Sunday, December 16, 2007

Yogurt Market Share 2010

Wait a moment .... Go back

Saco few minutes to make a story as old-fashioned, I know, I have no time lately. In any serious web and came out 3 days, but what the hell!, "Since when this is a serious web!? : D

Zapatero's team undertook to answer the 3 questions most voted by visitors to the page of your new campaign . A question by Sawr and voted and supported by 1259 people (thanks to a consumer movement between communities quite effective, since it seems that Porretas are more politically active than they believed politicians, surely must have thought: "must be begin to take seriously those offenders hippies without training and higher education whose sole aim in life is to escape it, because to see if they get one day ruin the election. "To give you an idea, the second question more voted not reached even half of those votes and has not been answered.) and he said like this:

Legalization of cannabis:
I would explain to me how is it possible to maintain this hypocrisy that leads to prohibit the use of a drug which in practice is allowed to consume. We are only encouraging the illegal trade of it. The

undoubtedly formadísimo, Zapatero's campaign team says,

Dear friend in answer to your question should be first in Spain clarificarte that cannabis consumption is not penalized, at least since 1984. The only traffic and are penalized for administrative penalties, ie fines, by the public consumption. One of the first obligations of any government is to safeguard the health of citizens and protect minors. It is this requirement that leads us also in our policy towards cannabis.

course, kids! "Because no one thinks of the children!? But let's answer parts

• In first start of manners, or like those potheads say "good vibes": "Dear friend in response to your question should first clarificarte that in Spain the consumption of cannabis is not penalized, at least since 1984 "

which translated into a language that free minds can understand it well: "Sure colleague, do not worry! We have been long been cool trunk Fumat petas you want brother!" or something, I do not know. The question is, of course, you can smoke in your house, but you can not buy, you can not take it from one place to another and to top it off you can not grow it in a 100% legal, then: how the hell the guy use? .

• Second part, the "ponecondiciones" but does so gently, as if it was not much: "The only penalty traffic and there are administrative sanctions, ie fines, for public consumption "

" are only administrative sanctions uncle, what else gives you pay 300 € from time to time? we're not rat. "For public consumption every one understands what you want ... if it is rolling is consumption? not yet tried it ... and if you only have it in your pocket? And darling because he "traffic" is very relative, if I grow in my house, how I can prove that amount is for personal use? for even much less than a plant, which they know and it depends on the judge being struck or Multon not have a single plant (which has decided to admit the familiar argument that it is for annual consumption). So yes, you can smoke but do not have way to acquire it, or moving it to another legally, so you'll always be in the line of legality ambiguous where at the time it takes money to launch a campaign of searches / registration and the coffers are filled at your expense.

· Third part: "somosguenos and take care of you fucking brainless" One of the first obligations of any government is to safeguard the health of citizens and protect minors. "

Sure, sure , children, the children forgot ... those damn kids that drugs associated with rebellion and therefore something very attractive to them. As for snuff and alcohol need ID and After is so dull that even their daddies do (and which make them from 15 to feel like they have 18 !!!), cannabis they can always buy it at Choni (quiet, safe passing controls Choni quality, purity, concentration, source, etc.) to feel smug and fuck the life spent without any accountability. Good thing is the government that, if drugs were legal and were socially accepted what would be left to those fucking dad wally to feel rebellious?

And of course we were we, the adults, the government has to tell us what we can and can not take, if not this world would be a mess, imagine people smoking can snuff out of control, the world would be full of terminally ill with cancer ... ! Eh! ... wait a minute .... Well, better let us go to another type of case, look at Holland, where cannabis is more accepted, you can only enter it with the protection of an army battalion ground, unless you want a cult of memory junkies rob you all you bring up.

· Ultima part: "The art of not answering anything" That obligation is to guide us also in our policy towards cannabis.

Well, the boy wondered why the substance was prohibited if the practice "allowed" their consumption, as this encouraged trafficking greatly with all that this entails (poor quality, organized crime, etc), and this "people" we jump with all that MIERRRRRRDA response, the only thing it does is give you all the reason the kid with the odd Hue (tint MIERRRRDA, by the way).

"Lords" Zapatero political team, and I recommended indirectly Miss Ana Belén Vázquez to learn to talk before getting into politics and I do it again with you (presumably the opposite side of this infamous PP-duality PSOE) to say that the policy is to ask good questions, and knowing how to respond. As has been shown that it is a skill that do not, I recommend you leave politics and devote themselves to humor, certainly given better and are happier.

Link (Humor):

PD: I left and, contrary to what may seem, do not smoke pot, which does not remove the hypocrisy that can irritate The prohibition and bullshit in general.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Cookies Burn On Bottom Solution


return later than expected, I apologize to those who have been waiting for.

Well, I've had a rough patch in my life entheogenic (not in the personal has done quite well xD), infected cultures promising, entheogens reserve spoiled, money spent on old-time mushroom screwed us great partly a trip to Portugal (why not trust in man!), suppliers the fallen stock for months ... Long ago the only drug I take is the alcohol and caffeine from the Coca-Cola.

are also hard times for lovers of freedom. that Congress recently voted against allowing the use and possession of cannabis in public places (if not for the traffic obviously). So as usual, one can take life little by little to snuff almost everywhere (with a smoking ban that anyone serving or enforce) and lower step and removed parts to others, but nobody thinks to relax a bit (with marijuana at least). Recall that the PSOE voted for a similar proposal when the PP had an absolute majority, but it is clear that when in power costs a lot to give up the 100 million euros to enter the state only for fines to consumers walk . In Spain there are 5 million marijuana users, or whatever it is, 5 million potential offenders to be able to fine (450 € on average).

On the other hand, definitely Netherlands prohibits the sale of entheogenic mushrooms (Making it difficult to purchase online a bit, though still fairly simple), we see that ~ 80 accidents (getting to marijuana and mushrooms in the same boat and being only one fatal) per year is sufficient to prohibit substance, care should be taken that no one suffers a hydration see them hydrated water-based Eye smuggling and alcohol, which have more accidents fixed every weekend for his "guilt." In this issue I have prepared an article based on the absurdities of the paper version of EL PAIS (although digital is not saved, but is more condensed) to publish soon.

Anyway, nothing more, I have 2 items in the pipeline to go putting in a little and next week play a psilocybin trip (you get used to mushrooms and then becomes reluctant to anything else: /), but do not worry, we will continue experimenting;).

PS: We are left with the phrase of the month: "(...)

decriminalize drug use in Spain would be a genocide. "

Ana Belén Vázquez (Member of the Partido Popular)


( Del gr. γένος, strain, and -Cide ).

