Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Internet Speed Calculator

"I'ma prostitute and proud of it"

knew I was crazy, but not as much ... I knew I hated it, but to what extent ...

- Gertrude: very good dog, I care about you a week anything, your parents have not sent the money this time, down to the basement now!
- No. .. I beg you, please ... be sure something bad happened to call soon and explain
- Gertrude: Do not worry dear ... do not do damage, only to learn the lesson, so you learn that a woman is not easy
- Please ... I have hunger, I have not eaten in days
- Gertrude: guilt your parents fucking prostitute, I think you free feed? Walk Now

knew that this basement was dark, but this new aspect what was even more ... the old dirty mattress to which the springs came out was still in the corner, but now the center was occupied by a species of Colt ... one of her six children, one of the 2 largest, Richard, I tied each hand with a rope and placed three books under my feet ... bandaged my eyes, then undressed me ... I could not stand the idea that 6 teens between 10 and 16 years were watching me naked ... watching every inch of me ... or stand the way I played, I cried and cried, Gertrude ordered the child to remove the books that helped me hold me, then just the tip of my feet rosaban the floor ... it was excruciating pain in my arms hanging on the ropes, was when I started throwing up "nothing" of fear, when I felt the hand of small ... between my legs, I heard they were all laughing, do not stop yelling, do not stop vomiting just saliva, my stomach was empty ... I begged, pleaded ...

- Gertrude: and let heaven do not know that illness brings, I will not let that thou shouldst thus
- John: You'll see tomorrow bitch - I whispered ...

there all night Spend the morning ... in a hurry Gertrude and her children behind her, this time not only had a cigarette in hand as all the time, but also a bottle ... a small, glass.

- Gertrude: Richard let go - this was due - stick it - turned to me just fell to the ground
- Lady ...
- Gertrude: I'm your aunt's baby, now stick it you think I'm playing? Obey useless
- Zahir : perhaps you are thirsty or hungry mom ...
- Gertrude: Do not think I do not know how you feel about it, but get yourself a question: does she feel the same about you?
- Zahir : Mom ... I just
- Gertrude: So I thought, do not waste time on a prostitute
- John: Do you think she is a prostitute?
- Gertrude ... a prostitute is ... when a woman opens her legs and let any man do with it what you want ... do you think she is a virgin? Children should know ... that girls like her, just born to be used, not loved ...

could not understand why he hated me So ... her look was just contempt, I threw the bottle and forced me to put it ... inside my vagina. I could barely move, I felt disgusted with myself, shame, wanted to die right there in that moment just think they all enjoyed my pain, I was the star of that film, was the center of attention, but ... was not that kind of attention to the dreams of a girl of 16 years, preferring a bullet through my head to be there ... doing that for no ... did not know because he did it at the time, but now I realize that she would be able to burn a hand or a leg, anything to feel pain ... Richard hit my head with a bat and kicked me between my legs ... the bottle broke inside of me, I started bleeding and felt like tearing me inside the glass ... just had the strength to yell all he could, cried as he could, trying to at least feel pity and help me ... that's when Zahir approached and tried to help but did not know how he knew that he too was ashamed to look like that and more touch me ... I fainted. Achievement did not know how to help me when I woke up after two days, I had no strength to move, I could barely hear the Zahir ...

- Zahir : I'm saving money, you soon get out of here ... Sylvia, I promise, I swear you out of here, we will both
- Angry ... your mom should not get in trouble by my
- Zahir : everything will be fine, trust me - a view endorsed knew enough ... that succeed me out of there, but I was not sure if I could hold one more day
- Gertrude: it was time to make you stop dead Who do you think is going to clean all this mess of yours?
- Sorry ... I'll take care of it, but please ...
- Gertrude: Come dear, you must be hungry ... slept enough, it'll be with more forces if you eat this toast to prepare for you
- Oh no ... sorry, I did not ... I can not eat
- Gertrude: damn useless in this house does not waste food! Tie them again, so to turn on unless ungrateful

Another day ... I felt more pain in the eyes of Zahir while everyone enjoyed spit, throw including hitting with a bat, every night my wrists tied with ropes and left me holding me just hanging with the tips of my feet ... I was passed out almost all day, could not know what I did most of the time but one morning I felt someone move behind me naked ... could not ...

- Please ... no, no - whispering to myself ... too weak to make a sound
- John, and Richard ends! It's my turn this time, Mom why only he can and not me?
- Gertrude, darling ... you are very small, well that would be incest, are brothers, you can not go where I go now ... would be incest! Understand? Get yourself another prostitute
I realized that was not the first time I started to mourn that ... out of control with all my might "have seen his brother Zahir abusing me? Had he tried to stop him? Try looking around but could not find it ... I made a great effort and scream your name ... Now that I think ... I should never call

- Gertrude: thought you would not discover what the two of you planned? I heard! Look next to you! It is because of you fucking whore, put him ideas to the head, John brings a needle and a lighter
hair I crawl over to a table and handed me his back, he wrote with the hot needle on my stomach "I'ma prostitute and proud of it" she got tired so fast Richard finished their work, but the needle stopped burning the skin, then started asking me instead of just cutting my skin ROSAR, while John and his brothers put out their cigarettes into my arms and face ...
- Gertrude: What will you do now, Sylvia? Now you can not show you naked before any man without being seen by the mark, you can not ever marry, you will be alone, what will you do now Sylvia Likens?
- John: Zahir not love you now ... lol
- Gertrude: not an idiot like the poor want to marry you ... live alone forever, this hard is being a woman! ________________________________________________________________

- Zahir : Sylvia ... forgive me, please, should not this happen, we soon reached the police, Sylvia answer me please ...
- Hello ... thanks for all
- Zahir : Wait a little, not later, they kick us out of here, go to a hospital to cure you and we'll go away then, just ...
- I love you ...

I could not see, I had no strength to open my eyes, but I could hear the tears of despair ... I felt like stroking my face emaciated, could rapid breathing, feel her so close to mine, I knew that if help would arrive soon I had promised that it would be too late ... and had trouble breathing ... in the end he had stayed with me, beside me, as promised ...

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Essay Question Biology

I want my arms crying

As soon as I held my arms shed a tear that slipped down my cheek and landed on him, wipe him gently, afraid to hurt him with a touch awkward for me. It was so often ... identical, hair, eyes, lips ... Zahir was the same but smaller version, with a certain mine in their expressions. It was exactly as I had zahir imagined the small, identical to his father mixed with my character reflected in his small face, the same expressions, it was the result of our trust and love, tears could not bare to have it stuck to my chest, the timing was perfect , Zahir husband now had the father with me kissing her forehead with one hand stroking the little face of my zahir son, who returned the gesture with a smile. He could not make me lack nothing else, had them both at my side what more could you ask for? My husband now Zahir father kept staring at me trying to dry my tears and then laid his eyes on my zahir son with that look in wonder and that great smile that conveyed appreciation and fascination.

- still hurts my beautiful hair ... and several other parts of my body, like a little punishment do you change the diaper him twice ... - let out a soft smile covering his head waiting for my reaction.
- I will not hit you now, but ... I was so violent that night?
- Ohh yeah! Pedias ice but if I left you a few inches and screaming began to attack my life!
- imagining that I frowned exaggerated - I bet you just pull a few hair ... I know how you like me look bad and you as the helpless victim
- Love ... I swear on my daughter not exaggerating! - Back to cover their head in playful laughter
- My Child? You have no daughter! - I hope not ... I said to thoughts
- He probably caught the expression on my face scared and rushed to kiss - but of course not! Do not be silly ...

