Sunday, May 27, 2007

Immunization In Ontario

An act of love "The outside world has changed"

"Suddenly I felt strangely inebriated. The external world has changed as in a dream. objects seemed to gain relief, took the unusual dimensions and colors became brighter. Even the perception of myself and time were altered. With eyes closed, I saw pictures of color that glowed and disappeared in a shifting kaleidoscope. After hours, the not unpleasant inebriation had been experiencing while remaining fully conscious, disappeared. What had caused this condition? "

Albert Hofmann (discoverer of LSD) - Laboratory Notes (1943) -

Poor Albert made the mistake of playing part of the compound slightly it was investigating (a compuesto semisintetico preparado a partir del ácido lisérgico presente en el cornezuelo del centeno) con las yemas de sus dedos durante la recristalización, como la cantidad con la que estaba trabajando era mínima no le dio mayor importancia. Su organismo absorbió el compuesto a través de su piel y a a los 40 minutos experimentó el primer viaje de LSD de un ser vivo en la historia .

Días después, para asegurarse de qué había sido el causante de ese estado alterado, se fue al laboratorio y probó e inhaló dosis seguras de todas las sustancias con las que había estado trabajando. Al final, probó 0.17mg de LSD considerándola una dosis prudente (tomando reference to other similar substances). The truth is that LSD is one of the most potent drugs known to science is active from 0.01 mg (compared to 0.17 that took Hofmann), so the hapless Albert took a trip to pee and do not take drop. Barely able to speak or think clearly, she began experiencing sudden changes in perception (disturbing distortion of senses, optical illusions, a sense of being outside the body, etc .).... ultimately had to be escorted home by his assistant.

Hofmann feared by both his life and his sanity in a confusing 8 hours, until the effects were subsiding and gave way to a state of deep reflection. There began interesting history of LSD, which has been used as therapeutic as a cult (even once had its own church), for fun, and even as a possible agent chemical warfare (what better to win a drug war that your opponent?), until it was finally banned and merely hypocritical much scientific study of this substance, which could have become one of the most revolutionary drug in modern history (effectively relieves pain while maintaining consciousness is very useful for certain psychiatric therapies, Some psychologists used to cure addictions and lots of other uses that science did not have time to find out) ... Bibliography

: Pharmacoteon Jonathan Ott


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