1. m. Extermination or systematic elimination of a social group based on race, ethnicity, religion, politics or nationality.

Royal English Academy © All rights reserved

Thursday, August 30, 2007

The Hotel Spa In Vegas And Gay Cruising

For personal issues I am forced to suspend - ultimately nonexistent - update the site until October. It is a small estimate, you can write something before this month, but do not expect more that the odd appointment or fotito interesting, nothing very elaborate. The reason I saved them for me, for that is mine (I've always been very selfish).

I hope this page helps continue to serve (even in your downtime) psychonauts the neophytes who pass through here, those who dare to challenge a hypocritical and reactionary authority to begin a journey of self discovery and new experiences (always much respect;)).

Cuestionadlo everything! See you soon.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

How To Make A Model Of A Church

psychonaut Guide Novato

As promised yesterday, here's the Hitchhiker's Guide galactose ... I mean .... The Rookie's Guide Miasal psychonaut. For a change, this will not post a single image. Plaintext life gentlemen unfriendly, but functional. is a small letter for those who want to start in our world and looking for first hand information under the stones, is a very personal and incomplete summary, you know that as always, corrections, additional information, greetings or memories the family, are the comments, which will erase the criticize me / I will correct and that I worship and idolize me as a god almighty. Nah! Just kidding! ... Here we go: I want to try

entheogens, by what I start?

I think the best drug to start is, without doubt, the psilocybin . Because it is easy to get (besides price), and have no negative effect we can consider. When I say I mean psilocybin commonly called magic mushrooms . Why them? Well, part of what I have said, is the fact that its effects will last medium-low and are very easy to eat, just eating them without any previous preparation (although we can dry them, not at all essential, although desirable xD), but normally this would involve stomach pain, nausea or any type of discomfort.

is a clear advantage over nausea (or vomiting) of mescaline, the ultra strong sedative and sometimes the damn durable LSA seeds (and the emetic alkaloids), preparations "difficult" as Ayahuasca, or drugs too strong as the sage. It should also be noted that, for example, an average dose of LSA lets you KO an entire day and can be very frustrating if we do not like the experience. But a mean dose of psilocybin is not usually exceed 5 hours, being the "peak" of the session two hours.

synthetic because I reject the far more difficult to get natural.

How is using these drugs?

The most effective method is the oral consumption. Most people can (and indeed should) be so, although some, like sage, are more effective smoked, others change, smoked lose most of their effects, such as mushrooms (yes, there are people who smoke) THC or himself if we put in the bag. Anyway obviously depends on what you're going to take, as with any other drug. How

take the first time? LITTLE

. I know you think a tough guy, I know you hold very While alcohol and offices will not despeinarte five whiskeys, but please start with a dose of rookie . Although there is no physical risk beyond a simple indigestion if you eat like a taciturn (there is no overdose of mushrooms, either physical or mental), some people are afraid to experience how are you, sometimes not is prepared to feel things you did not expect to feel (such as a severe cold on a sunny day) or with sudden vision changes and dizziness. Fear is your worst enemy in this type of travel, is the difference between you having fun or having a horrible day. When the drug passes into your blood and reaches the brain no return, after enough time you can eat, vomiting induce you, mourn, kick or throw you a bucket of ice water over the effects will not go away completely. It is therefore highly recommended to start with mild doses where changes come slowly and in small highs. Get used to the light before looking up neophyte.

Where did you buy?

Haha, NO , here you will not see any information on where to get illegal substances. At least until I get paid for advertising them or something xD

What will I feel?

That is something very personal, there are many types of travel and types of people . What is clear is that you will not see anything that is not there , if someone told you that a gnome said he had died Espinete , I lied, there are many ghosts out there loose exaggerated to levels unimagined possibilities giving our beloved drug, by the way, a bad name.

estimating a bit : going to distort the existing reality , ie you may see bright colors or soft, or you may see things in a different color real or directory you see all of same color. Is likely to experience the kaleidoscopic effect in your own eye. Warp real-time features (vias if you look in a mirror, plants that seem more threatening or friendly animals, etc.) More philosophically speaking, you are very happy and let your ego aside, abandon the ego and become the ALL not want to be anywhere else in the world will understand (or believe it) the flow and the influence of life on earth, the symbiosis of all that exists, from the tides and the moon to the Earth's rotation and orbit around the sun, through the importance of simple ant in their environment. You may do more environmental and pacifist.) And you can not experience anything that I said, because they do not actually feel or because you have not known him when he arrived, you might just laugh louder and louder than you had never laughed and supplemented with small Slight changes in perception can not say for sure if it was effect of the drug or a simple oversight, in any event, there will also be worthwhile;)

Ah! You may also have a bad trip!

What's that bad trips (get mad)?

psychological experiences are very overwhelming and intense, can trigger many negative effects, deep sadness, guilt, intense fear, cold, etc. I usually get physical and psychological pains begin belly, headaches, nausea and malaise. Keep in mind that the bad trip is a psychological state, with all that that entails. That is, we should always realize that everything is the result of unusual chemical reactions in our brain poorly assimilated into our psyche, nothing more and nothing less. Come on, do not run away from any danger of spending a few hours that will never forget.

sure now you are wondering how to stop a bad trip, the truth is that there is no scientific method to it. Vitamin C, sugars, etc., often help, but I think it is mostly a placebo effect rather than an actual physical effect. It is advisable to try to calm down and get away from bad thoughts, having someone to hand always helps.

Note: Although eye if you are psychologically intact and belly pain is very strong and very intense vomiting might be the mushrooms were in poor condition in which case buy toilet paper and put together a lot of patience, or simply were not mushrooms that I said were, in this case the nearest health center will make you a nasty and painful stomach wash for free. No seriously, take care, Be sure that you are taking what you really what you believe it is and it smells bad but not fishy xD, no trust in wild mushrooms, there are some very similar to those that are highly poisonous hallucinogenic .


Let the mess. I think there are 4 basic types preparation, the mental (or spirit if you like the roll shaman), the physical (fasting), that of environment (place, date and time slot) and the company (friends and music). Mental

This paragraph could summarize it in one question: are you sure? If not, better forget it.