De spill just imagine another tear but he did not realize, NO ... not to be able, but many cases are now left me confused ... but it would be a fool still thinking it, I knew him very well and never dared to lie to me like he caught me and the final letting go of the truth ending, well ... let those ideas aside and leaned on his shoulder when he hugged me around the waist . We stood there, watching the little Zahir sleeping, wrapped up in these tiny clothes that you were still large piƱizcara I wanted someone he could not believe it was as if he were watching the scene from outside, outside this body, as if were watching from a window or a television program. I could not believe that this dream was so perfect ... I was married before leaving my husband now Zahir my father deposited in the seeds of my 16 years, but I was married then and had not broken a rule ... I felt good about myself, rather proud because this was not the reason we were married, because from the first night we slept together, not let him enter me, and I respect that because I was fully aware and realized how nervous I would have been, of course I trusted him and of course you wanted, but wanted to make sure why he had decided to spend the rest of your life with me, spent days and everything was fine, felt no pressure from any side and so I decided ...
My son did zahir away my thoughts began to complain about ... okay it was my turn, that was the punishment for my husband now Zahir father, who secretly laughed to see me in action ...


Only for questions ... the idea of \u200b\u200bbecoming a mother gets from one of the many dreams I've had in these days ... the rest came out of nowhere, that mine is not imaginative? Lately I have that maternal instinct ... I want a baby, my creation. That is reason enough to rejoice the life of my young age.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Xlr 125 Maximum Speed

When three's a crowd: Sony, Microsoft, IBM ... GO

Although I was accused (and rightly) to focus too much on Apple, Microsoft and IBM, today I will tell a story that encompasses the three companies (along with Sony) and the truth is that I have found curious.

Much has been written and commented on the movement of Apple's developer conference in 2005 to switch to Intel and to abandon the PowerPC platform from which so proud they have always felt maqueros (I had a few months be, my first Mac was an iMac G5 of the former). The fact is that reading the book The Race For A New Game Machine going basic processor design that governs the PS3 Cell processor and PB that governs the Xbox 360, also discussed relations with Apple.

Actually, the design of this process could take a pill or two himself, but this time I will focus on a specific event that caught my eye at the same time I read it.

Anyway, I do a quick summary of the background story to get in and then write what I wanted to say. In 2001, Sony swept with the PS2, and then Ken Kuratagi, the father of the PSX and PS2, began working on the successor of the latter, which would the PS3 and had to be so superior to anything rejodidamente seen that effectively ending the competition.

Ken talked to people from IBM, which showed him the different families of processors in the PowerPC family had, but did not fit what I wanted for new Sony console. Basically, what I wanted Ken was all a supercomputer on a single chip, with a surprising vector processing capability and therefore capable of making the PS3 in the center of the digital home with not only games, but all kinds of content and services multimedia unsuspected until now. So IBM offered to build it from scratch but based on POWER4 processor (a version these were the G4 processor that Apple and some mounted on IBM minicomputers).

The grace of all that, but Toshiba and Sony were to finance with IBM throughout the development process, IBM was left with rights to trade freely with the resulting process.

In 2003, new customers knock on the door of IBM seeking a new processor for their new machines. Although there were several, the two most prominent and important were Apple and especially Microsoft, which was already thinking about their new console (which had not yet placed or name).

Although the project was top secret Cell processor, such as Bill Gates rejected all designed based on the POWER4 processor (for the same reasons that two years ago were rejected by Sony), IBM decided to try his luck and he spoke confidently of a new processor that was under development and prototypes that had not even yet, but milk was fucked up shit and piss and liked it so much that Gates said he wanted one of those to rule his new XBox.

Of course, Apple was very concerned, because a processor with a vector processing unit built-in series that the Macintosh would be the ideal computer for mathematical calculations, and especially image processing and video, as the chips which produced both Intel and AMD does not implement anything that could compete with this technology.

So IBM began working with the top three customers for the new processor separately and "secretly" trying to not become an inferno that the final processor take most of the different components that all three needed not have to test three different implementations of the processor but one, thus saving resources, by the way, IBM was not because barely managed to form an expert group capable of developing chips to form three different.

The fact is that, of course, the new additions to Sony that were made to the processor is not convinced, for I did not need your PS3 at all and they were financing the processor design. So did Microsoft and Apple, just that they were not only clients and co-designers.

So we got to where I wanted to go. The processor had to be ready, tested and manufactured in sufficient quantities to Sony and Microsoft (and presumably Apple) could come to the Christmas season of 2005 with its new products, but eventually threw them over and not enough progress made . Then you

transcribe and a half pages of the book which explains the contents of a meeting to discuss this problem. I was thinking about translating it but I prefer to copy as is to avoid my mistakes. The names I will leave, but I think they are important and what matters is what is being discussed and the conclusion we arrive and the implications these have. This is a follow up meeting between the main directors of Project:

Why was it so dificult for the three of us to walk in there and speak with one voice? Our core Had just too many cooks in the kitchen.

I Took my turn at the podium Then And Present the Expected performance of the PowerPC core. I based my conclusions on the performance software That the Rochester team maintained.

It didn't take Kahle long to show his han. "Schedule is oour top priority," he said, pounding a fist on the table for emphasis. "Not performance or frequency or power or area. What are the tradeoffs than can help reduce the schedule risk?" He walked to the whiteboard and with big bold strokes wrote: Remove Out-of-Order Processing.

I was still standing at the podium when Kahle turned away from the whiteboard and quickly scanned the room for support. He was obviously waiting for me to make an argument for keepong his high-value feature in the design. Mayve I should have, but I was so tired of fighting. I just wanted to move on.

I sighed and addressed the audience. I didn't see too many happy faces out there. "We've been trying to satisfy too many customers with one product, and now I worry that they will all be unhappy with the final product. I agreee that removing out-of-order processing will reduce the level of complexity -and therefore, risk- in the design, but it will also likely Apple to abandon the project. If you can live with that consequence, then go ahead."

Surprisingly, Akrout allowed Kahle to have this way. Maybe he thought he could still persuade his friends to Apple to accept a compromise. But as I predicted, Apple executives Jon Rubenstein and Bob Mansfield were furious with the design changes and the proposed revamping of their roadmap, claiming the lower PowerPC performance planned. They blamed Akrout for not protecting their interests. To IBM vice president John Kelly, it was all about economics. Though Apple was a treasured customer, the volume of chip business they pushed through the IBM foundry was not big in comparison to the volumes of game chips expected from Sony and Microsoft. Apple simply didn't have the clout to make Kelly reverse this decision. Besides, Sony and Microsoft were both contributing enormous amounts of money up front to the cost of the development of their chips, whereas IBM always footed the bill for the development of Apple's chip. The only money IBM got from Apple was for chip production.

Akrout was fiercely loyal to Apple. and it distressed him greatly to have fallen out their favor. He remained in his office with the door shut for long periods of time, and when he did come out, his characteristic dimpled smile was absent, his shoulders slumped, he was late to meetings, and he was noticeably distracted. He worked hard to quickly find and present other acceptable options to Apple's future desktop and laptop lines. With a great deal of angry opposition, Apple finally agreed to accept a different core designed by IBM's Server Group. In reality, they were at least temporarily backed into a corner and had no other choice, but I'm sure they inmediatly started pouring energy and money into scouting for a replacement solution. Akrout still retained ownership of IBM's business with Apple, but his relationship with his favourite customer was forever changed.

El resto, como suele decirse, es historia. NEXTSTEP, el sistema operativo Apple bought and developed into what is now known as MacOS X, it was multiplatform, and of course had an implementation for Intel processors, and Apple instead of eliminating this feature in the room kept just in case. Thus, to the contempt of IBM, Apple began looking for alternatives. Motorola discarded, the other manufacturer of PowerPC processors, this combination was obvious: Intel.

