would be experienced in the first instance should escape the glare to burn their retinas weak and refuge in some shade, then should used to his new vision looking through the reflections of the water, could finally look up and overwhelmed by the immense beauty of the universe . New shapes, new colors, new smells and new sensations, a new cosmos. Much later

William Blake said something like, " If the doors of perception were open, we would see the world as it is, infinite. As human beings can only peer through the cracks that exist in his cave "(that is memory, not verbatim, P)

If we take as reference the cavern of Blake taking this as our body and the cracks in it as our senses, I can say I took the last week head (or mind; D) by one of those cracks. If we are to Plato and his cave, I was the slave who in the shade of a tree looked at the sky through the reflection pond.

We got up early, very early . We reached the beach (a VERY secluded cove and inaccessible) after a long walk in which the average dose of psilocybin that we had time before starting to go up. It was 6 in the morning, perfect time to sit and experience the c HANGES of light and colors of sunrise . Psilocybin increased hard and fast, nothing to do with the previous time in which the effects were taking turns climbing and patience. This time came suddenly a big laugh, looking up and the small forest behind us had become a world of fairies, new colors and movement kaleidoscope of leaves and twigs gave him a nondescript appearance.

We had the radio, with batteries of course (yes this time), but by a twist of fate we forgot in the car (a 45 minute uphill walk: /) the CD we had prepared. We screwed up, sure, but after thinking more quiet and we preferred the . That forced us to put the radio and although we had to dodge commercial shit after shit in the end we came up with RNE; classical masters, perfect companion for our state, began to ring and she waves, wind, birds and trees followed the rhythm of our small radio , all dancing in a perfect dance. We lie and watch the sky seemed the clouds were near to be able to touch them, they also danced and gave us some curious way;).

For a moment, and this is what I really wanted to, I felt in my body as trapped, was a very strange feeling, but I liked during that stage I saw colors I'd never seen, I beheld a new and different world. As if you were a little elf that looks through the eyes of a giant foreign body traveling in distant lands. Then at that time, I experienced the joy and the fear that I imagine would feel the slave when she saw the sky reflected in the pond, it's like to have the door half open perception, confusion of the prince who dreams of being a prisoner or the prisoner dreams of being a prince of great Calderon. All accompanied by philosophical conversations between uncontrolled laughter, absurd theories and universal truths, trying to go reasoning beyond the annals of creation, a cosmic scale , considering that the "pa nĂ¡ go is nonsense "is the cornerstone of human philosophy (xDD) etc, etc, etc. short: A perfect day .

And with this I can not be ever more convinced that the preparation is essential , 70% of the trip, the choice of venue (a beautiful natural setting and solo), time (one that results in a change of light , dawn or dusk), the dose, the company, the music ... everything must be perfect and unforgettable and enriching experience.

And this is to, that is to, that's all folks.


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