We have to forget the prejudices with our subconscious could surprise in full trip. For example, we believe that what we are doing is wrong, because people say it's dangerous, it is to finish, or because in our view and we have drugged too late, for whatever reason ... if in the middle of a group trip surprise hikers or even a friend we never expected, we feel very bad ... simply because they do not want anyone to see us and we will begin to feel self-conscious (to the point of being afraid of people), sad and suffer a pounding remorse. To avoid this we should report this type of drug, serious studies, books, websites and knowledgeable people, we ended up admitting that mankind was wrong when he decided to choose the snuff, alcohol and caffeine as social drugs, D . But above all we must do things the way we think they should be (if it must be a lonely place because we do not go on a Sunday!), Follow our moral code, whatever, forever!, we never deceive ourselves ("is the latest volume" and then took two more), in a state of altered consciousness, without a defined ego to protect us from our own actions , is useless.

is essential away the fear of the unknown, a bad trip or adverse effects. We must confront the explorers on a journey as unknown forest, respectful but eager, ready to enjoy a new experience and discover new things. It is important to a whole day for you No obligations, no schedule (watch out!), Nothing to do even the day next. Nothing

hurry, relax . Do not expect anything too soon, do not force yourself psychologically to experience strange things, when the trip comes there you'll need to find colors and reflections, simply really. Wait sitting chatting or taking a walk, stay distracted until the change. and quiet, come.


The easiest

. It is clear that we should not be Conan to get high .

If we choose the path we must take into account oral that should facilitate the work our digestive system, the fasting is the best technique, an empty stomach faster and better absorbed substances. also chew thoroughly dose (mushrooms, seeds, cactus, etc.) Tend to be quite bitter and unpleasant but must be done, chew, chew and chew and believe that it is enough to chew a little more ground ...

is also important to know the drug they are taking, if we know that often cause nausea try not to drink soft drinks and remain seated or lying, if we ultraweak stomach as some that I know, it is worth having on hand any medication (for those without a prescription) to take them at the right time and help us pass the wrong drink to our stomach. Note: above types of drugs not I can help because I have a strong stomach (xD), but in any case sed careful and ask before using them. Anyway, do not you agobiéis, nausea and even vomiting often give way to a successful journey.

And last, do not forget to drink water frequently , may we seem to have spent five minutes and actually carry 2 hours without tasting drink in the sun, and incidentally, to experience that indescribable feeling of flowing water inside your body; D


The third most important, a good mental preparation or an exceptional company can make us forget a bit of room around us. But this does not mean it is not important or that we can make it anywhere. In my opinion the best place is a natural place , free and lonely , where only your group and ye nature. She is an inexhaustible source of beauty (most of which in a normal state would go unnoticed) and phenomena that help us into the world of light during precious moments: the wind, rain and waves splashing can make our entire system nervous vibrate and enjoy.

We can also "enhance the trip " putting the time and in the right place . If we know where we will be the sunset is spectacular, we can plan the trip for our peak coincides with the sunset. For me the slots that contain large changes in light are the best, the sunrise or the sun setting and all the changes that occur in the light that is reflected in all things, makes us feel more mixed up in our own universe of colors particular, and of course the stunning view of such events. If I had to choose between night and day, I would choose the day to enhance the positive visual effects, the night is given to draw unfriendly dark shapes that can frighten us, but well, matter of taste! The week also can be fascinating. "Do not fear the shadows, as they are only an indication that somewhere nearby ... there is light ..."

speaking in this section and enhance the journey we get some tricks to enjoy the trip more . Examples:

· Paper and pencil, draw a little to see what comes, enjoy it with your own lines.
· Soap Bubbles: perfect spheres of psychedelic colors
fifth book of paintings or fine art: Picasso, Joan Miro, Salvador Dali, need we say more? xD
· Mirror: Care, has a double edge, you might be amazed to see someone unknown to you, it might be an experience for veterans.
· Object bright or curious ways: You can spend hours fascinated by a simple marble:)


There are two types of company of your friends and the music, let's start with the music: For me it

FUNDAMENTAL , Although the music of nature can enforce (the sea, wind, birds ...) and actually have to reserve some time during our trip (turn off the radio one time man!), The music of a lifetime will be presented to our ears as clear notes of happiness stand up straight every beautiful of our skin. I would choose very melodic music and more or less quiet , the big ones are always good choice , Bob Marley, Rolling Stones, Jefferson Airplane, Nirvana, Lou Reed, Pink Floyd, Dire Straits and many others with milder issues and psychedelics. not dismiss types of music that normally would not listen , por ejemplo la música clásica es una fiel aliada, posiblemente la mejor desatadora de emociones. ¡No olvidéis las pilas para la radio, ni el CD!

Los amigos: para mi hace falta un nivel de confianza que traspase lo personal , no creo que nadie tenga más de un par de amigos así. Alguien con el que te puedas expresar en la más completa y absoluta libertad , que tenga un código moral similar al tuyo, con el que no tengas secretos y que te acepte tal y como eres. Ese “mejor amigo” que todos tenemos es el acompañante perfecto para nuestro viaje . Grupos grandes de gente donde haya tanto buenos amigos como amigos a secas e incluso known, restrict our freedom of expression, our ego stands strong and proud to guard against potential threats to our social and schizophrenic brain may sometimes make us wary of the least known and show each other dry and distant, cutting them and us on our journey yours.

With your best friends and the best music! not need anything else in the world.

Nothing more, I hope you enjoyed entertaining and worth some novatillo him for his first viajje and even some veteran who has given valuable insights for los suyos. Hasta otra cachos de carne a los que siempre he odiado, ¡no toqueis mis cosas! ... he puesto trampas... ;D



ABC de la Experiencia Psiquedélica

F.A.Q de los Hongos Psilocibe

FAQ de Crisis por psicodélicos


Preparación para una Sesión con Enteógenos

(Gracias DDAA)

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Vba Pokemon Playing Way Too Fast

Set & Setting

Algunos dicen que el consumidor de drogas psychedelic is more serious and dedicated (taken with more responsibility, are more informed of dose / effects, etc.) than other consumers. The truth is that I do not like to differentiate between different drug users, I like things simple assumption that all looking for something . But what is undeniable is that entheogens are very special. Consumed without preparation is a waste.

I would say that a large majority has never experienced a journey of truth, though they have consumed. They were in a bad place, or at the wrong time, or with bad company, or have failed to give him life, or see changes in perception lighter (sounds cleaner textures and new colors) or the release of mind and philosophy stream that triggers uncontrolled. Many look to see dragons and goblins, others - more realistic - looking for everything to change color or things dance before your eyes ... all forget the most important.

In any case, although obviously the important thing and just want a fun time (which is also respectable, although in my opinion would be like throwing a wine cola at 100 years), the preparation is KEY , basic, necessary, vital, essential, and any other synonym that you occur. By comparing worldly blind can distinguish between alcohol put yourself in your house, or do it with your best friends in the best of the holidays, the two situations protagonists are the same drug, in both cases would have the same symptoms, but one of them what you would spend so much better, is not it?
Then forget what I just said is stupid, the difference between a spontaneous consumption of psilocybin and other prepared is much larger and may lose most of the effects of the drug in an unprepared, and even may reach go badly, and I do not mean that you aburráis, I mean really embarrassed (Junction several bad factors, site, date, time, company, music, dose, etc).