Thus, after a suspicious meeting with people from Intel Jobs for this to become a technological partner Pixar (I was surprised when I read a lot and even got angry. "Not even Apple itself is believed his own publicity their PowerMacs?), And a few months after Apple announced in a keynote Macs actually changed the PowerPC architecture to Intel.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Manhattan Webcam Software No.460668

I look stupid ...

want to go, to be more specific ... I want to flee.
That girl wants just running away at age 16, it seems she could use a change, a big change, want to start again, changing his name, wearing pink skirt and blouse, wants to put the black hair wants lacearse paint it black and wants to look into the eyes while chatting with a new being who appears in her life and distracted by a tree or a table of how nervous you feel and look forward several times, talk about all kinds of music including that hate, discuss hobbies preventing seem boring to read and write a drama then wants to take her arm to signal confidence in a new friendship and tell where he is coming and maybe the reason he left there, without coming across as a strange person strange and a bit awkward ... but have no idea how she cries out to be normal!

why go someplace far away and then start again and smiles of true happiness.
I personally feel that is very brave of them, nobody needs to go across the world to try to change, says he wants to start something new? Here you can do it ... but need help, a simple push and she will know without someone on their way back, guiding her, it's almost an adult lacks very little and you should be prepared for the least expected, has no idea of \u200b\u200bthe awful things that could happen ... with a little luck could dodge, with a little luck ... ha! Something that has never had, sorry to say but will love the wrong and return to mourn again, that's where I must carefully intervene and support me not as a last time I did not know how. I think I also need some help ... I need to make it stronger, you can fool some people but not me, is that behind that expression so often cold and serious, is gnawing insecurity, bewilderment, anxiety and fear. It is what goes through your head when it happens, but it seems so stupid she believes when shedding tears in a moment of anger, pain or disappointment ... If, two years ago began to mourn for all, and it hurts even more not being able to avoid even worse if someone is watching, and even worse if more a person watching as happened this time ...

- Miss! Hello? Hello?
- Ha ... ha? (I hasten to decrease the volume of music from my phone)
- I was asking permission to pass to sit if you do not mind ...
- Ha! Sure, sorry. (I can not believe how distracted he had been listening to the song "You Faunded me" by The Fray)

Without giving importance to the old man sat next to me turned up the volume of my music, this time sounded "Faint" by Linkin Park, then I noticed that the old man turned to me to look at me when I started to cover part of the face with one hand trying to avoid the sun, and note in his eyes a little concern, imagine it was my annoyed expression of both sun on my face and the noise could be heard through my headphones as I was at full volume, it was likely that the old man thought he was a troubled girl who took refuge in that kind of music ... I was wondering myself because I had the habit of sitting in the last collective seats beside the window with my loud music to distract me and try to overlook something that never could because there was always people I ran with his eyes on hearing my music a little loud screams filled almost as Papa Roach, Korn, Good Charlotte, Thee Days Grace among others, and seeing my peculiar comfort when sitting with legs crossed like a lady (apparently) because many could hardly be comfortable in their seats, or just staring at me because it seemed a freak that should not be near or within the entire crowd in this and other groups (bus, car or whatever you call it). I guess the old man would have realized that my annoyance and concern was for the sun I went through the sales of next ... The man was carrying a briefcase on his lap and I realized that it opened and was looking for something among many roles, I imagine the first thing was "go to this old have a cell phone" but a few pieces of paper bag and began to review the moment I turned to the window to not seem like a gossip ... I felt it coming a little closer and further piece of paper he'd pulled from his bag ... then I looked and saw that she moved her lips stretched the small leaf ... I went immediately to take off the headphones ...

- speaks to me? What?
- Face it ... is a gift for you
- Oh ... waoh by then. (I smiled and I got the sheet of paper)
- You're welcome, hope you like.
- Aha, thanks anyway ...

first thing I saw was a drawing was a landscape, a kind of paradise in the center and a great cross from the sky, it was obvious he was a Catholic, at that time knew I would not read it, either there or elsewhere ... I am not very Catholic say, if I believe in God, I have no doubt but I think they say pure nonsense in those religious pamphlets with all respect, Since that time I did not dare to wear your headphones again, it might be the shame I felt at that moment What expression would you have? So depressed or sad or woman suffered a life full of problems, it was probably that or other reason why this old religious thought he might find help or have faith in those messages would be written in the brochure?
I get out of the collective after a while and while the advanced group note that the old man looked at me with a smile full of sadness and hope at a time ... or maybe it was simple pain of seeing a teenager with an attitude of sad woman. As I mentioned earlier I did not read the brochure and just bend and store in the bag, but was impressive as I had reacted this old man could not stop thinking about it during the day, and even part of the night and was very long but for some reason I did not dare to read the brochure! Then I remember ... the days passed, the fifth day again was on the bus every afternoon way through high school, a gentleman approached me very fat, sweaty, dirty, badly dressed, as he did not have the red shirt or blue indicating that it was he who collected the passages do not give importance to the five seconds I required to pay you, it was actually very polite and to find the coin in my purse again found the brochure had left at that pocket, after paying the man looking dirty and exhausted, I ventured to read the first paragraph as I imagined were pure nonsense and pay attention, the second the same, but the third face had an appointment with large letters that called me much attention and as I read ... "A young man without joy, without hope is not a real girl, but a man old before time." Then I realized what I was trying the old man, I do not usually smile, do not usually make my eyes shine , and happier than this and if I was truly sad could alarm anyone ... always seemed like a fool while my tears were shed without I could stop, I was crying, I was full of anger at myself ...

Stephen King once wrote:

"Who knows what is happiness? Not the household word ... but the naked terror ... to the lonely person is wearing a mask, while embracing some memory marginalized worse, or some illusion. "

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Bosch Dishwashers Schematic

and Apple Corp. and the tactics of Bill Gates and Microsoft

After speaking of the very first time Microsoft and their problems with piracy, we will take a leap in time and we will talk about Microsoft's tactics once laid the foundation for what would be his later empire. Such tactics are well explained in the book Startup: A Silicon Valley Adventure , written by Jerry Kaplan in which feature the adventures of Go Corp., a company created in the second half of the 80's and intended to create the first PDA ever. But, again, and go to parties.

As Kaplan rightly explains in his book, the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a device to a secretary came up in conversation between him and Mitchell Kapor, the founder of Lotus Development Corporation . Since that time, Kaplan went to work in the design of a revolutionary concept, a computer "pocket" more or less what we know today as PDA but at the time with laptops more than 10 kilos was pure science fiction.

Kaplan (which you can see in the picture) formed a small initial group that started working on the project. In that group was Steve also Sakom , an Apple engineer who in principle would be in charge of the hardware but when he went to leave the company, was the reason and after hearing the same John Sculley, Apple's CEO at the time, persuaded him to to stay and create their own project Apple PDA, what would become the Newton.

That did not stop, of course, to Kaplan, who continued with the project and ended up founding the company GO, Corp to work on your device. After forming an initial group of engineers, both hardware and software and negotiate some contracts with suppliers, in GO had the same dilemma that had Steve Jobs at Apple in the early of 80, ie, what makes a computer, regardless of size, are sold not so much its hardware and its software, so they needed that major software manufacturers create their future device applications.

course, Lotus would be "in the garlic, then GO, Inc. was founded with some people from this and with the blessing of Mitchell Kapor. But it was not enough, we had to try to contact everyone possible so that when the PDA was ready to come wrapped with a lot of software. That meant, necessarily, contact Microsoft.

We're talking about 1988. Already knew the play of Bill Gates with Apple and Macintosh, where they promised to build applications and if, once, but since they were taken advantage of the project and copied all they could to create Windows. Kaplan was therefore aware of all this, but still took a chance and contacted Microsoft. After all, GO, Inc. was a newly formed company with a product that is currently only half were good ideas to implement and did not even have a working prototype. Although they were not going to make the terminals but would license its technology for others to do so, first you had to have the hardware ready. Microsoft could not sell MS-DOS to Compaq before Compaq exist, and indeed at that time or even IBM (ie, they) exist, so I thought Kaplan had no sense that Microsoft tried to make, at least for the moment, the same play to them.

