Sunday, May 6, 2007

Blog Men In Womens Underwear

: Color Shower

It took two days to finish writing this, two days to fully understand what happened to me. At this time I realized that there must be very good writer to express what you feel, and I doubt to rise (probably abuse of commas and do not get to express my feelings well.) But I also know that it is impossible for anyone who has not felt itself fully understands, however well written it is ... so, what the hell, let's see how I get. What is going to put a summary in 16 hours and I spend a lot of things I'm gonna leave the way in the inkwell. If set everything would have to write a book. Also, sorry, moments are mine and those who want to share with ...;)


0:15, an hour ago I have taken 6 of Hawaiian Baby Woodrose Seeds (LSA) and start to be very quiet.

If I tell the truth, I had a totally wrong idea of \u200b\u200bwhat I was taking everything I had hatched what I found on the LSA, the composition, dosage, the effects, everything. I wanted the drugs, he wanted to be prepared for what was to happen but I was wrong, never ready for that .

The truth is he expected to see hallucinations, hearing strange noises, seeing magical creatures, things like that ... that my imagination to become the best special effects factory in the world. I guess you get that idea of \u200b\u200bmost drugs through the cinema, the art of film is essentially visual, so no choice to exaggerate the visual effects of any psychotropic drug to try to bring the viewer into the character's experience. But it is hard to do that without being able to convey feelings, smells, feelings ... well, actually it is not difficult, it is simply impossible.

It's one quarter and the LSA begins to take effect actually, I care much more for everything, the smallest object seems absolutely wonderful, I feel great, it's all so fascinating ... . While I regret the whole body a little walk, I stop at times to admire something, a blade of grass, an ant, a tree ... In my moments of lucidity I'm pretty disappointed "is too loose, I think. I'm just tired, happy and especially receptive is not what I expected.

In Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (if clever reader, hence the name of our blog), Raoul Duke, Johnny Depp's character says something like " ether had disappeared and the acid was lowered but the mescaline was hot. Mescaline good rises slowly, the first hour waiting, and then as half of the second hour, curse at you sold it because nothing happens, and then ... wham! . " A similar thing happened to me. Drug

part, if you look at a point on the grass, you will find that everything moves around by wind, bugs, etc.., All moving in a very random. For two hours I was admiring this phenomenon to me was absolutely amazing ...

been 3 hours since I tried the sour taste and strong seed and start the journey of truth. I look at the ground, as he had been doing until then " movement, everything is moving , but suddenly something had changed, vi order out of chaos. The grass began to move in waves, as if someone had thrown a stone into the pond on the nature and microscopic waves of grass expand into the entire surface of the earth, god, it was beautiful. Then I looked at the sun (I've never seen so clearly) and the colors began to change, he closed his eyes and when would again all was blue, the back to close and all green, then all yellow. I felt happy but deep and sincere happiness, I was happier than he had been in my entire life. I had to sit, my legs were shaking, it was like an extremely pleasant tingling that arose in the column, are spread throughout the body and operated in the head (the only thing I can think to describe it is "brain orgasm ) I liked too much and ended up lying on the grass. The sun bathed me, I felt my whole body and not speak heat was something different, it was like a shower of light, color, life. My ears were in a different universe , the world moved to the sound of Rock & Roll by Gary Glitter (Truth is I do not know if I was playing that song or it was just my mind.)

always excesses overwhelm us, but good things are excesses. The magnificent LSA everything you feel, if you feel happiness will be the happiest man in the world, if you are afraid you will be terrified, if you cold every pore of your skin will freeze.

All I felt was too strong, was beginning to feel very overwhelmed, touched my head and face, wanted him to stop, that thing out of me, too long out of control. Suddenly I heard a loud sound, like an airplane (think the plane was real), but I return to the side return me was always very close behind me, I felt fear (and the emphasis is on something.) I started awareness " is my head, all in my head " but it is like trying to control something uncontrollable, your mind is like the sea more angry and agitated that you can imagine and no dam that stops. I think it's best to think of anything else, forget the fear and concentrate on the colors, I served.

Then came a quiet stage, was in the balcony (Repko describes it nicely) listening to good music with my friend and did not want be in any other place on earth, was perfect . At that moment my mind was blank, completely blank, not reflected, not thinking, I was not worried, I do not remember anything, was in limbo .

At 6 we decided it was time to go, and Repko had thrown much of the dose was much better than me (I guess in a phase that I will describe later), so he drove us home. The sedative effects of LSA were taking their toll on my body at an alarming, for me the gravity had multiplied by three, I weighed everything, I could hardly walk horrors.

The drive was a second trip, looking out the window was an unforgettable experience (is a high mountain road, so you can imagine a bit like freaked, D) suddenly imagined flying and a shot of adrenaline ran through my body, how exciting! To get to my street on my way home the people I met was pink, yes, yes, pink, bright pink and I was afraid, I was terrified. Then to lie on my bed and close my eyes I experienced the third trip, a festival of fireworks was displayed on my eyelids (again this part is confusing, do not know if I was dreaming or awake).

Then the "awakening" quedé con mi novia, todavía seguía muy cansado pero tenía ganas de verla.
Al coger el coche noté el rugir del motor, la mecánica de la caja de cambios desplazando engranajes con ese ruido tan característico, me encantaba. Nunca había conducido de ese modo , despacio, disfrutando de cada cambio de marcha, sintiendo las revoluciones… Era feliz, estaba en PAZ . A 50km/h por una carretera de 90, muy tranquilo. En ese momento entré en una fase reflexiva . Me plantee muchas cosas de mi vida, decidí que necesita un cambio . Cuando vi a mi novia sentí de nuevo ese hormigueo ” joder, es preciosa”. Y encima la luna estaba grande and red, it seemed that the universe had conspired that day so everything was perfect. I talked a lot with her that night, I realized how much I love her, that nobody in the world understands me and loves me like her. At four o'clock to drive you home.

It's quarter past four, it's been 16 hours since I took 6 seeds of Hawaiian Baby Woodrose, during which I experienced several of the most intense moments of my life. My arms are no longer weigh as much, gravity returns to normal. On the way home accelerated

... .... I park, I remove the contact and alert, the trip is over.

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