Soon I'll have a small and brief trip preparation guide, what the English call "Set & Setting" (always super cool terms for all x)), based on my personal experience and in my view things certainly have gone to have your own style and seek places or times different from what I need or things like that in any case what matters is not how to prepare, if not the preparation itself.

Rookie Guide psychonaut of miasal coming soon:)

Win And Win Winact Riser

'll talk about this man.)

Forgive the lack of updates but the heat has been off the urge to write, D, in a while new entry!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Cuboid Avulsion Fracture Walking Cast Treatment

Sentence "war" against drugs

" A substitute for the missing" evil empire "has been the threat of Latin American drug traffickers. In early September 1989 the president launched a joint campaign of mass media and the government. In that month the Associated tickers P ress served more news about drugs on Latin America, Asia, Middle East and Africa together. If you looked at television, every news brought a considerable MINUTES section dedicated to how drugs were destroying our society, and becoming the greatest threat to our existence.
The effect on public opinion was immediate. When Bush won the election in 1988, people felt that the budget deficit was the biggest problem the country had to face. Only about 3% named drugs. Campña After the media, the deficit had fallen in the ranks, and the problem of drugs had risen to 40% or 45% , which is frankly unusual for an open question, which does not suggest a specific response.

Now when some of the states we have as customers complain that the United States is sending them enough money, instead of saying "not enough to deter the Soviet threat," argues that "is not enough to stop drug trafficking. " As the Soviet threat, this new enemy provides a good excuse for a U.S. military presence where there is rebel activity or other.

So that the "war on drugs" provides coverage to intervene. At the local level is not too into account the issue of drugs, but makes distraction of the population, encourages and supports citizen enforcement of the restrictions of civil liberties . This does not mean that "substance abuse" is not a serious problem .

At the same time it sparked the "war on drugs", the snuff deaths were estimated at 300,000 a year, and due to alcohol in some 100,000 . But these are not targeted by the Bush administration . They chased illegal drugs, which caused far fewer deaths, official figures show about 3,500 a year. "

- Noam Chomsky , " intentions of Uncle Sam , 1995 -

Too bad it's been so long and we've changed so little
(In the United States or even change of president, as like father, like son. Although other policy, now the evil empire is terrorism and its news opened with an attack. But not to forget those drugs). 6% of all deaths that occur in Spain have a close relationship with the consumption of alcohol , these are many deaths. casi1 / 3 of all traffic accidents are a main ingredient bastard (or just an asshole) drunk ( the highest percentage across the EU ).

But where are these deaths? "why not leave these more than 13,000 deaths on the news of antenna 3 ?. Why single out a coma when the item is "cool" when approaching an action against the alcohol or the bottle?. But instead

some poor bastard die of those hundreds who die illegal drugs devoid of any sanitary control by law illogical and very consistent, and all the news of the day mention the very serious incident ... Echense hands to his head! More than 800 deaths year from illegal drugs! Wow! ... what a shame that if we add up the deaths of those that are legal (with its succulent directíto 16% VAT to the state coffers, D) that figure is little more than anecdotal . Moreover, it is likely that the regularized illegal and those hundreds purity tests would not be more than a few dozen.

crappy thing is when governments realize that their income due to soaring legal drugs do not outweigh the very great losses in health that cause (or the great economic engines such as insurance in case the U.S.). "Oh go! Are we wrong drug?, Maybe we should advertising campaigns and hinder the use in public areas. The truth is that drug laws to be created with authority to stop criticizing and give moral lessons to drug users almost always more logical and secure their future is quite uncertain , conformity with the prohibition eventually just turn against you.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Wot To Have For Dinner

Bulos, the art of scaring

Following a review of DDAA correcting an error ... ? exaggeration? one of our topics, I have been raised idea of \u200b\u200bcreating an urban legend about there about drugs . If I speak of, the error was that I commented on the possibility that MDMA tablets were adulterated with heroin. I can cite in my defense (xDD) I read this in many places, and I mean serious sites, but now I recognize that the most likely to be a good urban legend extended attempt to spread fear among consumers MDMA (due to the bad reputation that has heroin). Being logical is difficult to think that adultery is a drug with another drug which is usually more expensive, would like to lower the coke with a wine of 50 years.

So I'll give a brief overview that I hope the comments help to improve and expand on myths, hoaxes, urban legends , etc., Which There on the issue of drug (with more emphasis on entheogens because they are the most mol ... digooo ... we deal in this blog). We've all swallowed a legend, sure. The information on this topic is very biased and alarmist end calls and intimidation to justify a proscription which is unsupported by the laws of logic. I may even small of ignorance in this topic, but for that we are here to learn, D.

[ Clarification: When you talk about LSD, I also mean the mushrooms, mescaline, and any general entheogenic drugs as urban legends are usually common]

This is very good. Who would not have told their parents at some point in their lives an evil being who is dedicated to giving away candy drug impregnated in front of schools to engage the poor children who accept them. The reality is that it never has been a case like (eye, sale of drugs such as cannabis or snuff itself is a despicable practice, but true). It is well known that there is no substance in the world to generate a dependency so hard that you cause withdrawal syndrome after a single dose. In fact, many drugs do not usually sit too well the first time, therefore, giving it to someone without their knowledge only make it go pretty bad and does not want to see anything that looks like a drug in a long time. So you have to keep in mind that no camel is altruistic and if you know any ... Presentadmelo!

[This legend is a more carefully worked impregnated with LSD on stickers that children absorvió through the skin, was widespread and came out in the odd teledirario. It is obviously false.]

droja I threw in the chocolate milk!
Let your cup away from you and make you fools, you have the same luck and leaves you free drugs. They say that people are bored with a lot of money spent to take substances cool on the tops of others, presumably with the same purpose as the camel of the door from school, have gone hooked and die, sure, but I do not trip one can take away. On the other hand, this does not mean that some asshole simply do shit, but considering that you can fuck someone without spending money, it makes sense to keep that bastard is the dose for him, D.
Well, not really interested to know that this is just a hoax, so when we get home, crawl after 10 drinks and caught us, we can always say, " if I did not drink anything, I think I fanta threw something in the huh? "

If you abuse the LSD just drive you crazy.
No serious study showing that LSD end voliendo crazy to anyone is very happy and wise octogenarian who lived a good amount of travel (blessed sixty). Moreover, the LSD can not be abused, is a drug with a high tolerance, so you have to space out the doses to keep its effects. It also has cross-tolerance with mescaline and psilocybin (if you abuse one, you lose the effects of all) by their similarity. Some sources say that if drugs can develop latent psychological problems, but we are in the usual, if someone psychologically and emotionally unstable with a history of a psychosis in the family gives the LSD is like someone with 10 drinks over take the car and driving, does the fault of the drug or using it asshole?