So Kaplan's surprise when Bill Gates himself was part of the Microsoft group of engineers who came to see the project was huge. Bill, she says Kaplan, was excited about what was being done in GO (in the picture you can see the paint that had one of these devices since the early 90). I saw that was revolutionary, as it had been before the Macintosh in 1984. Of course, committed to developing and supporting software platform. And from enter here what is the crux of this post on my blog: how Microsoft competes.

few months after the visit of Bill Gates to GO, Inc., appeared in the press that Microsoft was working on a version of Windows for a new type of mobile device, a kind of handheld computers as an agenda staff, with exactly the same things that kids Kaplan taught the people of Microsoft during his visit (and not one more or one less).

Microsoft Early prototypes were neither as elegant nor as fast or as stable as those of GO. In all tests where consumers had to try both people normally GO chose the device, but Microsoft had two great strengths. On the one hand, his name. Why are you going to risk buying something at a small company when Microsoft, the same manufacturer of your computer's operating system and applications likely use gives you the same thing? Do they have a touch device? Us too. Do they have a backlit screen? Us too. Do they have cascading menus? Us too. And, as everything is from Microsoft, everything is compatible with your applications you already have Microsoft and your computer with Microsoft systems. Can you say the same thing that GO?

On the other hand, the first devices GO worked with Intel processors. GO did not have the ability to make themselves the handheld, but who drew the specifications and design of it and then manufacturers like Toshiba or Epson would remove their devices based on the design of GO and its operating system. However, although several manufacturers are very interested in making the handheld GO, soon began to turn back by the marketing policy of Microsoft. If you were a large manufacturer of computers (and if you were small too, but now we are interested in large), Microsoft will not sell you a box with MS-DOS for each PC with this system that stick out, but you were selling all computers want Preloaded with MS-DOS and then you gave Microsoft a sum of money as the number of computers that had sold. That and not a problem, right?

However, the agreement signed as maker Microsoft MS-DOS was cheating. There really was signed by every copy of MS-DOS pre-installed was given an amount to Microsoft, but what was signed was that for every computer that was sold to carry an Intel processor you had to give a sum of money Microsoft. So if Toshiba, for example, produced 100,000 units of the handheld from GO, Corp. would have to pay 100,000 licenses of Microsoft MS-DOS computer for carrying tab Intel processor (a 286, to be exact). Why the hell the big manufacturers accept this? Very simple. MS-DOS was over 60% market share at the time (counting Amigas, Macintosh, Atari, PC ..). It would be suicide not to sign this agreement because otherwise you could not legally sell MS-DOS.

was for this reason that in GO, Inc. had to redesign their computer to carry out other non-Intel processor. That, of course, means more and more delays, and engineers who are working there have to keep feeding them.

addition, every new thing that drew GO, Inc. for your operating system, Microsoft answered that they, too, had or would be included shortly. Thus, Microsoft innovation is not so much his own but of others. His system was moving at a pace that marked the other for the simple reason that they do not need to venture. Others investigate how to do things, when we see them and see what is interesting inclusion, we will also announce that, although we are never the first does not matter because the competitive advantage that our competition is canceled shows.

At this time we disclaim GO, Inc. to further discuss the innovation strategy of Microsoft. For those who are intrigued about what happened with this company, have your book or entry referenced in the Wikipedia , but as a summary say that they were not very good, were purchased by AT & T and finally canceled the project. In the picture you can see in any case the EO in 1994, slightly before the final settlement, AT & T GO.

But, as I said, on with Microsoft. This strategy, Kaplan suggests in his book, to not really get new things but copy what others do to be successful, was it something specific or have been doing forever? In addition, Kaplan explains very well in the book that the way Microsoft does not compete in quality or stability, is only in replicating what others offer and have it ready as soon as possible, so that you have no reason to switch to the competition. No matter if competition works better or more satisfaction, it comes down to "we have the same as them because we already know. Are you going to risk everything and venture out to the mob that does not give you anything you no longer have or shortly going to have if you follow us? ".

And not only that there is no real innovation in Microsoft products, but whenever there is a new product announcement (based on market needs), if you look almost all (or all) of what it promises are often things that the competition already offers or will offer very soon. Also, although this is an evil of the whole industry in general and not a problem for Microsoft in particular, always promises that everything will be ready long before it finally is.

Then it also happens that many times promised by Microsoft then it is not offered. Examples? Do you remember what was going to be Windows 95? A multitasking operating system 32-bit compatible with Windows 3.0 and earlier. Basically, a Windows NT but for the domestic market. And what was it really? A pastiche operating system 32 and 16 bits, with more bugs than the first program of a student over C, where only pre-emptive multitasking if fulfilled if the applications that were running were all 32 bits. Of course, with paper, plug & play technology (although it works like ass) ...

And what would be Windows 2000? Was supposed to be the union of the Windows 9X and NT branch in one product, so that the domestic market would get all the reliability of Windows NT and support the professional market with the widest range of hardware and software available for Windows 9X and greater multimedia capabilities. What happened? Well, Microsoft released Windows 2000 which was the evolution of Windows NT 4.0 (yes, from my point of view without proving Windows 7 has been the best operating system Microsoft) and then the maligned (and why) Windows Me. This combination of products was achieved in September 2001 with the release of Windows XP (two years after Windows 2000 and just under Windows Me).

Or what would be Longhorn? If in 2007 all that it promised Microsoft would have flooded the market with the name of Windows Vista, could have been an operating system advanced enough to compete face to face (and beat in many ways) with the sophisticated MacOS X. But as it was slowing down with age Longhorn was losing something new on the road. And after the failure of Windows Vista, two years after Microsoft once again has set a version that is all that promised and failed to comply. And not only that, but to prevent the abandonment of its users to the competition, Microsoft offered to have the free beta. When MS has done those things? Of course, when everyone has found that Windows 7 is just as pretty as Microsoft promised, get ready because you have to drop a paste to buy it.

Finally, do not want this to become a post antimicrosoft therefore is certainly not the intention or this story or this blog. Just wanted to illustrate Microsoft's business tactics with a concrete example.

PD: Well, be fair to Microsoft. While their strategy is to offer everything that competition is taking advantage of its large client base also includes its own new house and even completely new product that has no competition, such as Microsoft Bob , Clipper or do not appear in the options menu you normally never use. In fact, these last two features Bill Gates talked about in his book The Road Ahead before they were actually in Microsoft products.

Of which, indeed, there are two versions, the first not forget if it is 95 or early 96, when Microsoft wanted power for its Microsoft Network over Internet, which Gates still thought it was a bigger network and not the future, then I think version is 97, when Microsoft has realized the error and is focused entirely to the Internet, changing The book, therefore, the texts dedicated to his vision of the future of networking ...

Sunday, November 1, 2009

North And South Streaming Sub Eng


After the long drought (a month!) Without posting anything I have prepared some articles, which in this November I return to the activity of this blog. Well, for starters, let's talk about a fact that from my point of view is quite significant, but its real importance at that time was not so much, but yes, he gave a lot to talk about. Speak of the letter written by Bill Gates to Homebrew Computer Club .

Bill Gates, as by now everyone knows, was the founder with Paul Allen of Microsoft, the largest computer company in the world and for some years the biggest company in the world and, in general. But in February 1976, which was published the letter from Bill Gates at Microsoft were four boys playing at being entrepreneurs. Did I say four? I did not actually reach that amount. But one thing.

Bill Gates, before he founded Microsoft, and had tried to create his own company, Traf-O-Data , along with his friend Paul Allen in 1972. If we consider that Bill Gates was born in 1955, indeed, had the age of 17 years (well, almost since he was born in late 55) when he tried to create their first business. This first experience was neither good nor bad, and if not for being the first company would have passed unnoticed in the annals of history. But this story is also symbolic importance: it demonstrates the entrepreneurial spirit of Gates and Allen.

