Saturday, May 19, 2007

Precision Xt Watch Owners Manual

LSA 2: "I've lost respect ..."

Ancient shamans used the drug for self-discovery , thought to go to another dimension (whatever the name of their religion secure his) could help solve existential problems, psychological and even physical illness. meticulously prepared travel, detail by detail, fasting, music (almost essential for most), the company and even the type of fire (and the smell of smoke given off) were prepared to facilitate the inner journey the shaman or his patient. For people plants containing the drug were sacred, damaging was an insult to the gods, they are grown and harvested with love, respect and devotion. Of course sporadic and casual consumption was frowned upon in most cultures (as they were not a leisure product, if not a door to their god.) It is the respect for the drug high at maximum power, attributing mystical properties and sacred.

I have always advocated the importance of keeping a deep respect for the especially psychoactive substances (leaving out the stimulants because the contempt and does not attract me at all), I criticized the irresponsible use of drugs and continued throughout my life. But sometimes you make a mistake.

After taking the first dose of LSA I promised myself and to my friends that I do not spend much time left, at least until they pass the summer, the trip was too intense and pleasant to repeat (I guess it scared me hooked the remote possibility), I said here this week there would be no trip. But it turned, me betrayed myself.

At 5 pm we decided that tonight would be excited about traveling, the site would see, the time around 11 or 12, did not care. We left the village, stopped at a road side and down to the beach was small, street lights shine upon the road too, were visible to passing cars and houses on the other hand, radio did not have batteries and we had no sugar or orange or anything like that, but all that did not matter; had LSA.

The principle, as always, you start to interest you more for all to see and hear more clearly, etc. But soon began bad trip, my friend was having a good one (this time it had vomited, D) so do not say anything, I did not cut it. I was worried as he had never been, thousands of hypothetical concerns and doing things piled on my head, remorse, repentance, fatigue, stress, all exponentiated to infinity. Then all those feelings together and formed the largest and terrible sadness you can imagine, I was in a dark hole, lost, empty souls lost between a young man with throat but nothing to scream, unable to mourn. In all that psychological distress would have to add a worrisome physical discomfort, nausea, headache and malaise.

Then my friend did something that made me laugh and I rescued from obscurity, it is ironic to me because what he asked me to put him in the shadows. He walked away to suffer alone as I had been doing. I had a kind of trip to my childhood, I threw in the towel to his head and started to articulate sounds strange, it was as if it were the first sounds came out of my mouth, I moved, was clapping, playing with the bottle ... at the bottom was aware of the nonsense I was doing but could not stop and I felt ill be there playing while my friend suffered from afar. After a while I managed to get the kind of trance where I was and I went to see how he was, I said it was okay but I knew it was not true. I started to be back as the beginning and nausea made me into a corner away believing he was going to vomit, I actually wanted, and so the effects are partially cut, but could not, which I more distressed. I told my friend that I went to the car and needed a comfortable place where I felt protected .

The car was all nice, lit for the economy so I cut off the radio. The engine was idling as if millions of tiny hands gave me the best massage of my life, I felt the vibrations of music through my body, in fact I needed almost no ears to hear, but they were there, hearing the best they could, the hearing threshold was significantly extended, could distinguish every note and sound, it almost seemed he could hear the breathing of the musicians also of the singer. I closed my eyes and covered my head with a towel to have total darkness, endless forms were developed in my head: A picture of a woman coming up to bring to the fore his eyes, which became both hands is transformed into doves and flew out ... all very psychedelic and impossible to explain in words .

And then came the inner revelation of the trip, the most terrifying experience and fascinating that I had in my life . At the request of my friend looked in the rearview mirror of the car left her head on the window glass, I thought would not see anything that was imagining of my friend who was taking a trip too intense (at first saw colors and others like me the first time, something that this did not happen). Nothing is further from reality, at first actually saw nothing, it was only me who was on the other side, but suddenly my dark circles became more pronounced, my face began to darken gradually and merged with shadows, which vampire my reflection in the mirror had completely disappeared, " is not possible, I have not moved " I thought and sat up a little, the movement made my reflection appeared again, " am there, no ... wait, who is? "my face was different, seemed to me but with more defects, wrinkles, dark circles and blemishes pronounced in the skin, it was like seeing myself 30 years more, then again face darkened, but this time the figure remained well delimited and eyes gleamed with a feline frighteningly, I could only think, "is judging me," is angry ", etc. And so were a host of other changes that were alternating: Dark Silhouette of face with melted skin, face, sad, angry, wrinkled face, stained, then it seemed that the reflection was upside down, and so for a long time, was scared but could not stop looking.

seen in this video is more or less as they face changes happening, it seems very cool right? Well not, I assure you.

My friend left the car for a ride, I lay on the seat thinking about what I had seen, was great and terrible in equal measure. I could not help ... get off the hood, I pointed out the mirror to my face and looked and looked for a while until he came . This I will tell many of you seem crazy, in fact are merely unusual chemical reactions in my brain, but is something you can not avoid being deeply check. The reflection I saw I had seen it before, was my future self , unmistakable, " well be me when you have 50 " is the best picture that my mind could make my body 30 years. But this time was different, that being I looked different, more personality, as if he were alive in the mirror. Somehow I started to listen, not like if you imagine what it felt like at first was rather a kind of telepathy, I could hear what my mirror I I thought, was clearly differentiated thinking I could think individually, a voice in my head that was not me, it was surprising and scary . " we're alone now," he said, "What have you done kid?, What have you done? "," you've lost respect ... "," know is not it? I know! and yet you did . " I spoke with a deep voice, full of maturity, with criticism but understanding, I knew better than myself . . I turned off the music and closed the hood, was very bad, very sorry. not had the nerve to tell my friend what had happened and the time we went home without either utter a word the whole way.

And that was my trip, the worst experience of my life. He needed to blog a post like this , which recounts a bad experience, which discourages those who they had wanted to try it and our previous articles they had been encouraged ...

... Think you're ready? You're wrong, you're not .

Related article (first trip)

Related article Analysis (LSA)



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