LSD hitch a. Just
not. It is shown that the body does not develop dependence to LSD. There may be a psychological dependence, as well the Internet can be, video games, television, the bride (; D), sugar ...

can die of an overdose of LSD, mushrooms, cannabis ...
If overdose and water :) but you have to be really useless to go to such extremes, that and have a lot of money, of course, that water is infinitely cheaper. Another thing, really, if you just mix petazeta and coke burst in his stomach and die, watch out.

LSD home can be made from rye.
course, I also know a way of making coke from soft drink, write it here, but I'm tired ... No, seriously, it's impossible, ergot amounts present in commercial rye are tiny, totally despicable (if anything). And even with this fungus in your power, I hope you're a chemistry graduate with a fully equipped laboratory at home to emulate the great Hofmann, if it does not look pretty fucked, D.

can make LSD from LSA
This I have drawn from several Google searches that have led some to this site. Anyway, I guess what you wanted is to see if there is any way to isolate the LSA, yes, there is, but given the market a substance much more powerful and cheaper to produce (LSD), who is going to be made isolate the LSA?

Mescaline gives a cleaner trip than LSD
wreck .... you probably sold you and you say LSD is mescaline. Equivalent dose would be very difficult for an expert in this type of travel be able to discriminate from each other. This popular belief comes from the 70's, when the U.S. launched hoaxes galore on LSD, people began to take her fear and camels so they decided to rename and selling LSD and mescaline if attributing best feelings, the suggestion of one's mind subject to the rest. It has been producing and marketing mescaline, but it is very rare (isolated) and a very great waste of time and money (as always in matters of market demand LSD).

hallucinogenic drugs With dragons and goblins see
Well this is something that consumers of such drugs always joked and even without will help to spread. The term "hallucinogen" is not quite correct to say, since it is rare that the subject gets to see something that is not there to open eyes (hallucinations). Normally, you see illusions , ie deforming an existing reality, but never create a new one (if you're in a forest, you'll see different forest but never believe to be on a beach playing paddle with Yogi Bear) .

a tripod in your plant pot and Alehop: dope trippy.
No comment.

With entheogens lose control of your actions
There are many stories of consumers Curious LSD, which threw out the window, who went blind staring at the sun, which cut the face to give it to feed your dog, who wanted to kill his friend because he believed was an alien and other characters fiction that never existed, most inventions of the 70 officers who came out in newspapers. There is much science fiction writer frustrated that she is writing her "experience" with this, or any, type of drug. It is fixed very quickly so fantasy in his stories (" two minutes and woke me up at 5 days in a port in Ireland dress giant penis ..."). The truth is: one of two, or consumed a cocktail drug that would kill a whale or lying. With a blind entheogens have quite aware (know why you see what you see), in addition, this type of drug has a saturation level, a certain amount from the effects continue to increase ...

Corrections and suggestions from here, D

(Thanks DDAA)

Urban Legends in Wikipedia (English): Bumper

LSD (English )

More About English decals :

Legend of the man who started the face ( on PCP )

Link HUMOR: New Drugs threaten children

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Microsoft Lifecam Will Not Recognize The Camera

Psilocybin Through reflection

Plato said "The Republic " that man was in a very early age of knowledge, giving clubs blind. That certainly give everything our senses give us , and it costs us to accept whatever they have not experienced before (or may not get to do it). He explained this through a myth that after other geniuses throughout history were taken as an example or basis for their thoughts. We could say that in terms of knowledge - that which Plato spoke to us - we've come very little.

He used a story, men neck and feet chained in a cave since the day they were born. the bottom of that cave, the prisoners back was a large fire that cast the shadows of passers-by behind them. They could only look to the area of \u200b\u200bthe cave where the shadows were cast, so the prisoners with the accepted not as a projection of the real, if not the actual forms themselves. SU was actually , his world reduced to what his senses were offered on that side of the cave, all that existed in the world were zigzagging shadows playing to catch the warm light.

The real question was: What if one of these prisoners were freed of their chains and come out into the real world? Plato assumed that it would be clearly outweighed by the number of stimuli that would be experienced in the first instance should escape the glare to burn their retinas weak and refuge in some shade, then should used to his new vision looking through the reflections of the water, could finally look up and overwhelmed by the immense beauty of the universe . New shapes, new colors, new smells and new sensations, a new cosmos. Much later

William Blake said something like, " If the doors of perception were open, we would see the world as it is, infinite. As human beings can only peer through the cracks that exist in his cave "(that is memory, not verbatim, P)

If we take as reference the cavern of Blake taking this as our body and the cracks in it as our senses, I can say I took the last week head (or mind; D) by one of those cracks. If we are to Plato and his cave, I was the slave who in the shade of a tree looked at the sky through the reflection pond.

We got up early, very early . We reached the beach (a VERY secluded cove and inaccessible) after a long walk in which the average dose of psilocybin that we had time before starting to go up. It was 6 in the morning, perfect time to sit and experience the c HANGES of light and colors of sunrise . Psilocybin increased hard and fast, nothing to do with the previous time in which the effects were taking turns climbing and patience. This time came suddenly a big laugh, looking up and the small forest behind us had become a world of fairies, new colors and movement kaleidoscope of leaves and twigs gave him a nondescript appearance.

We had the radio, with batteries of course (yes this time), but by a twist of fate we forgot in the car (a 45 minute uphill walk: /) the CD we had prepared. We screwed up, sure, but after thinking more quiet and we preferred the . That forced us to put the radio and although we had to dodge commercial shit after shit in the end we came up with RNE; classical masters, perfect companion for our state, began to ring and she waves, wind, birds and trees followed the rhythm of our small radio , all dancing in a perfect dance. We lie and watch the sky seemed the clouds were near to be able to touch them, they also danced and gave us some curious way;).

For a moment, and this is what I really wanted to, I felt in my body as trapped, was a very strange feeling, but I liked during that stage I saw colors I'd never seen, I beheld a new and different world. As if you were a little elf that looks through the eyes of a giant foreign body traveling in distant lands. Then at that time, I experienced the joy and the fear that I imagine would feel the slave when she saw the sky reflected in the pond, it's like to have the door half open perception, confusion of the prince who dreams of being a prisoner or the prisoner dreams of being a prince of great Calderon. All accompanied by philosophical conversations between uncontrolled laughter, absurd theories and universal truths, trying to go reasoning beyond the annals of creation, a cosmic scale , considering that the "pa ná go is nonsense "is the cornerstone of human philosophy (xDD) etc, etc, etc. short: A perfect day .