Years passed and eventually Bill Gates at Harvard studying law. However, from a very young Bill Gates was very attracted by the computers of its time, especially for those who had at Harvard, a Digital PDP 6. So much for Gates to Allen was all a revelation to discover on the cover of the January 1975 Popular Electronics magazine a personal computer, the Altair 8800 .

However, while the Altair was a complete computer (for which he was a computer at the time), was missing something very important to be fairly useful, software. At that time there was nothing, absolutely nothing created software for home computers. Hell, there was not even home computers. So Bill Gates and Paul Allen started working on a version of BASIC that would work on the Altair. As they had no Altair to be tested (no not many in the world) had to create an emulator of the PDP in their university according to the specifications that were in the magazine. Finally, when you finish writing it contacted MITS to sell, thanks to the business Bill Gates dropped out of college (with the resulting anger of their parents) and Microsoft was born (in the attached image you can see first logo).

At that time the programming of a microcomputer is not like now. That is, if you want to do a program for Windows, Linux or Mac (to take home the three most important platforms) usually work on the same platform that develop, but during the 70 (and also for much of the 80), all development work was done in minicomputers such as PDP (where you have to right a picture of what was a gadget for those) or already in the 80 machines Sun. And as the machines were expensive, small companies without resources such as Microsoft could not buy one of these but had to hire computer time to companies that leased their mainframes. Therefore, to save costs, all work that may be made on paper are made to minimize the computation time required.

The Altair was not the first personal computer in the world, had already been previous prototypes and designs both large companies as electronics enthusiasts. But the Altair was, we might say so, the first popular computer, the first having a company behind which it could ask that you send the components to get it mounted you or paying a premium, and mounted. Here you can see, in fact, a notice of the time in which appears a kind of office with several computers, including the Altair. MITS

was also at that time, the only one you sold a programming language that you could start doing things "easily." Include Microsoft BASIC was not cheap, apart from paying for the program needed to buy memory modules because with that came standard on the Altair was not working. So in the early stages of symbiosis between MITS and Microsoft was total. Microsoft BASIC that could be purchased with the MITS and in fact was the only programming language available in by far the best-selling computer in 1975 made the Microsoft BASIC became the standard BASIC for microcomputers, and so other companies that started and wanted to have a BASIC compatible with the Microsoft began to knock the company of Bill Gates. So much so that while Microsoft was at first greatly benefit by advertising by MITS with Altair, the end of the year was the opposite, many Altairs MITS sold by it was the simplest and cheapest way to get Microsoft BASIC.

However, since then a shadow on those threatening the growth of Microsoft as a company: piracy. To understand the problem and the letter from Bill Gates must explain what the mentality of the time. On the one hand, in those time there was a software industry as such, or at least nothing like what we know today as the software industry. In large systems, it was usually the same computer manufacturer providing all the software utilities you might need, so this was nothing more than a value added hardware rather than a separate product value per se . And if the customer needed something more or something different, I could hire someone (either internal to the hardware manufacturer or a third party) will make the customized application.

Since there were no software packages as we know them today, in general the source code was not as protected as it is today, and initiatives such as the free software did not make sense. Let's say AT & T gave a license UNIX from which it was asked, along with their source code. And that was quite common. The business was in the hardware, not software.

And if we talk over the Homebrew, a meeting of computer enthusiasts where there was the hacker spirit of sharing knowledge, if someone had a program and someone else needed it, share it was normal. Regardless of whether someone had paid for it. A MITS certainly did not care. They made money selling hardware, and pay or not to Microsoft BASIC extensions still need memory to run it, so they could all be the same.

But only if Microsoft made money selling software, so that the exchange of pirated copies (or worse, pirate sales) revenue was impeded and prevented its growth (at least that's what I thought Bill Gates). Maybe if someone here has had an 8-bit computer end to understand what the problem. That is, if you had a Spectrum, an Amstrad or Commodore, the BASIC ROM will come in and the computer manufacturer had to pay Microsoft (or whatever) for him, right? Yes, but in the middle of the 70-a-chip ROM was very expensive, so it did not come in BASIC but if you had wanted to use it into RAM (and therefore need much more than that it brought Altair series).

How did Microsoft that piracy was doing so much damage? Very simple. Bill Gates assumed (always gave him that very well) that if someone bought one and paid Altair memory expansion to 4 kilobytes (yes, a marimba in your current operating system takes over) was not necessarily because that person wanted to use their BASIC. but if you looked BASIC sales and sales of memory expansion, you saw that were sold many more memory than licenses of BASIC. Therefore, all these people were getting a free BASIC, or at least paying someone to not them, the rightful creators of the program.

course, why would people want to extend your RAM if it is not running Microsoft software? However, something was right. Your BASIC had become the standard and among fans, especially those with a Altair, circulated numerous small programs in BASIC that they needed an interpreter to run. These little programs are published in magazines as published by the Homebrew Computer Club. And that's why Bill Gates so he decided to write a letter to the magazine to make representations. My translation of the letter (which you have attached here also scanned original) is:

An open letter to fans

For me, the main current obstacle is the lack microcomputer market of good software courses, books the subject and the same software. Without good software and programming without homeowners know, a microcomputer is useless. Will quality software written for microcomputers?

almost a year ago, Paul Allen and I, hoping to expand the microcomputer market, hired Monte Davidoff and developed Altair BASIC. Although initial work took us only two months, we three have spent the remainder of the documentation work, improving and adding new features to BASIC. Now we have 4K, 8K, EXTENDED and DISK BASIC. The economic value of computer time needed for all that exceeds $ 40,000.

The reactions we have received hundreds of people who claim to use BASIC have been all positive. But there are two surprising aspects, namely: 1) Most of these "users" never bought BASIC (less than 10% of all Altair owners have bought a BASIC), and 2) The amount of royalties we have received from sales of the users make the time spent on Altair BASIC was paid less than $ 2 an hour.

Why does this happen? Like most users should have understood already, most have robbed our software. You have to pay for the hardware, but software is something that can be shared. Who cares if the people who worked on it was paid?

Is this fair? One thing you can not use software is stealing MITS technical support if you have problems. MITS does not make money selling software. The royalty that goes for us has to pay also the manual, the tape and everything else. Therefore, what you do is to prevent write more quality software. Who can afford to do professional work for nothing? The fact is that no one besides us has invested heavily in software for microcomputers. We have written a version of BASIC for the 6800, and are writing 8080 APL and 6800 APL, but there is little incentive for this software is available for the microcomputer market. Directly, which are doing is stealing.

And what about the people who sells pirated copies of Altair BASIC? Are not they earning money with software for microcomputers? Yes, but as the end we do not get anything in the long run we all lose. Are these people who give the microcomputer market a bad name, and should be expelled from any gathering of fans to occur.

letters would appreciate anyone who would pay for your software, or have any suggestions or comments. Just write me at 1180 Alvarado SE, # 114, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87108. I would love to be able to hire ten programmers and flooding the market microcomputer with good software.

Senior partner Bill Gates, Micro-Soft

Well, what would come next? Many people, after reading this letter, decided to pay the requested license Microsoft BASIC. Until then, when someone made a normal program is to publish it so that everyone could copy and try. Therefore, if people share their programs, and you need a BASIC interpreter to run those programs that everyone shares, it is normal for someone that also provided interpreter. That is, it was a problem of mentality, because the hardware is something we can touch, you can weigh, can be measured, has a physical basis and therefore have to pay for it. But the software belongs to the world of ideas, y. .. "Pay for ideas? Especially when someone already offering it to you for free?

