Monday, May 7, 2007

Pokémon List Original 151

is too good ... LSA

"Some give you pleasure but not all, can give you panic, you feel an unbearable anxiety. I'm not an addict Hache, say I am addicted to shock the potatoes, but not true. I'm passionate about drugs, I tried all I could get, pussy!, I went to Mexico just to know the peyote. But I never have to seek pleasure or to be happy or not to confront life ...

Drugs are wonderful because they open the mind , you make sure that the truth does not exist, everything is relative. The drug gives you another perspective, another dimension. It makes you see that nothing is as it seems, nothing is. The only reality is your reality and be what you're able to see. When the time comes you try them, do not be afraid , are a lucid, you're smart, you have a duty to do so. Just do not ever lose control, the controls while your there is no danger, do not let them control you.

I was hooked on the horse, heroin, and almost did not go out. Drop everything, I went to Madrid, I spent six months in hell ... but I got out, most do not go away. If you're offered, because it will offer, do not ever accept, mix it with anything, you can palm a second. If you will want to test me, but it would be better if you did not, is too good ... "

Dante (Eusebio Poncela) - Martin Hache , 1997 -


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