Sometimes prejudices that society from an early etches can destroy life. If we feel the urgent need to fit , we can use anything to this: can they lied as Cossacks to be accepted, may show ourselves in a different way to which we are to sympathize with our environment, can, especially in the most tender age and lack of personality defined (a phase that some will not leave behind in his life), they even resort to dangerous and banned substances to demonstrate in any way our false rebellion, and that our mind can not stand rejection of people who eventually end up discovering our shortcomings suspicion that both buried.

These people tend to strongly reject drugs ... and illegal, of course . Do not hesitate to take a Valium (Benzodiazepines ) for a simple headache, or drink four cups a Friday night, sure it will be almost indispensable for social life smoking a pack of cigarettes and a couple of coffees a day. These are people who when they see someone smoking (or themselves) are not a drug addict getting one of their ~ 30 daily doses of nicotine only someone smoking, if they see that your partner needs to pay two coffees at work, not an addict, is that sleep badly when they see a person drunk with alcohol, do not see a drug addict, they see a drunk, and of course for them there is no overdose of any of these substances, are comma-ethyl, cancers .. ..
Something similar took Agnes Corbacho, a mother in any site either lived in a perfect world in an Orthodox family, was singularly correct and happy. But one day her husband (and support) died suddenly, was a fact (very hard for anyone) that his weak personality was not able to confront, not everyone is prepared to contemplate the destruction of a universe (in this case a personal universe and family) ... He threw as he could for a while but his only daughter was a big help a teenager 28 years had not worked in his life or done any study, a brat to which they had because every fact and thought that life was confined to his room and his friends.
, totally unacceptable, his daughter saw dragons, burning neurons, lost memory and intelligence rapidly, probably end up jumping from any window or die of an overdose .... At least that's what Agnes had told . So began a crusade against drugs that made her daughter was an example of personified mental fart, now I understand!, Was the drug and not the "girl" that was bad life and vagueado since leaving school. Asked his daughter's entry into a detoxification center, but medical examiners did not see the slightest sign of addiction, so I refused it twice.

already in court and ignoring the advice of your attorney, told because they did not repent or feel remorse, had freed his daughter from hell drug, implacable evil that is cannabis, which makes become someone completely different, a substance will parasitic malicious and destructive thinking and acting just for you. So they taught Inés.
may one day of many that await him in jail, was put to think and understand, that the drug is only one substance, neither good nor bad, that you can use wonderful or terrible. That is never to think for you, addictive only if the subject, will, allow sufficient time for it, there is no documented case of death by cannabis and then, only then can understand that his daughter died of an overdose of hypocrisy . Mild
dramatization of this article de La Voz de Galicia I kept the original title. The story is totally real.
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