Of course, this letter also raised the ire of many others. Nobody likes being called a thief, especially when you never knew you had to pay for something you've caught free and also think that something should be free anyway.

Bill Gates was invited to participate in talks about the Homebrew to defend its position, and apart from that and get a greater awareness of the commercial software must be paid, low real importance is this event. But, as symbolic importance, few more relevant facts than this ...

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Distance From Shelf To Clothes Rod

The Apple I and Apple sources

After two weeks of hard work that prevented me from devoting time to this blog I would, at last I have a free moment to talk about an issue that comes to snack on a story I read recently, is that Steve Wozniak has said that eBay will auction an original Apple I, 1976.

If in addition, this will unite with the comment VCF at the entrance Will Microsoft buy Apple? in which he said he thought the Apple II was actually the first Apple computer and never was the Apple I. .. for that, we already have item for my next pill, the very first steps of Apple.

To understand where it comes from Apple Computer have to go back to the seventies and follow very closely by those two kids who then had no idea of \u200b\u200bhow bright it would be his future: Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs.

Steve Wozniak was the son of an engineer from an early HP and showed a knack for the sciences, especially mathematics and physics. Have an engineer father influenced him a lot as a child he was surrounded in the house of capacitors, resistors and everything related to electronic circuits. Not surprisingly, the youngster Wozniak confessed in his book iWoz fun in class used to design all kinds of electronic circuits and then applying your own knowledge to get better used to achieve the same result by using the fewest components. Not surprisingly, therefore, that without having received higher education get a job at HP designing electronic calculators.

Steve Jobs, also liked electronics, but had neither the knowledge nor the skills to Woz for science in general and electronics in particular. But it was through this taste for electronics as his friend Bill Fernandez introduced him to a young guru Cupertino local electronics topics: Steve Wozniak. Woz was in many ways a mentor to many children, usually younger than him, who cared about the world of electronics. Always open character with a great sense teaching, Woz never refused their help and knowledge to the kids who asked.

Although the two Steves had to be radically different forms soon became very good friends, so that even both got into the business (illegal, by the way) so-called blue-box , "pots" that were used to make free long distance calls and received this name because it was packaged circuitry in a blue box, as shown in the accompanying photo where it is testing Woz one of these blue boxes. However, that's another story that just will be counted later.

The fact is that what really Wozniak liked were the jokes and the design of electronic circuits. Since video games were clones of fashion as the legendary Pong , whether a community video system for a hotel or scientific calculators to work at HP, Woz actually felt like solving engineering problems and designing electronic circuits, although real dream was to design their own computer.

The first steps of Wozniak in this area came to fruition on a computer called Cream Soda Computer. Completed in 1970 (yes, five years before the Altair and six before the foundation of Apple), a computer was very different from what we now call computer, because in fact did not even have a microprocessor, mainly because they were not invented until following year.

However, the years went by and little by little personal computers began to be technically feasible, thanks to the invention of the microprocessor. Today the overwhelming majority, if not all computers have one or more microprocessors, but until the early 70's the technology of miniaturization and integration of circuits are not allowed to create all the functionality of a central processing unit on a single chip and also affordable. Until then, every time someone would design a computer had to design all the logic that was in a microprocessor, only without a microprocessor. It was the invention of the Intel 4004 and the popularization of its next model, the Intel 8008, when the design of a home computer was simplified and cheapened enough to allow creating an industry out of it.

In any case, as it became more popular the very concept of microprocessor began to appear the first mounting kits for personal computers, the most known being the Altair 8800 appeared in People magazine Electronic and is considered the kick-off of the microcomputer industry. Also was this the computer you were born, of course, Microsoft Corporation , but that too is another story to tell later.

Following publication of the Altair 8800, in California we had a group of enthusiasts in these early personal computers called Homebrew Computer Club, which eventually became a veritable nursery of related companies with the new world of microcomputers. We already talked about 1975 and 1976, but back again to the two Steves. Tracking

diets based solely on fruit, refusal to shower for weeks or even months, visits to Tibet, flirtation with the Hare Krhisna, study of Zen Buddhism, experimentation with hallucinogenic drugs, communes seasons ... Jobs young looking for his path in life and trying to stumble here and there. It was an incredibly charismatic but also very difficult to wear, with great personality who used to hit around the world, especially when he turned to work.

And when he did, always aiming high. Steve Jobs got a job at Atari, the fashion company at that time and the fastest growing in the U.S. as a game designer. However, technically he was not too good, so that his friend Steve Wozniak helped him when he was a difficult job because this was always invited to spend the night by Atari offices to try before anyone else new games that were developed in the company.

In Atari was developing a game, Breakout , which was designed as a version of Pong for one player, where the ball rather than give it back a racket controlled by the CPU bricks bounced off you were destroying as they were beaten to the ball. The problem is that the original design required a large number of components and chips for the game was not only more complex but also was in color, so its production was too expensive (remember that we are talking about the mid-70). Jobs took the job of reducing the game design to lower its cost, so that would be paid if successful $ 750 plus $ 100 for each chip that could reduce the original design.

Of course, this was the specialty of Woz and it was he who did all the work of the redesign. Jobs offered him the deal that if it would help give him half the money they paid him, and accepted Wozniak more thinking about the challenge before him that the money promised by Jobs. Finally, after a couple of days without sleep, working at HP for the day and evening Atari, Woz got to eliminate the not inconsiderable sum of 50 chips. However, Jobs shared with him only $ 750, $ 375 for each one, concealing that he had received $ 5,000 more on the abolition of fifty chips. Years later, Wozniak Woz discover the deception, deceit blew tears in his eyes. But that too is another story that should be told at the time.

Woz decided to invest the $ 375 earned in Atari decided to pay the parts of the design of a new computer that could compete with the saw in the Homebrew . Due to the tight budget, had to stick at all times their design costs could afford, so that, for example, instead of using a powerful microprocessor Intel 8008 had to opt for a less powerful but much more economic, MOS 6502 about 1 MHz. Maybe if Woz at that time had had more money Apple computers have been from the beginning of Intel processors, who knows ...

Woz When he finally finished his first design was already autumn of 1975, and by the end of that year had already designed a second plate, both capable of displaying color on screen, something completely new on the computers of the time but Woz dominated by knowledge and techniques learned in the sleepless nights helping her friend Jobs at Atari.

Finally, when Jobs saw a computer that Woz had designed his friend, finally found his way in life, and convinced Woz to found a company to manufacture your computer. A Woz not very interested in the business world, was pleased and happy with his work at HP and everything was done for fun, but finally agreed on condition that he could keep his job at HP, and Apple Computer was born on April 1 1976. That first

computer designed by Steve Wozniak was named Apple I, leaving the clear with that name that Apple does not want to stay at all in only a product and eventually come new models.

But despite what seems, were no founders of Apple Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs, but the two Steves joined as founder an almost unknown to the ex-partner history of time Jobs Atari, Ron Wayne, who had at baseline 10% of the company and sold to the two Steves in early 1977 in the amount of $ 800, thus leaving the company and therefore this story. However, as a contribution to Apple, Wayne designed the first logo on it and wrote the first manual of the Apple I and its collaboration agreement. The idea that Ron Wayne was one of the three founders of Apple but with only 10% of the shares was to make the referee between the two Steves, and when one is always decanted had 60% of votes. But Ron never believed in the possibilities of the company and therefore decided to sell his part of it to the two Steves and keep working at Atari, where he was employed.

In any case, start a company is fine, but clients can not survive long. And the customers came, or rather said, arrived. One day, after an exhibition at the Homebrew, a man came up to Steve Jobs and he made his first big order. That man was Paul Terrer, which had recently opened a store selling computers and consumer electronics, and the initial order was for 50 computers complete a $ 500 computer, ie, $ 25,000 in total. But to mount

50 computers are needed to have parts for 50 computers, and Apple was founded with a very limited amount of money, what Jobs had to find a wholesaler of electronic components that were willing to give him credit. Finally found it on Kierulff Electronic, which called Paul Terrer to confirm that there was universal agreement that the hippy insistent and personal hygiene problems in front of them telling the truth and had no way of paying them. Finally, Jobs Apple got for a credit line for parts and components $ 20,000 for a month.