And with this I can not be ever more convinced that the preparation is essential , 70% of the trip, the choice of venue (a beautiful natural setting and solo), time (one that results in a change of light , dawn or dusk), the dose, the company, the music ... everything must be perfect and unforgettable and enriching experience.

And this is to, that is to, that's all folks.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Why Alexis Texas Don't Black Men

Okay, okay, okay! Lighting

I know that your life is meaningless without reading Miasal week, but sorry, I'm pretty busy lately xD. I promise a couple of updates during the next week, one of them about my experience with medium-high dose of psilocybin (awesome, by the way).

See you soon.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Dragonair Plush For Sale

" So what do these drugs actually do?

Gradually I am coming to the conclusion that the main action of any psychedelic drug is to allow us to see inside ourselves. In not really do anything . Psychedelics allow things happen. allow you to connect with yourself.

's simply absurd to imagine the visions of the inner world, the intricate patterns, travel in time and space, the real memories of the birth or earlier, all contained within a plant. Or that is contained in a small quantity of drugs.

There is only one place where there ueda p all this magic. Within you . Inside your soul. Within your psyche . Psychedelic drugs simply let you express yourself .

a couple of years ago I was asked to speak to a small family of explorers applied in Rio. I asked how it was possible A drug such as MDMA, for example, might contain this knowledge, this wisdom. Try explaining that such knowledge and wisdom were already in them . And to give power to a chemical compound was to remove his own powers.

At a dinner here in San Luis Potosi a few days ago, I consulted the same. I was asked what he thought about the way that ayahuasca could see more depth in the plant kingdom, making each experience has opened to the knowledge of other plants. Di

again the same answer: Not on the ayahuasca. It in you.

The next time someone tells you that this drug does this or that makes such a drug, suggest that perhaps such drug or such other allowed to do this or that. I think that these substances actually let us see.

who sets out to find you, you are the person who can see. 're the person who finally defined the reality is your world.

And when you can make it to the part of you that can see the forces, the impulses behind your own actions and emotions, you will be able to direct the course of your life with greater clarity and awareness.

As the ancients said: wisdom is to understand others, but understand oneself is enlightenment . "

- Alexander Shulgin," The Art of Seeing "-

Note: Alexander Shulgin is a renowned chemist who has synthesized and tested on himself over 150 psychedelic substances throughout his life ... He is known mainly for being the first man who synthesized and described effects of MDMA on humans.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Jolene Bleaching Directions

a month old ...

Question is : who the hell might be interested in the course of this page in just a fucking month? The answer is clear: anyone .

You might be a surfer who was lost looking for something different and you have your mouse pointer on the green arrow pointing left. You may be someone who is interested in entheogenic drugs and you came here thinking you'd find something interesting. Maybe you're a friend who has clicked again, another fuck up, the damn link every week. Even you may be a rare organism that likes to style and philosophy of this crappy blog and pass from time to time ...

In any event this entry shit does not interest you, are pathetic one-page book largely unknown, so get out of here! : D

During its first month of life, Miasal has received 327 visits (10.9 visits / day) and 605 page views, which means that every visitor is 1.85 pages, which is logical given that is a blog and, until recently, had only one page where you could read all the entries (so why open more?). Using estimates taking into account the IP, browsing time and some other more data we can say that this site has been popular of about 70 people .

On most visits occurred on May 27th (the day of the publication of "The external world changed ") with nothing more and nothing less than 24 visits! (7.34%) xD.

For readers outside Spain has been enough, but considering only those who have been more than a minute on the page, we had a visitor from Massachusetts (United States), one of Limerick (Ireland), one Cambridge (England) and one of Hamburg (Germany). From here a greeting to everyone: D Some

found us on Google looking "tryptamines " " Lsa "and" miasal . The vast majority of readers have visited the page more than 25 times (47.1%), which means that a large proportion of visitors return often. This is a rare phenomenon that I can not explain, "collective madness?," local fascinated by everything that has to do with drugs?, no idea ...

Regarding other statistics about visitors :

· literally eats Firefox Internet Explorer with 64.44% of Windows users
· destroys any other operating system with a 96.94%. In their struggle Internal XP is king (96.21%).
• The most used resolution is 1280x1024 (59.63%) followed by 1024x768 (23.85%)
• The ADSL is far more used to the cable (~ 90%)

most viewed entries (this counts clickeos only on the post title or the direct links to it, so it is not objective), the first, obviously, is the Index (78.02%), then go to:

* LSA 2: "I've lost respect " (3.31%)
* " The outside world has changed " (3.14%)
* LSA: The nature LSD (2.31%)
* LSA, my experience ... and the new "I" (2.15%)
* LSA: Color Shower (1.82%)

Conclusion: what seems most fun are the experiences in first person, but also like pretty interesting stories on the subject of drugs. Of course not far behind the necessary analysis to study drugs (especially drugs largely unknown as the LSA). Miasal is hearing, who was going to tell me just 20 days ago, this attests to the limited means speaking openly and in first person about the real effects of drugs, a fact that makes some poor resort to any such lost bad as mine: D. Experiences become the , but the respect we give to these drugs (which makes us very interested in the provenance, quality, preparation, place, date, any personal problems ...) leads ranging to be a content that will put every so often (every month?. "Two months?), while the blog will be about issues or stories about drugs, law, society, etc.. Always with special reference to the enteóginas.

Greetings one and lonely pathetic reader of this blog; D.

Friday, June 1, 2007

26.03.2006 Apatia Czestochowa Zdjecia

Sometimes prejudices that society from an early etches can destroy life. If we feel the urgent need to fit , we can use anything to this: can they lied as Cossacks to be accepted, may show ourselves in a different way to which we are to sympathize with our environment, can, especially in the most tender age and lack of personality defined (a phase that some will not leave behind in his life), they even resort to dangerous and banned substances to demonstrate in any way our false rebellion, and that our mind can not stand rejection of people who eventually end up discovering our shortcomings suspicion that both buried.

But sometimes the opposite happens, some people naturally are perfectly fitted into the puzzle of society , close to it with very strong adhesive hypocrisy and political correctness . Persons to whom the government indoctrination has scored in his brain that should abide by and not thinking. Unable to think for themselves, accept, and indeed love, think for them and have time to watch the gala OT or "Tony" Big Brother swim naked in the pool ...

