Monday, May 21, 2007

Step To Step Guide Of How To Wank

No drugs good and bad ...

this card can only be described with an adjective: impressive. I have seldom seen so well expressed what I have always defended and a renowned essayist (and an expert on drugs) in a newspaper of national circulation, almost unthinkable today. Imperative to change the chip into society, filled to the bars of addicts, not only physically but also socially, drugs (whether legal or illegal) and big business or big crooks taking advantage of it. A text to reflect:


No drugs good and bad, but uses
wise or foolish of them.


truly understand and share the feeling of helplessness that drives him to form groups to protest and demonstrate in the streets demanding solutions to an issue that gets worse every day. That is why I propose to stop a moment to reflect, as they do not know a thing just by getting it in our flesh, but when understand where we are born.

You, the official propaganda has said there is, first, The Drugs and moreover the pharmacy medicines and other products sold in grocery stores and tobacconists. Some lead to death, others to life and the third are something different.
I venture to suggest that such ideas are only beginning to seem real when we decided to believe them. The heroin , symbolizing evil today, serves as a perfect example. It is an opiate, and opium was used as a blessing from God for all physicians to 4,000 years just a few.

Its derivatives are, of course, drugs of delicate handling. Note, however, that while laws were not produced a single case of accidental overdose, while now unintentionally kill hundreds of young people each year and also note that while things were decent, pure and cheap consumers were elderly. Launched by the house while Bayer aspirin, his other great discovery, recommended to heroin to calm nerves and cough of children.
would like him to see, madam, that if the substance is evil today is because some sell profitably hell to others, but also because in some measure the evil declare ourselves, we do not know life without a Satan or another and are at neutral sites such as chemistry. The tragedy occurred when one of our children, in the most difficult age, when his character has not been formed yet, choose to believe the fantasies of their parents.

Why believe it? Note that not only has the fascination of the forbidden, but a sad but undeniable advantage. Get the status of demonic (hung) relieves them of that learning to sacrifice and to collect for others it marks the beginning of maturity, release them to take responsibility for their own acts. Without realizing it, to accept that there is a substance that would cause devilishly good will offer our children an alibi and paper. Alibi for the lack of virtue and paper for lack of whereabouts.
there anything you know and constantly seems to be forgetting. Your child will cost 20,000 pesetas gram of a powder which, according to official statements have 5% of what they want, at most 10%. Could I have a husband or a son alcoholic if, for reasons of price and purity-only managed to drink a day or cognac anise which fits into a sewing thimble? When told he needed the money for the purchase or rental to get your thimble of liquor every day what would you say? And when I saw him die from drinking a centilitre that, what you would throw your fault or cognac anise in general?
Within their plight, lady, it's any consolation to think that heroin is some kind of evil that body to be engaged enough to look irresistible. His son, a poor unsuspecting, wanted to try anything else and from that moment became the victim justified to steal or kill, and certainly for parasite declared perpetual.

But the heroine, who almost always feel bad the first few times, addiction does not start before spending two weeks using a quarter of a gram per day (if you doubt, ask a competent physician.) And even then, the withdrawal reaction is no more uncomfortable than a mild flu for a couple of days. For addictions really need at least two months of daily use. Moreover, it is likely that your child does not really know the heroine, but a crude and debased form of morphine, reduced so badly that to rely on a physical level it would need almost four grams a day, and you know it does not take more than a quarter, when it comes to both, and I will add that if you take the amount required to become a true addict die immediately the effect of the substitute. Remove yourself the consequences. The efforts of the authorities to create something evil has resulted in the appearance of an army led by murderers, but recruited from frauds and deluded, that in exchange of stigma and cornstarch poisoning buy rat poison and irresponsibility. The current system imposes one and sell the other. While the police are demoralized, and while the state of affairs enriched to a growing group of people who live very well to defend, treat or suppress an evil invented by the ban, you, me and the other heads of family are the public you pay.

What to do?. As states continue to lie prefer, we can only defend the truth in this matter, as covered in ignorance and myths interested. The truth, madam, no drugs good and bad, wise and foolish, but uses the same (as with firearms, nuclear power and so many other things) that the judicious use is infinitely more likely when there is no black market that encourages banning all sorts of abuse. The truth is that it depends on the (alleged) heroin and the conditions imposed on his drug habit is a paid service abject abject life and death. The truth is that there were a thousand times less-addicted offenders when doctors were prescribing opioids. The truth is that to cure heroin addiction methadone to cure an alcoholic is like whiskey and gin and a lot of hypocrisy. The truth is that the remedy implemented is aggravating the disease offers new plans are more cartoons failed and old, as the recipe to increase the punishment, even applying the death-only makes the product more expensive, increasing the business and getting it sold for minors, only irresponsible criminal level.

Alibi Notice that serves not proposing subsidies and jobs to people simply by pleading heroin. These measures immediately stimulate many poor, unemployed and unhappy to have the means to declare such as the number of persons under the alibi and the irresponsible role of victims. You and I have the consolation of thinking that the issue is global. But the evil of many it will still be comfort to fools. Our protectors corrupt society in the name of public health, allowing waste to be sold at astronomical prices, creating guilds that feed Draculina to crooks and criminals and founding a caste police who protected under the category of informers, although private call them worms, about what to allow fishing. It is that scoundrel who now controls the market for all illegal drugs.
You'll see how the next election all parties will call vote with much promise, after supporting the courts recently in what becomes chronic the current state of affairs. Maybe I said I'd rather not know, that as it may depart from his mind. But I wonder if those who say he wanted to hear what defenders are not the real cause of their misfortunes.

Antonio Escohotado
El País, May 23, 1988, pg. 32


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