After mounting and assembly of 12 plates of the Apple I, Jobs ran to see Terrer to offer the first delivery of the requested 50 computers and receive the first payment with which to start paying bills. However, there was a problem of understanding, because although both Jobs Woz to a plate with all necessary chips mounted, ie with their memory, processor and everything else was a complete computer for Terrer was not because there is no screen, keyboard, power supply or the housing, essential components of what he wanted to sell as a fully functional personal computer. Despite the differences in concepts, Terrer kept his word to pay $ 500 for every Apple computer I assembled, and as yet it was selling well, was getting more orders, getting Apple to sell an amount of between 150 and 200 computers Apple I, of which one is in possession of Steve Wozniak and will be auctioned soon.

Finally, in late 1976 the sales of the Apple I Terrer were reduced and began to consider removing it from its shop. However, Apple already working on the successor to the Apple I. The Apple II was just around the corner, and along with the Commodore PET and the Radio Shack TRS-80, form the second generation of personal computers that changed the computing world forever. But that again is another story to be told another time ...

Monday, September 14, 2009

2010,prosumer Camcorders

advertising Alan Turing

Last week I did not post anything because I had a fairly high peak work, and I was preparing my next I pill when I read Microserfs the British Prime Minister Gordon Brown , formally apologized on behalf of his government all the way to treat this was one of the fathers of modern computing, Alan Turing the brilliant . That is why, building on the circumstances, I will do the same, because I believe that indeed the world of computing has always been very unfair to the vast legacy he left us this great English mathematician.

Since documented more than a job that is just a tribute, I will not write his biography because the work is done in entry in wikipedia, but I'll highlight some of its main contributions and I'll post the letter of apology from Gordon Brown.

Unlike most characters that have appeared in this blog, in times of Alan Turing electronic computers were not programmable. Consider that the ENIAC, considered by many as the first electronic computer was completed in 1947 while the first studies on Alan Turing computation date from the late 30's. Therefore, their initial contributions to the world of computing are only theoretical concepts such as the Turing machine, which basically defines what is a computer.

However, if something should Britain (and one might say almost everyone) to Alan Turing is not only for advances made in computational theory Turing the young but for his work in cryptography, which allowed him to break the code of the Enigma machine . This device was the official cipher of Nazi Germany, was once considered unbreakable, Alan Turing and his team designed a kind of computer called electromechanical bombe that finally got the break, which was a great advantage for the troops allied at all times knew what was cooking in the headquarters of Nazi Germany.

And last but not least, also had some cameos in the field of artificial intelligence. Have you ever heard of the Turing Test? Guess why it's called well ...

In any case, all these achievements were very good, but Alan Turing committed an unforgivable sin for the time when he lived: he was gay. After a mess of skirts (to call them that), Alan Turing authorities acknowledged his homosexuality, so indecendia accused of serious sexual perversion. Turing did not consider he had committed no crime and therefore did not defend himself, and he was sentenced to a choice between going to prison or undergoing hormonal treatment. Turing chose the latter, but as a result his life became a hell. Finally, two years later, Alan Turing was poisoned cyanide while eating an apple. The official version is that he committed suicide by injecting cyanide in the same style of Snow White in the Disney movie, but there is also the version that the poison came from the lack of precautions in the storage of toxic substances in his laboratory.

In any case, although the damage is done, I am delighted that Gordon Brown has at least apologized on behalf of his government's persecution of Turing by their homosexuality. The letter of apology is this:

2009 was a year of deep reflection - an opportunity for Britain as a nation, commemorating the profound debt we have with those who came before. A unique combination of anniversaries and events that have renewed in us a sense of pride and gratitude that characterizes the British experience. Earlier this year I honored along with Presidents Sarkozy and Obama the service and sacrifice of the heroes who took the beaches of Normandy 65 years ago. And just last week, we commemorate the 70 years since the British government declared its intention to take up arms against fascism and declare the outbreak of World War II. So I'm delighted and proud that, thanks to a coalition of computer scientists, historians and LGBT activists, we have an opportunity this year to celebrate another contribution of Britain's struggle against the darkness of dictatorship, that of Alan Turing code breaks.

Turing was a brilliant mathematician, famous for his work to break the Enigma codes. It is no exaggeration to say that without his extraordinary contribution, the history of the Second World War could have been very different. He was certainly one of those people whom we can say that their personal contributions helped change the course of the war. For this debt of gratitude that we owe him even more horrible that he was treated so inhumanely. In 1952 he was convicted of "gross indecency" - in fact, was judged to be gay. His conviction, and had to face the choice between this or infamous prison, was chemical castration by a series of injections of female hormones. He committed suicide two years later.

Thousands of people have gathered to demand justice for Alan Turing and recognition of the horrible way he was treated. Although Turing was prosecuted under the laws in force at the time and we can not rewind time, the treatment she received was of course totally unfair and I welcome the opportunity to say how deeply sorry I am and we all are for what happened. Alan and the other thousands of gay men who were sentenced as he was under homophobic laws were treated terrible. Over the years millions more lived in fear of being condemned.

I am proud that those days are gone and that in the past 12 years this government has done so much to make life fair and equal remuneration for our LGBT community. This recognition of Alan as one of the most famous British victims of homophobia is another long overdue step toward equality.

But more than that, Alan deserves recognition for his contributions to humanity. For those born after 1945 in a Europe united, democratic and at peace, it is difficult to imagine that our continent was once the stage the darkest hour of humanity. It's hard to believe that there are still people alive who can remember that people could be so consumed by hatred, by anti-Semitism, for homophobia, and xenophobia and other prejudices, which many gas chambers and crematoria became part of the European landscape as well as galleries and universities and concert halls that had marked our European civilization for centuries. It is because men and women who were totally dedicated to fighting fascism, people like Alan Turing, that the horrors of the Holocaust and the war are part of Europe's past and not present in Europe.

So on behalf of the British government and of all who live in freedom thanks to Alan I am proud to say: Sorry, you deserved so much better.

Gordon Brown.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Old Knightsbridge Collection Doll

up before remembering

She smiled up before ...
She smiled ... She could get along with her aunt or cousin ... She used to hand pick the best friend of class, as an innocent game of children, she was excited get to see her favorite uncle and immediately went to hug him, she used to wait for the mom got home from work to go to bed together, she liked what her mama liked but did not like to admit it, she enjoyed eating desserts mom, she loved to go out late at night with mom and move a block over the previous weekend ... for the little girl was a new place to meet, she liked to dance, but was ashamed to the party of the little dancing partner and she slept well ... enjoyed the night ... liked it and if it were not for ever but I would not wake up either the mother or aunt did, everyone has at least one requirement ... the girl had to go to school. Yes, she definitely slept well, well ... dawned like every child or teenager would and should, she took the breakfast, she was careful and responsible, at least I could.
She trusted herself, she dreamed of becoming a great writer, she believes in dreams ... she smiled to remember before ... She grew up, the little rose and pointed out that nothing would have disturbed his innocence, that nothing has scared , become so insecure about everything and of itself, become so sullen and shy at once. The grown child, the adolescent attempt circumvent the memory that was eating up all the time but the memory was already an indelible mark and then failed, she turned and twisted mind ... dark, lonely masked over the years that stick in your skin and now I know how to remove without being hurt, when she looks back attempts to recover the face, one that conveyed a naivete and innocence happy to return to be accepted and not feel excluded, to speak as he did before, to play, to love each other, she wants to become child for not being afraid to go after the mother everywhere, getting used to be more emotional and say what you feel, and so then had managed to say I love you Zahir. She ... not intended to be so hard, but can not change the person he has become, which have made it because she remembers that she cried and beg for help, but nobody could hear the music ...