These people tend to strongly reject drugs ... and illegal, of course . Do not hesitate to take a Valium (Benzodiazepines ) for a simple headache, or drink four cups a Friday night, sure it will be almost indispensable for social life smoking a pack of cigarettes and a couple of coffees a day. These are people who when they see someone smoking (or themselves) are not a drug addict getting one of their ~ 30 daily doses of nicotine only someone smoking, if they see that your partner needs to pay two coffees at work, not an addict, is that sleep badly when they see a person drunk with alcohol, do not see a drug addict, they see a drunk, and of course for them there is no overdose of any of these substances, are comma-ethyl, cancers .. ..

Something similar took Agnes Corbacho, a mother in any site either lived in a perfect world in an Orthodox family, was singularly correct and happy. But one day her husband (and support) died suddenly, was a fact (very hard for anyone) that his weak personality was not able to confront, not everyone is prepared to contemplate the destruction of a universe (in this case a personal universe and family) ... He threw as he could for a while but his only daughter was a big help a teenager 28 years had not worked in his life or done any study, a brat to which they had because every fact and thought that life was confined to his room and his friends.

But Agnes had already accepted that, she knew her daughter had a black future, I knew I was drugged out and hard drugs but legal, nothing happened. But then he learned the most terrible misfortune that has known the man since he gave humanity to a test drug by intentionally make hundreds of thousands of years: daughter smoking dope. Unacceptable

, totally unacceptable, his daughter saw dragons, burning neurons, lost memory and intelligence rapidly, probably end up jumping from any window or die of an overdose .... At least that's what Agnes had told . So began a crusade against drugs that made her daughter was an example of personified mental fart, now I understand!, Was the drug and not the "girl" that was bad life and vagueado since leaving school. Asked his daughter's entry into a detoxification center, but medical examiners did not see the slightest sign of addiction, so I refused it twice.

Desperate, Agnes took the personal weapon of her husband, said to her daughter's head and fired .

already in court and ignoring the advice of your attorney, told because they did not repent or feel remorse, had freed his daughter from hell drug, implacable evil that is cannabis, which makes become someone completely different, a substance will parasitic malicious and destructive thinking and acting just for you. So they taught Inés.

may one day of many that await him in jail, was put to think and understand, that the drug is only one substance, neither good nor bad, that you can use wonderful or terrible. That is never to think for you, addictive only if the subject, will, allow sufficient time for it, there is no documented case of death by cannabis and then, only then can understand that his daughter died of an overdose of hypocrisy . Mild

dramatization of this article de La Voz de Galicia I kept the original title. The story is totally real.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Immunization In Ontario

An act of love "The outside world has changed"

"Suddenly I felt strangely inebriated. The external world has changed as in a dream. objects seemed to gain relief, took the unusual dimensions and colors became brighter. Even the perception of myself and time were altered. With eyes closed, I saw pictures of color that glowed and disappeared in a shifting kaleidoscope. After hours, the not unpleasant inebriation had been experiencing while remaining fully conscious, disappeared. What had caused this condition? "

Albert Hofmann (discoverer of LSD) - Laboratory Notes (1943) -

Poor Albert made the mistake of playing part of the compound slightly it was investigating (a compuesto semisintetico preparado a partir del ácido lisérgico presente en el cornezuelo del centeno) con las yemas de sus dedos durante la recristalización, como la cantidad con la que estaba trabajando era mínima no le dio mayor importancia. Su organismo absorbió el compuesto a través de su piel y a a los 40 minutos experimentó el primer viaje de LSD de un ser vivo en la historia .

Días después, para asegurarse de qué había sido el causante de ese estado alterado, se fue al laboratorio y probó e inhaló dosis seguras de todas las sustancias con las que había estado trabajando. Al final, probó 0.17mg de LSD considerándola una dosis prudente (tomando reference to other similar substances). The truth is that LSD is one of the most potent drugs known to science is active from 0.01 mg (compared to 0.17 that took Hofmann), so the hapless Albert took a trip to pee and do not take drop. Barely able to speak or think clearly, she began experiencing sudden changes in perception (disturbing distortion of senses, optical illusions, a sense of being outside the body, etc .).... ultimately had to be escorted home by his assistant.

Hofmann feared by both his life and his sanity in a confusing 8 hours, until the effects were subsiding and gave way to a state of deep reflection. There began interesting history of LSD, which has been used as therapeutic as a cult (even once had its own church), for fun, and even as a possible agent chemical warfare (what better to win a drug war that your opponent?), until it was finally banned and merely hypocritical much scientific study of this substance, which could have become one of the most revolutionary drug in modern history (effectively relieves pain while maintaining consciousness is very useful for certain psychiatric therapies, Some psychologists used to cure addictions and lots of other uses that science did not have time to find out) ... Bibliography

: Pharmacoteon Jonathan Ott

Friday, May 25, 2007

How To Look Thinner In A Mini Dress

is a market force invincible .... Music for LSA

" Hey Hey just do not know what to say, right?" In this neighborhood? "What the fuck is that?

Look, now, in our great nation, a hundred thousand whites in Uptown through the slums are asking every black they see: "Do you have drugs? Where can I buy? ". Think of the effect it has on the minds of blacks in its possibilities, is ... God, I assure you that if it takes a hundred thousand blacks to their neighborhood, the bloody Indian Hill and ask each target they see: "Do you have drugs? Where I can buy? "Would only take a day to sell all, their friends, their sons, their wives ... is a market force invincible. With a 300% profit, you go out and win 500 bucks in two hours, the rest of the day are free, y. .. Excuse me, are you going to tell me that whites continue studying law?
"Seth Abrahms

(Topher Grace) - Traffic (2000) -

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Does Heater Cause Sinus Infection

here I put the CD that I got to listen to LSA, was a incredible feeling and I share with you two (you and my dog, the only ones who read this blog) these little gems of hearing, is as varied as possible (yes, blink 182 with Nirvana or Bob Marley, has any problem?) . The Soundtrack putting are the soundtrack to Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (both original tracks or songs with bits of dialogue from the movie at first).

