Sunday, May 13, 2007

Why Should A College Have A Fitness Center

Psilocybin Psychedelic Laughter

Well, it is nine and some at night and I have 15g of cubensis psilocybe colombionas before me in one of the most beautiful beaches in Malaga and along with my best friends, to see how it goes ...

When things begin the journey, my vision is blurred, I find it impossible to define the faces of my friends. I start more interested in everything around me, never in my life I had noticed how the stars are reflected in the sea on a dark night, thousands of lights sparkle in the water, which certainly seems more dense, as if been replaced by liquid mercury or something of similar density.

start laughing. A laugh is unleashed, uncontrollable, great jokes out of our mouths as if the best comedians of the world had gathered that night, or so it seemed to us that is what matters.

I lie on the sand and look at the stars, are amazing. Suddenly I seem to be all in the same plane fixed, as if it were a roof, a roof that is not far away, maybe if you extend a hand could touch, but I'm too good, too tired. Suddenly the stars begin to shine more brightly and become small triangles of light begin to turn on themselves, then all gather in various circles and begin to rotate between them in a perfect but chaotic , indescribable, like those tubes small fascinated me where you look through a hole, turn the lid and you see hundreds of colored boxes moving in circles .

I get, the colors are more intense, things are more clear, white is even whiter at night to be closed, every stone stands out above all others.

I walk away a little of the group, for a moment the sand seems to have become broken glass, I walk slowly not to make too much noise and I go to a wooded area, all kinds of sounds saturate my ears, dark shapes are drawn to my eyes, I have afraid, very afraid. But somehow I like , I love that fear, my body releases adrenaline in a rush to sharpen my senses, now hear the sounds better, look better in the shadows, I'm terrified, I still like ... It seems very strange fear, every time I have this which causes excessive dopamine in my brain, that after all is an artificial fear , but on the other side is real that can be felt " sober, "I love ...

be back with the group and continue the laughter, laughter that no one had heard, sincere and unbridled laughter, it hurts the body and face from laughing so hard, I think I never laughed so much for so long. Then came the reflective phase, in-depth discussions but funny, someone says something, everyone laughs, but we all understand and share. It was the perfect place, perfect time and perfect company, a great day.

worst? well, sometimes you're in the wrong place at the wrong time (although only a few minutes ago would think just the opposite), " tragic accident" some call it. A boat without lights and with a quiet engine approaches the coast (so dark and silent that it costs a lot to differentiate it from the rocks and do not even hear the slightest sound, no motor or rowing, but it's still pretty fast), very close to us, we are confident that we have seen, but they seem to be anything more important. Come a few meters from the shore and released a light shining under the water in a very intense for about a minute of intermittent, how fishermen?. Packages start throwing water in a violent way, "go, I do not want to catch anything like that," the thing is clear, drug traffickers. A typical way of entry of drugs, get a boat to a secluded cove, someone waiting in the distance the signal, the ship marks the point, pull the drug and eventually fall to those who wait for the goods, easy, simple and for the whole family. Needless to say, we did not stay too to witness the spectacle, we left there on the wafer with the blind man suddenly cut off by fear. Tragic accident .

conclusions about the trip (compared to LSA):
• It is more informal , to call somewhat more social and shared more fun and shallower.
• The feeling of being is not as deep and intense but still a pass; D
• More visual and imaginative , no distortion of the senses as with the LSA, but may also occur when total hallucination, very visual.
· It is clear that this is only a small estimate, keeping in mind that doses can be anything;)

Did Next? well, it's hard to say, is mescaline? "Salvia? We do not know, the truth is that next week there is no travel, play off, and within a time spend what is left of the LSA (and hopefully the trip will be as good but different) and then we'll see ... But do not worry alone and only reader of our pathetic but didactic blog, we will continue updating from time to time with curious tidbits, D

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