She will continue trying to single have something that can look like small several years ago ... maybe a look, from time to time until it succeeds, or at least smile, one that was even before
remember ...

Someone stole my innocence ...

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Pokemon Roms Ipod Sources


Today I would like to be a little more irreverent and highlight in this story a few advertisements for some reason I have drawn attention. Since this selection is very personal, I apologize in advance for those who feel they should have included this or that video and not some of which I added.

The approach I followed was, therefore, as subjective as to say "go, it's funny" or "This has been brilliant. See what's bad." Not intend to give a selection of the best products and their ads or on how to advertise a software product, just something I wanted to do and in some videos, a little fun with it, as some certainly deserve it.

However, after hundreds of videos, these are the ones who dare to rescue me for you. I followed a chronological order, but the only common link they have. Hope you like:

1977 I decided to start with an announcement of the Apple II in 1977. It is the oldest I could find, and gives us an idea of \u200b\u200bhow important it was becoming the computer industry personal if even a company with a year old could afford to put ads on TV.

As can be seen in the ad, one of the possibilities that are more ad exploits the graphics capabilities of the Apple II, because thanks to the many tricks and techniques used by Woz at the time the Apple II was not graphic at rival . It is also before the release of Visicalc , so just emphasizes that serve for more than gaming.


computer companies could afford not only post an ad on TV but, even stars could hire the same to them. Kirk was the commander Commodore your ads and Texas Instruments had a Bill Cosby.

This ad I love it, because as you can see all the same the only thing that is clear of the TI-99 is ... price, $ 100, not for the good of Bill of repeating it to the seller, that he himself believes it. In these years, and for some more, consumers were less concerned about the number of kilobytes of RAM or processor speed, but how things could be done with the computer and at what price. It is for this reason that such was the Commodore 64 in many ways more slowly than the previous model Commodore Vic-20 and no one seemed to mind, as with the C64 could do more than with the Vic-20.
EDIT: As it says 1cualquiera really the price is not $ 100 but what is announced is a $ 100 discount. My apologies for the confusion.


In this ad we Atari computers. In these years the world of video games was something ... how to say ... cool, and I apologize for the foreignness. As an example, when the villain of the James Bond film Never Say Never Again mounted a party, is what gives your guests as entertainment? "Art Shows? Will any big eaters? Erotic Dance "? No, basically they had assembled for an arcade, with all sorts of arcade games.

Similarly, at the end of this announcement, whom we see? A "guys in suits", co-workers who are dedicated to playing games to prove they are the best. Let's say that video games were something new that had not yet been assigned to a child audience (perhaps because of Nintendo? This is just my speculation), as seen in the video and many others of the time, just look most ads 8-bit computers where children not only play but also adults, as the grandmother of the family Amstrad.


The Apple announcement focused on the business world (the leading position it had taken its IBM PC IBM) could also be seen in the keynote where Apple introduced the Macintosh in January 1984. Personally I find it funny because the music of the ad, although it sounds very bad and has some defects, has some ... how to say ... smack to the song What a fealing the soundtrack to Flash Dance . Think of this announcement and the 1984 , a milestone in the advertising world, are of the same era, and what difference in approach between a video and other ...


And here is the first announcement of Microsoft, which will see any more because they do not have waste. Windows

The project was led by Steve Ballmer, who was threatening his job upon receiving an ultimatum from Bill Gates or Windows whereby released in 1985 or Ballmer went to the street in the same year. Finally, Windows 1.0, a product quite a bit half-finished, rough and ugly as himself, was released in 1985, Steve Ballmer kept his job and now sits on the throne of Microsoft and CEO of it.

Anyway, sure you've seen this ad before but I can not stand it down here. It is shabby as himself, and not how many people could persuade them to buy Windows to announce that Mr. Ballmer, but it certainly is and always will be a jewel.


This year is very neat. We started with a video that does not stand for anything, if anything so bland it is. But the case is the first I've found a English company Investronica, selling computers patriotic. One of the first PCs I could play in the computer lab at my school, IBM had 10 computers and 10 of Investronica, so let me as fond memories here put it

And after the computer as compatible Inves, we turn to discuss the announcement of the Compaq Deskpro 386 , the computer you mentioned when we talked about the OS / 2 . This was the first PC compatible computer to carry the new Intel 386 processor. This is the message I've found it, just awesome. The actor was well known out in the UK to appear in several comedy series.

And now I would again give way to some nostalgia with the announcement of the Sinclair ZX Spectrum +2 , which was my first computer. As can be seen in the ad, the computer is clearly targeted as computer games (and especially for children). My father bought it the following year, with a pack of 12 games made my delight for months. The announcement also will emphasize the most striking developments over previous models, such as the built-cassette is increased to 128 kbytes RAM, though some details like professional keyboard, the new editor BASIC or much improved sound system are ignored and I were as important or more. But anyway, is like a megapixel camera, the more the merrier.

And now an ad for IBM, which is the first that we put here. As the protagonist (ahem) special to Charles Chaplin. Es .. I do not know ... "Dear?


of this year I will highlight just a video. Although households 8-bit computers are still selling very well in the field of business the thing changed. The leader was, of course, IBM. Apple was doing very well among the people of the creative arts, and then we had two companies, Commodore and Atari, with computers a little economic halfway between the 8-bit computers and more professional. In this announcement, Atari compares himself with Apple and IBM and reduces everything to a simple "They'll sell you chips and cables like us, except that they more expensive." What Spain can be made as direct references to competing products as advertised?


We are one of those wonderful gems of Microsoft. This is ... I do not know what to call it. "Ad? "Promotional video? Awesome anyway. It's about the new Windows 386 (ie Windows 2.0.3 compiled for processors 386) y. .. See him better, because I have no words.

We release with this announcement, Microsoft again. Just great the way it has to explain the new features of MS-DOS 5.0. And best of all, the music until it becomes catchy, plus at least another announcement recently about Windows Vista. No PC Should Be Without it ... . Among the advantages that passed, one that will never understand. It says "MS-DOS 5.0 is a money machine for you." Uhm ... And how MS-DOS will make me rich? The fact is that the same idea appears in several ads from Microsoft. Finally, I leave with it.


This announcement does not know if it's because it's Microsoft or because it is Japanese, but nor does it waste. The announcement is Windows 3.1 y. .. I do not know, is simply awesome.


Again, Microsoft's announcement, this time Windows 95. Yes, I used a song by the Rolling Stones. Finally a further announcement "normal." Microsoft threw the rest with Windows 95, and no wonder it was one of the most important products in the past 20 years since he only got to pull the entire industry. Software vendors, hardware manufacturers ... everyone rushed to get new stuff Windows compatible 95. In terms of marketing, Microsoft tried to be more professional than previous products, as seen in the ad. Of course had their promotional videos stupid, but we do not reach previous levels.

And in return, with delays of Windows 95 IBM had successfully increased its market share for OS / 2. However, he was aware that something had to do before the storm that was brewing with the release of Windows 95 and IBM also decided to get a little battery and promote your platform. Unfortunately, I have found ads in English that I saw on TV for those then, where were basically the same as this but where in the end the excited new users of IBM's operating system and be a confessed warper.

Of course, there are many more ads curious, such as replicas of Apple to Windows 95 or Pentium II, some ads for Microsoft and in this decade ... but at some point you have to stop and think that the professionalization of the sector is reached after Windows 95 was that the ads may be humorous or funny, but ... were no longer the same.

Well, this just this little pill. I sincerely hope you enjoyed and that you at least have caused some smiles. Thank you very much for following me.