1. Soundtrack - Drug Score (Pt. 1 - Acid Spill)
2. Jefferson Airplane - White Rabbit (Soundtrack)
3. Zwan - Number of the Beast
4. Jonnhy Nash - I Can See Clearly Now
5. Neil Young - Expecting to Fly (Soundtrack)
6. Koot - Sunshine At Last
7. Dire Straits - Sultan Swing
8. Blink 182 - I Miss You
9. The Who - The Seeker
10. Gary Glitter - Rock & Roll
11. Gary Jules - Mad World
12. Lynard Skynard - Sweet Home Alabama
13. Queen - Under Pressure
14. Nirvana - The Man Who Sold The World
15. Red Hot Chili Peppers - Californication
16. Bob Marley - Redemption Song
17. Concierto de Aranjuez (con Paco de Lucia)

Destaco la de "Expecting to Fly "for being the most excited I have the dialogue and I like Fear and Loathing at first, dialogue and put it on this blog translated into English. The song goes:" All Those pathetically eager acid freaks Who Thought They Could buy Peace and Understanding for three bucks a hit. But Their loss and failure is ours, too. What Leary WAS Took him down with the central illusion of a whole life-style That I Help to create ... a generation of permanent cripples, failed seekers, Who Never Understood the essential old-mystic fallacy of the Acid Culture: the desperate Assumption That somebody, or at least Some force, is tending That Light at the end of the tunnel ... "with the unmistakable voice Deep Jonnhy.

not forget the legendary White Rabbit or tremendous Concierto de Aranjuez. Although for me that night were all perfect.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Step To Step Guide Of How To Wank

No drugs good and bad ...

this card can only be described with an adjective: impressive. I have seldom seen so well expressed what I have always defended and a renowned essayist (and an expert on drugs) in a newspaper of national circulation, almost unthinkable today. Imperative to change the chip into society, filled to the bars of addicts, not only physically but also socially, drugs (whether legal or illegal) and big business or big crooks taking advantage of it. A text to reflect:


No drugs good and bad, but uses
wise or foolish of them.


truly understand and share the feeling of helplessness that drives him to form groups to protest and demonstrate in the streets demanding solutions to an issue that gets worse every day. That is why I propose to stop a moment to reflect, as they do not know a thing just by getting it in our flesh, but when understand where we are born.

You, the official propaganda has said there is, first, The Drugs and moreover the pharmacy medicines and other products sold in grocery stores and tobacconists. Some lead to death, others to life and the third are something different.
I venture to suggest that such ideas are only beginning to seem real when we decided to believe them. The heroin , symbolizing evil today, serves as a perfect example. It is an opiate, and opium was used as a blessing from God for all physicians to 4,000 years just a few.

Its derivatives are, of course, drugs of delicate handling. Note, however, that while laws were not produced a single case of accidental overdose, while now unintentionally kill hundreds of young people each year and also note that while things were decent, pure and cheap consumers were elderly. Launched by the house while Bayer aspirin, his other great discovery, recommended to heroin to calm nerves and cough of children.
would like him to see, madam, that if the substance is evil today is because some sell profitably hell to others, but also because in some measure the evil declare ourselves, we do not know life without a Satan or another and are at neutral sites such as chemistry. The tragedy occurred when one of our children, in the most difficult age, when his character has not been formed yet, choose to believe the fantasies of their parents.

Why believe it? Note that not only has the fascination of the forbidden, but a sad but undeniable advantage. Get the status of demonic (hung) relieves them of that learning to sacrifice and to collect for others it marks the beginning of maturity, release them to take responsibility for their own acts. Without realizing it, to accept that there is a substance that would cause devilishly good will offer our children an alibi and paper. Alibi for the lack of virtue and paper for lack of whereabouts.
there anything you know and constantly seems to be forgetting. Your child will cost 20,000 pesetas gram of a powder which, according to official statements have 5% of what they want, at most 10%. Could I have a husband or a son alcoholic if, for reasons of price and purity-only managed to drink a day or cognac anise which fits into a sewing thimble? When told he needed the money for the purchase or rental to get your thimble of liquor every day what would you say? And when I saw him die from drinking a centilitre that, what you would throw your fault or cognac anise in general?
Within their plight, lady, it's any consolation to think that heroin is some kind of evil that body to be engaged enough to look irresistible. His son, a poor unsuspecting, wanted to try anything else and from that moment became the victim justified to steal or kill, and certainly for parasite declared perpetual.

But the heroine, who almost always feel bad the first few times, addiction does not start before spending two weeks using a quarter of a gram per day (if you doubt, ask a competent physician.) And even then, the withdrawal reaction is no more uncomfortable than a mild flu for a couple of days. For addictions really need at least two months of daily use. Moreover, it is likely that your child does not really know the heroine, but a crude and debased form of morphine, reduced so badly that to rely on a physical level it would need almost four grams a day, and you know it does not take more than a quarter, when it comes to both, and I will add that if you take the amount required to become a true addict die immediately the effect of the substitute. Remove yourself the consequences. The efforts of the authorities to create something evil has resulted in the appearance of an army led by murderers, but recruited from frauds and deluded, that in exchange of stigma and cornstarch poisoning buy rat poison and irresponsibility. The current system imposes one and sell the other. While the police are demoralized, and while the state of affairs enriched to a growing group of people who live very well to defend, treat or suppress an evil invented by the ban, you, me and the other heads of family are the public you pay.

What to do?. As states continue to lie prefer, we can only defend the truth in this matter, as covered in ignorance and myths interested. The truth, madam, no drugs good and bad, wise and foolish, but uses the same (as with firearms, nuclear power and so many other things) that the judicious use is infinitely more likely when there is no black market that encourages banning all sorts of abuse. The truth is that it depends on the (alleged) heroin and the conditions imposed on his drug habit is a paid service abject abject life and death. The truth is that there were a thousand times less-addicted offenders when doctors were prescribing opioids. The truth is that to cure heroin addiction methadone to cure an alcoholic is like whiskey and gin and a lot of hypocrisy. The truth is that the remedy implemented is aggravating the disease offers new plans are more cartoons failed and old, as the recipe to increase the punishment, even applying the death-only makes the product more expensive, increasing the business and getting it sold for minors, only irresponsible criminal level.

Alibi Notice that serves not proposing subsidies and jobs to people simply by pleading heroin. These measures immediately stimulate many poor, unemployed and unhappy to have the means to declare such as the number of persons under the alibi and the irresponsible role of victims. You and I have the consolation of thinking that the issue is global. But the evil of many it will still be comfort to fools. Our protectors corrupt society in the name of public health, allowing waste to be sold at astronomical prices, creating guilds that feed Draculina to crooks and criminals and founding a caste police who protected under the category of informers, although private call them worms, about what to allow fishing. It is that scoundrel who now controls the market for all illegal drugs.
You'll see how the next election all parties will call vote with much promise, after supporting the courts recently in what becomes chronic the current state of affairs. Maybe I said I'd rather not know, that as it may depart from his mind. But I wonder if those who say he wanted to hear what defenders are not the real cause of their misfortunes.

Antonio Escohotado
El País, May 23, 1988, pg. 32